We are agile! In most of our projects we are asked to develop User Interfaces in parallel to the back-end services and APIs. This gives us the challenge of Implement and Test the User Interfaces without the real and real-like data availability. Not only that, how about the APIs? Can it be faked such that,
For most of the projects where I less worry about the truthfulness of the data but, rest of it matters, I would like to use the combination of these:
Faker.js helps us building massive amount of Fake data in real quick time. Though the data is fake, you can still build the data with the required type, structure with which the User Interfaces can be tested early.
It has got various methods to provide data related to address, finance, commerce, date etc.
JSON Server helps us in getting a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than a minute! It is insanely true. The beauty of it is, it uses a JSON file as a data store which can be built easily with Faker.js.
As we have got a high level introductions to both Faker.js and JSON Server, let us see them coming together to solve the data and API prototype problem, faster.
Create a New Project
npm init
created.Install Dependencies
npm install faker --save
npm install json-server --save
Create a Database
We will be creating a database(db.json) using Faker.js.
at the root of the folder.const faker = require('faker');
let database = { users: []};
const threshold = 1000;
for (let i = 1; i<= threshold; i++) {
id: i,
name: faker.name.firstName() + " " + faker.name.lastName(),
job: faker.name.jobTitle(),
about: faker.lorem.paragraph(),
phone: faker.phone.phoneNumber(),
userName: faker.internet.userName(),
email: faker.internet.email(),
salary: "$" + faker.finance.amount() + "M",
// You can also use faker.image.people() for image
image: "https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/?user",
country: faker.address.country()
"generate": "node ./index.js > ./db.json",
npm run generate
Create the Server and API
add this, "server": "json-server --watch ./db.json"
npm run server
You will see the server running on the default port(3000). The API will be available @ localhost:3000/users
These are the API endpoints we'll be able to use via JSON REST API server:
We can use _page and _limit parameters to get paginated data as well. That is not all, there are options to search, sort, slice etc, without writing a single line of code. See here for more details.
Hope you enjoyed reading it. That's all for now.