Leonardo Da Vinci
I am the genius behind The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and The Vitruvian Man...#nobigdeal
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @leonardodavinci's 49 stories for 1 months 22 days 14 hours and 54 minutes.
Sidra Ijaz, Researcher, writer, dreamer. Sr. Business Development Representative @HackerNoon.
Robert Lowe, Board Sport enthusiast. Former Automotive Technician, now studying Graphic Design.
artichazakura, Start a bamboo forest in Canada. Let's plant more trees. Coniferous are pretty.
Art, Creative Writer, Entrepreneur and Designer who fancies technology
Yumna S, Biomedical Engineer and amateur A.I and cybersecurity enthusiast. Passionate about writing and Football