Unit testing is a very important aspect of software development. It involves testing the smallest units of code (eg. functions or methods) and if written well, they act as a guard rail whenever your code violates its expected behavior.
In this article, we'll cover all the steps required to write unit tests for your node express API.
By the end of this article, you'd have an understanding of how unit tests work, how to write them, and how to be less lost finding the bugs.
Here's the overview of how the article is structured:
We'll be using a simple express API throughout this article to demonstrate unit testing. You can find the code on Github.
The API only provides five endpoints:
GET /health/sync
- returns 'OK' synchronouslyGET /health/async
- returns 'OK' asynchronouslyGET /item/:hash
- fetches an item from MongoDB with matching hash
valuePOST /item
- creates a new item in MongoDBPUT /item
- updates hash
value of the item in MongoDB
We are now ready to write some unit tests. We'll be using mocha and chai for our API. Mocha is open-source, can be combined with various assertion libraries, and has great community support. Moreover, it is used by Coursera, Asana, Intuit, and the like.
There are several components (or units) that we need to test in our API:
First off, we need to install mocha and chai:
npm install -D mocha chai
Done? Great! Time to create our first test ⚡.
Let's start by creating a test file. Here's what the current project structure looks like:
- src
-- controllers
---- item.controller.js
---- health.controller.js
-- models
---- item.model.js
-- routes
---- index.js
---- item.route.js
---- health.route.js
-- tests
---- health.spec.js
-- app.js
We'll be adding our tests inside the tests
folder. We have created a new file health.spec.js
inside the folder.
Let's start writing some basic tests for our /health
// health.spec.js contain a test for /sync endpoint
describe('Test /health', () => {
describe('Health check on /sync', () => {
it('health should be okay', () => {
const actualResult = healthCheckSync();
We use this outer-most describe block to group related test suites similar to how we've structured our application code.
You can also create nested describe blocks to contain your test suites. For example, here's how we will structure the tests for /health
- describe('Test /health')
-- describe('Test /health/sync')
-- describe('Test /health/async')
We will be adding a lot of unit tests for our express API and it is usually a good idea to split your unit tests across different files corresponding to different modules (or business logic).
It is helpful to write messages in test suites to showcase what your code does from the product's perspective instead of the application/software perspective.
This is the place where we actually write our test suites and check for assertions, return values, etc.
Now that we have our first test suite ready, we are all set. To run the test we've written, let's add the following line to the package.json
file inside the scripts
// Test script inside package.json file
"test": "mocha ./src/tests/*.spec.js"
This script will look for all the files inside the tests
folder and run them using mocha. So we just need to run the below command whenever we want to run our test suites:
// Run test suites
npm test
And here we have our first test suite passing 🎉!
If you want to run mocha in watch mode to trigger whenever tests change, you can have another test script in your package.json
file like this:
// Test script in watch mode
"test:watch": "mocha --watch ./src/tests/*.spec.js"
The tests we write are probably going to test async operations that happen across our express API. Let’s write a test for our /health/async
endpoint as well which is async in nature:
// health.spec.js test for all available endpoints
describe('Test /health', () => {
describe('Health check on /sync', () => {
it('health should be okay', () => {
const actualResult = healthCheckSync();
describe('Health check on /async', () => {
it('health should be okay', async () => {
const actualResult = await healthCheckAsync();
We get a lot of flexibility here because mocha supports multiple ways we can handle async operations in our test suites:
We sometimes need to run some setup/teardown code before/after each test suite. For example, we might need to connect to a database before each test suite and disconnect it right after.
