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Since 2017
Ownership verification & proven job/soft skills & character insights from ANY existing public profiles. Organisations struggle to determine trustworthy tenant, job or loan applicants. And marketplaces suffer churn, disengagement and loss of revenue due to untrusted new signups being unable to participate. Organisations can now risk profile their applicants/signups by examining their socially verified ratings from other relevant websites the applicant or signup already uses. For example: - Estate Agents can access Airbnb guest scores. - IT employers reduce 1000 applicants for a job to the top 10 ranked by verified Github, LinkedIn & Stackoverflow tech ratings. - Peer to Peer marketplaces avoid disengagement and churn instead increasing revenue by pre-seeding signups with trust ratings from verified ratings from websites relevant to their marketplace. We believe reputation belongs to an individual and enables trust to flow online to offline, and between online services, free from human biases. So we allow users to store their verified ratings on the blockchain where they, and only they, can grant others access. Request to view your Applicants' or Signups' online ratings today!




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