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Since 2014
Clear skin can be life-changing, but it's not easy to see a dermatologist. At Curology, we provide prescription medications custom-formulated for each patient's skin and shipped directly to their door. We tailor the entire Curology experience specifically for patients with acne and anti-aging concerns, allowing us to provide incredibly personalized, effective and affordable care at scale. We’ve assembled a committed team of dermatology providers and created a secure online platform, bringing professional acne care and prescription treatment to tens of thousands of people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to access or afford it. Curology helps people see tremendous, long-term improvements previously accessible only to a small percentage of the population. Our formulas are already on tens of thousands of sinks across the US. Our technology enables 1:1 chats with real dermatology providers and lets users to share their journeys with an engaged and growing community. Members can upload photos and track their progress over SMS, as well as browse and post digital postcards to share victories and encourage others. Curology is headquartered in the Embarcadero neighborhood of San Francisco




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