For the past few months, the staff at the KICKICO Platform has been hard at work going through all of the project drafts many companies have already submitted to us. The response to the KICKICO platform is quite astounding as the number of drafts that have been submitted thus far is soon to reach 1000 projects! Soon four large ICOs will be launched on the platform.
Naturally, the KICKICO staff is working hard 24/7 to bring the best ideas forward paying great attention to the quality of each project as well as the qualifications of the people behind the project. We have increased our staffing dramatically. However, as new applications pour in daily, we understand that at some point even our expert staff here at KICKICO cannot physically check them all.
With this in mind, we have also gained valuable insight from the sad experiences of Kickstarter. Who, could not cope with the influx of projects to their platform resulting in many campaigns being stuck in “verification limbo” or campaigns that were complete scams allowed to continue forward to ICO phase. We also carefully analyzed the outcome of specific projects on this platform in which, some being a viable projects, were drowned in a mountain of garbage projects. Taking all of this into account and with much consideration, we are carefully considering utilizing a community voting system.
It is of utmost importance to the KICKICO Team that this voting system:
We have tried to see every angle of this process taking everything into account to create the best universal solution for the entire KICKICO platform. This project is still in the active development stage but will be revealed to the community very soon! We call it “Community Choice”. So, you can guess what it is all about just by the name.
Currently, this is how it works. Authors create campaigns on the KICKICO platform, describe them and then submit for moderation. Our moderators will manually review each campaign and pre-select the most promising ones. However, in the very near future, the manual review procedure immediately after campaign submission will be replaced with algorithms or primitive AI bots. Through the description input, these bots will determine content availability as well as non-normative vocabulary or prohibited content. Based on the bots’ algorithms, a determination is made to discard the submission or let it pass on to the community vote.
This is where the FUN begins! All community members registered on the KICKICO platform will have the opportunity to vote either “For” or “Against”. So, the community will decide which projects are worthy of the platform and which project should not be run and which campaigns need improvements and/or global changes before launch. The more “For” votes a project receives the higher it is rated by the community. So, EVERY Vote counts! The best, highest rated campaigns will have moderators to help with the launch of their ICO as well as make recommendations for finalization before launch.
Now, as mentioned earlier, voting is either “For” or “Against”. So, the most popular campaigns will be listed on the website main page and receive a “Green Light” for their launch while the remainder will be rated as to the number of “For” or “Against” votes they receive. Campaigns receiving many negative votes will be discarded and transferred back to “draft” status. We fully understand that our community members are very smart and that you understand quality vs scam. That is why we believe that you, the KICKICO Community, should be involved in keeping our community growing and healthy by voting out useless or scam campaigns yet keeping the ones that fully support our KICKONOMY.
We are all human. And, in our human reality not many things are all black and white, “For” or “Against”. One may like a project but not like certain aspects of it. We have a solution for this too. The “Minus” is not really a “For” or “Against” but a chance for voters to offer Feedback to the author of a project. A “Minus” vote plus Feedback is a signal to the author that the project may not be positioned properly and that the chances for success are slim without improvements. The Feedback response given by a voter must provide constructive suggestions for improvement. Feedback that is overtly negative or all inclusive such as “I dont’ like anything” or “Everything is terrible” will not be tolerated. When casting a “Minus” vote, please be thoughtful and respectful with your suggestions. (Authors, this is a great way for you to test your project before launch as well!) Remember, authors and team members put a lot of time, effort, and money into starting projects so be honest and helpful not just overly critical.
Speaking of critical, there are TROLLS every where! Yes, unfortunately, even on the KICKICO platform. However, to reduce a troll’s impact on the community we will have certain voting and feedback statistics made publically available. In addition to this public information, we have developed algorithms which silence the trolls over time. And, of course, our trusty moderators will always be on “Troll Patrol” looking out for these pesky creatures on a daily basis.
“Is it one membership, one vote, everyone has equal say in this new voting process,” you may ask. Initially, the answer is “yes”. However, as the KICKICO Platform quickly builds, the voting process will move to a weighted format based on the amount of KickCoins the voter holds in that voter’s verified wallet. Other things, such as activity on the platform and karma will be taken into account as well but the most weight will be attributed to the amount of KickCoins in the voter’s verified wallet. For example, a voter with 1 Million KickCoins will have more influence in a vote than a voter with only 1 KickCoin. Now, the voter with the
1 Million KickCoins will not have 1 Million times as much influence as the person with only
1 KickCoin but rather a scaled back, non-linear 3–10 times weighted influence.
The KICKICO Team has worked extremely hard to cover all aspects of the community voting. And, by making our community part of the decision making process on the platform this will allow our moderators to focus solely on those projects that are ready for lCO launch or very close to finalization. As a whole community, you will provide valuable insight to our moderators and authors concerning each and every project submitted. We want each member to actively vote and provide constructive feedback to make KICKICO healthy and successful.
Working together, it is much easier to weed out scam and deception, to connect directly with project authors through feedback, and catch mistakes that someone else may have missed. The community will also be helping those projects that need a bit of improvement as well because it does cost KickCoins to submit a project to moderators for ICO Launch approval. Authors need to have everything perfect before submitting so if you see a mistake or think something can be better don’t be shy and let them know. And, as more drafts are submitted, we will increase the demand for our KickCoins by focusing on those projects that are significant and useful, not only to the KICKICO community, but to Cryptospace as a whole. This will help ensure pure organic growth of our community. This new and exciting Community Choice feature is all set to go this October with 50 (Fifty) very well prepared drafts that are READY FOR YOUR VOTE!
If you have any questions that we didn’t address yet, we welcome you in our groups! Our tech support is active 24/7.
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