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Since 2007
Cignis provides an easy-to-use Digital Signage software solution. Cignis is currently launching [Cignage](, a Software-as-a-Service for Digital Signage. By focusing on new technology and ease-of-use, Cignage allows a much wider audience to utilize Digital Signage. Cignage is a very flexible system. Use the Cignage Multimedia client on a computer, operating system (Windows, XP/Vista, Max OS X, Linux from Q4 2008) and screen(s) of your choice. The clients will connect to the Cignage servers over the internet, allowing you to deploy content, schedule it and also monitor your clients remotely with great ease. Cignage can be used for screenbased advertising, information boards, menu-boards, infokiosks, bus/plane/train-schedules and much more. There is a basic version provided for free, and several monthly Premium-subscriptions, with increasing levels of functionality and services. This allows users to try it and also use it on a small scale for free, then upgrade to the level of functionality they desire at their own convenience.




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