In a describe block, you get access to the following hooks:
- runs before all the tests inside the describe block runs
- runs before each test inside the describe block runs
- runs after all the tests inside the describe block have run
- runs after each test inside the describe block has run
Let's take a look at the following example for clarity:
// before(Each) and after(Each) hooks
describe('Test /health', () => {
before('before', () => {
console.log('Ran before all the test suites');
after('after', () => {
console.log('Ran after all the test suites');
beforeEach('beforeEach', () => {
console.log('Ran before EACH test suite');
afterEach('afterEach', () => {
console.log('Ran after EACH test suite');
describe('Health check on /sync', () => {
it('health should be okay', () => {
const actualResult = healthCheckSync();
describe('Health check on /async', () => {
it('health should be okay', async () => {
const actualResult = await healthCheckAsync();
Running the above code gives the following output:
We can observe that:
When testing a function, the idea of unit testing is to only test that function and not the other stuff present in that function. So if a function involves a database call, we don’t actually want to make that database call when testing. Here's why:
We'll test our readItem
function to understand this better. But first, let's install the necessary dependencies by running the following command:
npm install -D rewire sinon sinon-chai
Now that we have our dependencies ready, let's look at the test suites for readItem
// Full test suite for GET /item endpoint
describe('Testing /item endpoint', () => {
let sampleItemVal;
let findOneStub;
beforeEach(() => {
sampleItemVal = {
name: 'sample item',
price: 10,
rating: '5',
hash: '123456891'
findOneStub = sandbox.stub(mongoose.Model, 'findOne').resolves(sampleItemVal);
afterEach(() => {
itemController = rewire('../controllers/item.controller');
describe('GET /', () => {
it('should return error when called without hash', async () => {
.then(() => {
throw new Error('⚠️ Unexpected success!');
.catch((err) => {
expect(err.message).to.equal('Invalid item id');
it('should succeed when called with hash', async () => {
.then((item) => {
.catch((err) => {
throw new Error('⚠️ Unexpected failure!');
Let's go through it step-by-step:
method of mongoose in the before
hook for /item
to the original one after each test suite (i,e., "it" block) runs.readItem
without hash.sampleItemVal
because we stubbed the findOne
As expected, tests pass seamlessly:
We have now successfully tested our readItem
function by stubbing out the findOne
method of mongoose. This is one of the extremely important concepts to understand when writing unit tests.
Test one unit at a time. Pay extreme care that your tests don't reach out for the production resources (for example, production database and API calls over the network).
There is a lot that we have covered starting from scratch. If you're following along, you would've started noticing how the same process can be replicated to test most of the things.
Let's try to replicate the same process to test our updateItem
// Update item hash controller
exports.updateItemHash = async function (hash) {
try {
if (!hash) {
throw new Error('Incomplete arguments');
let item = await Item.findOne({
item.hash = getUniqueHash(item);
return await item.save();
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
As you can see, there is a helper function we're using here called getUniqueHash
. And unfortunately, we can't access this function outside the module since it is not exported.
// Private helper function inside item controller
function getUniqueHash(item) {
if (!item) return null;
const currentHash = item.hash;
let newHash = nanoid(10);
while (newHash === currentHash) {
newHash = nanoid(10);
return newHash;
If you look at the documentation of the Sinon stub, you'll see that we cannot use the stub
in this case.
For it to work, we would need to use the rewire package. It is just like require
but comes with a setter and getter function to modify the behavior of private functions and variables in modules.
Let's see the test suite for updateItem
and understand how it works:
// --- skipping other imports & initializations for brevity ---
const rewire = require('rewire');
let itemController = rewire('../controllers/item.controller'); // <-- getter & setter attached
// Full test suite for PUT /item endpoint including initial boilerplate
describe('Testing /item endpoint', () => {
let sampleItemVal;
let findOneStub;
const sampleUniqueHash = '1234567891';
beforeEach(() => {
sampleItemVal = {
name: 'sample item',
price: 10,
rating: '5',
hash: sampleUniqueHash
findOneStub = sandbox.stub(mongoose.Model, 'findOne').resolves(sampleItemVal);
afterEach(() => {
itemController = rewire('../controllers/item.controller');
describe('PUT /', () => {
let getUniqueHashStub, saveStub, result, sampleUpdatedItemVal;
const sampleUpdatedHash = '9876543219';
beforeEach(async () => {
// forcefully restore sandbox to allow re-write of findOneStub
// Stub to mock getUniqueHash's Functionality
getUniqueHashStub = sandbox.stub().returns(sampleUpdatedHash);
sampleUpdatedItemVal = {
hash: sampleUpdatedHash
// save stub to return updated item
saveStub = sandbox.stub().returns(sampleUpdatedItemVal);
// make findOneStub return save() method in addition to sampleItemVal
findOneStub = sandbox.stub(mongoose.Model, 'findOne').resolves({
save: saveStub
// Use rewire to modify itemController's private method getUniqueHash
itemController.__set__('getUniqueHash', getUniqueHashStub);
it('should throw invalid argument error', () => {
.then(() => {
throw new Error('⚠️ Unexpected success!');
.catch((err) => {
expect(err.message).to.equal('Incomplete arguments');
it('should update item hash successfully', async () => {
result = await itemController.updateItemHash(sampleUniqueHash);
hash: sampleUniqueHash
Let's go through this step-by-step again:
so we have completely restored/reset the Sinon sandbox. This will allow us to write a new stub for findOne
function which will be invoked instead of the original private function inside itemController
which contains the save method in addition to the sample item value.updateItemHash
with an empty hash. It should throw an error.updateItemHash
with a valid hash. It should update the hash and return the updated item.
