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(1) Kota Chin, University of Tsukuba, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Japan;
(2) Keita Emura, Kanazawa University, Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Japan;
(3) Kazumasa Omote, University of Tsukuba National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Japan.
Proposed Anonymous Yet Accountable Contract Wallet System
In this paper, we proposed an anonymous yet accountable contract wallet system based on account abstraction and accountable ring signatures. The proposed system is implemented using Solidity for zkSync. Moreover, we discussed potential of the proposed system, e.g., medical information sharing and asset management. Since the current implementation results using Solidity show the required costs are expensive, our result here might be regarded as somewhat conceptual. However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous implementation result is known that confirms the cost to run an accountable ring signature scheme in Solidity to date, and we believe that our result can be seen as an important stepping stone to provide anonymity and accountability simultaneously in blockchain systems.
Investigating other applications of the proposed system will be left to future work. The underlying account ring signature scheme does not provide post-quantum security due to the discrete logarithm-based construction. Thus, it is difficult to accept the current construction as a platform to manage large amounts of assets due to the progress of quantum computing. Because a post-quantum accountable ring signature scheme has been proposed in [7], it would be interesting to employ the scheme, precisely, how to implement it using Solidity is left to future work.
Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank Dr. Miyako Ohkubo (NICT) for her invaluable comments and suggestions. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP21K11897 and JP22H03588.
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