Karol Horosin
Software Team Lead
Full stack engineer and manager. I write about startups, dev and cloud. Join free newsletter: horosin.com/newsletter
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @horosin's 26 stories for 3 months 18 hours and 59 minutes.
Work/ed For: Netacea, Intechnica
Shareholder at: Tesla, Apple
Evgeni Sautin, Explore the universe of tech... Launched from the planet Python and headed into the unknown 🚀
Grant Peach, Python Developer, XB1X/Switch Gamer, love computer history, Apple & The Internet. 🐍💻🎮🖥📱
Karan, | Software Engineer | Python | Javascript | Auto-Ml Enthusiast
Mohamed Fares Ben Ayed, Pythoneer, enthusiast about everything in python.
Elijah, A Python developer and creator of #1 most used Firefox theme.