Karol Horosin
Software Team Lead
Full stack engineer and manager. I write about startups, dev and cloud. Join free newsletter: horosin.com/newsletter
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @horosin's 26 stories for 2 months 29 days 10 hours and 12 minutes.
Work/ed For: Netacea, Intechnica
Shareholder at: Tesla, Apple
LogicRays Technologies, Empowering eCommerce, Web & App Development
Phong Nguyen, I love building modern web apps with React, Next.js, Remix, Netlify, Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, TypeScript...
Krisjanis Kallings, Tech lead, expert in Node.js, TypeScript, Redis & distributed systems. Building highly-scalable flight search systems
Loïc Poullain, Creator of FoalTS - Node.js framework ❤️ . Software Engineer at Indy (https://indy.fr 🇫🇷, https://freely.tax 🇺🇸).
Sena Aji, Self-taught full-stack engineer @jeniusconnect | React Native, Node.js, MongoDB, Next.js