As De Vac drew his sword from the heart of the Lady Maudby@edgarriceburroughs

As De Vac drew his sword from the heart of the Lady Maud

by Edgar Rice Burroughs8mMarch 16th, 2023
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As De Vac drew his sword from the heart of the Lady Maud, he winced, for, merciless though he was, he had shrunk from this cruel task. Too far he had gone, however, to back down now, and, had he left the Lady Maud alive, the whole of the palace guard and all the city of London would have been on his heels in ten minutes; there would have been no escape. The little Prince was now so terrified that he could but tremble and whimper in his fright. So fearful was he of the terrible De Vac that a threat of death easily stilled his tongue, and so the grim, old man led him to the boat hidden deep in the dense bushes.
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Edgar Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs


Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, known for his prolific output in the science fiction and fantasy genres.

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Edgar Rice Burroughs HackerNoon profile picture
Edgar Rice Burroughs@edgarriceburroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, known for his prolific output in the science fiction and fantasy genres.



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