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Software Engineer. +5 years of experience developing software. Full-Stack knowledge with a focus on web development.
Here we are analyzing the different types of pre-rendering a website and its combination with a CDN.
Every single page of a website is first built and then uploaded to a CDN. The best part of this is that, as the website is static, the user does not have to interact with the server. The CDN can directly return the static generated site, so the user gets a fast response.
The disadvantage is that every time you want to update the website you have to build the whole website again and upload it to the CDN. This costs money.
Pages are built on demand with Server Side Rendering. When a user requests a page the user has to wait until the page is built and returned from the server. Because of this, response time is slow.
Every visit to a page generates a build. In comparison to Static Site Generation where every page is always built, here only the pages that are visited are built. If no one visits a page, it is never built.
The disadvantage is that for every request we have to build the page.
In this case, the first visitor of a page requests the page to the CDN and the CDN requests it to the server which builds it and returns it back. But for the second visit, the CDN will already have the page in the cache and can directly return it without generating a new build.
The problem here is that every next visitor is going to receive the build that was generated for the first visitor. What happens if the page is stale? With max-age, we can control how long the page can be cached. When the page is stale, the CDN will request a new build on the next request after max-age
. Depending on the kind of the page we could set a different max-age
We can combine max-age
with s-maxage
. The CDN will cache a page using s-maxage
instead of max-age
if it is present. The user's browser will ignore s-maxage
. This can be very useful if we purge the website pages in the CDN when they are rebuilt.
As we don't have control over the user's browser, we should have a max-age
that is lower than the s-maxage
, otherwise, we could have an updated version of a page in the CDN that the user would never request because the user's browser had an older version which would be still valid according to max-age
For example, we could set a max-age
of one minute or one day and a s-maxage
of one year. This way the user would request the page to the CDN frequently and the CDN would never request a new build because according to s-maxage
the page would still be valid. We would update the cache on the CDN by purging the previous page and uploading the new one.
Initially, the whole website is built and uploaded to the CDN as with Static Site Generation. But here if a user requests a page the CDN will return the current cached page and it will also request to the server a new build of only that page. This way, the next user will get the new build and the CDN will again request a new one to the server.
Every user gets a fast response and only the pages that are requested are updated.
This is a technique used by Next.js, I recommend reading their documentation to get a better understanding of this.
stale-while-revalidate can be added to the cache-control
header. What does it do? If a request comes after max-age
the CDN returns a stale version of the page while the server is building a fresh one. stale-while-revalidate
specifies in seconds for how long can the stale version be returned.
The first time a user requests a page it will be generated in the server and uploaded to the CDN. If a new request comes before max-age
then the CDN will just return it. If a request comes after max-age
then the CDN will return the stale version but this time it will request the server a new fresh copy.
Every user that requests the page while it is being built will get the stale version.
If after max-age
a request comes and stale-while-revalidate
has also passed, then the CDN won't return a stale version and it will wait until a new version is generated in the server.
From the user's perspective, it is exactly the same as Incremental Static Site Regeneration. Only that here we don't have to build the whole website for the first deployment, the first visitor will trigger the build of the page that he's visiting.
Also published here.