Being the First Chapter of "The Mind of the Race"by@hgwells
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Being the First Chapter of "The Mind of the Race"

by H.G. Wells12mNovember 17th, 2022
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It was one of Boon’s peculiarities to maintain a legend about every one he knew, and to me it was his humour to ascribe a degree of moral earnestness that I admit only too sadly is altogether above my quality. Having himself invented this great project of a book upon the Mind of the Race which formed always at least the thread of the discourse when I was present, he next went some way towards foisting it upon me. He would talk to me about it in a tone of remonstrance, raise imaginary difficulties to propositions I was supposed to make and  superstitions I entertained, speak of it as “this book Bliss is going to write”; and at the utmost admit no more than collaboration. Possibly I contributed ideas; but I do not remember doing so now very distinctly. Possibly my influence was quasi-moral. The proposition itself fluctuated in his mind to suit this presentation and that, it had more steadfastness in mine. But if I was the anchorage he was the ship. At any rate we planned and discussed a book that Boon pretended that I was writing and that I believed him to be writing, in entire concealment from Miss Bathwick, about the collective mind of the whole human race.
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H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells


English novelist, journalist, sociologist, and historian best known for such science fiction novels as The Time Machine

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H.G. Wells@hgwells
English novelist, journalist, sociologist, and historian best known for such science fiction novels as The Time Machine



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