#1 Publication focused exclusively on Interpolation, ie determining value from the existing values in a given data set.
(1) Irene Drelichman, member of CONICET, Argentina.
Abstract & Introduction
Notation and Preliminary Results
Proof of our main theorem
Applications to fractional Poincar´e inequalities
We characterize the real interpolation space between weighted L1 and W1,1 spaces on arbitrary bounded domains, when the weights are positive powers of the distance to the boundary multiplied by an A1 weight. As an application of this result we obtain weighted fractional Poincar´e inequalities with sharp dependence on the fractional parameter s (for s close to 1) and show that they are equivalent to a weighted Poincar´e inequality for the gradient.
In the forthcoming results we will make use of two well-known properties of weighted norms contained in the following lemma. We include a proof for the sake of completeness.
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