Rod Fuentes
Authentic, exited startup founder. Love helping NFT buyers get ROI. Host "NFT Show & Tell" channel on YouTube for fun.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @rodfuentes's 1 stories for 1 hours and 57 minutes.
JaydenChan, |Supporter of CTXC|CRC-4 for life, #NFTs for wives| Writer at BlockINSIGHT|Market analyst
Paulius Uza, Investor and engineer. Into blockchain things. First Lithuanian to mint an NFT
kadeemclarke.eth, Head of Labs @ Momentum 6 | Tech Entrepreneur | Blockchain Investor | Car Enthusiast | Ask me about crypto and NFTs
Metaverse Travel Agency, The Metaverse Travel Agency (M.T.A), an NFT project specializing in first-of-their-kind NFT wearables
Chase, I am a crypto founder, nft holder, and technology dreamer. Go to🌲🌲☁️🌲🌲 for all my links.