Originally posted on blog.agney.in
Carlo is a headful Node app framework for building desktop applications.
While these other frameworks, bring their own runtime into the equation, Carlo uses the Chrome instance already installed on a users computer.
Using webpack to bundle all your files makes it easier to use the developer ecosystem that the javascript community already provides. Like Babel, SCSS or ESLint.
You already know how to setup a normal webpack server.
Yes, Electrojet CLI provides a single command to setup a carlo project using webpack:
npm init electrojet <project-name> --template=carlo
Carlo has an API serveOrigin to listen to a particular web address as origin. You can use that with:
carlo.launch().then(async app => {
app.on('exit', () => process.exit());
app.serveOrigin('http://localhost:8080'); // Point to webpack url here
await app.load('index.html');
But then, you would soon find that your javascript bundle is not loading.
Carlo, currently on version 0.9, allows to serve origin contents only when they are from secure origins, which means if you try to setup a normal webpack server to serve the application you would end up with:
Blocked by the Client
in the console while serving the application.
Fortunately, if you are using webpack dev server, the solution to this is easy. Inside the configuration object for devServer provide:
devServer: {
http: true,
But this would pull up the nasty Your webpack is not secure screen for you, when you are not even running it on a webpage.
Luckily, Carlo provides an API to escape this dreaded screen. On launching the carlo server, you can provide args: ["--allow-insecure-localhost"], to avoid seeing the screen ever again.
args: ["--allow-insecure-localhost"],
You should have your server up and running now.
Check out Electrojet Carlo Default
Happy Coding!