Being a Non-Technical Founder in Silicon Valleyby@pmm621
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Being a Non-Technical Founder in Silicon Valley

by Patrick Murray9mDecember 12th, 2017
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I moved back home to Pittsburgh, PA to figure out my next move in life. After a couple weeks of a too comfortable lifestyle I was ready to get on with life as soon as possible. I came back home to Pittsburgh for the month after 3 years of an entrepreneurial journey around the country. I was making a living and paying down my student loans with different entrepreneurial endeavors I started all over the United States. Having graduated from Penn State in May 2010, I was moving along on the student loans, but was ready for something bigger. I now knew how to turn companies profitable quick and make revenues above $1M a year, but I wanted something more long term. By happenstance I got a call from an old friend and I decided to take my entrepreneurial adventures to a new height and start a startup in Sunnyvale, CA while living in San Francisco. I flew out the next day with a suitcase full of clothes and quickly after moved into Crystal Tower Apartments in North Beach. I later found this apartment complex was home to many Y Combinator startups. There was a magazine titled “Billionaire” that was sitting around our mailroom for quite some time, and when I finally looked at the name I saw Drew Houston. I took the magazine. I later met my wife in this building too, so note, if moving to SF: Crystal Tower Apartments.

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Patrick Murray


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