This lands us shiny green check marks ✅:
Keeping up the momentum, let's test our mongoose models in the next section ✴️.
We usually put some constraints on our models when we create schemas. This ensures that our data follows certain characteristics and is consistent. Here's our item schema:
// item.model.js file
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const itemSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
rating: {
type: String,
required: true
price: {
type: Number,
required: true
hash: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
minlength: 10,
maxlength: 10
module.exports = mongoose.model('Item', itemSchema);
Let's create a new file named model.spec.js
inside our tests
folder. We will add some basic checks for our model to make sure that our data respect those constraints:
// model.spec.js file
describe('Testing Item model', () => {
let sampleItemVal;
beforeEach(() => {
sampleItemVal = {
name: 'sample item',
price: 10,
rating: '5',
hash: 'hashGreaterThan10Chars'
it('it should throw an error due to missing fields', (done) => {
let item = new Item();
item.validate((err) => {
it('it should throw an error due to incorrect hash length', (done) => {
let item = new Item(sampleItemVal);
item.validate((err) => {
if (err) {
// this is expected, do not pass err to done()
} else {
const unexpectedSuccessError = new Error('⚠️ Unexpected success!');
it('it should create the item successfully with correct parameters', (done) => {
let item = new Item({
hash: '1234567891'
item.validate((err) => {
if (err) {
const unexpectedFailureError = new Error('⚠️ Unexpected failure!');
} else {
We have created three test suites to check for three things:
Tests pass successfully 🎉:
Finally, let's test our express app routes. We will create a new file named routes.spec.js
inside our tests
folder. But before we move on, here's what the final project structure looks like:
- src
-- controllers
---- item.controller.js
---- health.controller.js
-- models
---- item.model.js
-- routes
---- index.js
---- item.route.js
---- health.route.js
-- tests
---- health.spec.js
---- item.spec.js
---- model.spec.js
---- routes.spec.js
-- app.js
The next step would be to install supertest package from npm. It makes testing HTTP requests really easy and clean.
npm install -D supertest
Finished installing? Awesome!
Let's add some tests for our routes now:
// Test suites for /item endpoints
describe('Testing express app routes', () => {
afterEach(() => {
app = rewire('../app');
describe('Testing /item route', () => {
let sampleItemVal, hash;
beforeEach(() => {
hash = '1234567891';
sampleItemVal = {
name: 'sample item',
price: 10,
rating: '5',
sandbox.stub(itemController, 'readItem').resolves(sampleItemVal);
sandbox.stub(itemController, 'createItem').resolves(sampleItemVal);
sandbox.stub(itemController, 'updateItemHash').resolves(sampleItemVal);
it('GET /:hash should successfully return item', (done) => {
.end((err, response) => {
expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').to.equal('Item read successfully!');
.to.equal('sample item');
done(err); // err is null in success scenario
it('POST / should successfully create a new item', (done) => {
.end((err, response) => {
expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').to.equal('Item created successfully!');
.to.equal('sample item');
it('PUT / should successfully update hash for a given item', (done) => {
.end((err, response) => {
expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').to.equal('Item updated successfully!');
.to.equal('sample item');
It follows a similar structure to what we've been doing so far. Let’s take a look:
Before you run the tests, make sure to update your test script to include the --exit
// Test script in package.json file
"test": "mocha ./src/tests/*.spec.js --exit",
This makes sure your tests exit once finished.
There we go on our successful tests streak 🚀:
To test protected routes, simply pass the authentication headers or auth credentials when making the request. You can read more on supertest documentation.
Code coverage is the indication of the code percentage covered under tests. Now that we have finished writing them, it would be nice to see the code coverage of our unit tests.
Code coverage often affects developer confidence. But there is a catch. A 100% code coverage does not necessarily mean that your code is perfect.
Code coverage is just the percentage of code covered by the tests. It does not tell whether the tests cover all the scenarios.
Let's take one example.
We have a function named getUniqueHash
in our API:
// Generates a new unique hash for an existing item
function getUniqueHash(item) {
const currentHash = item.hash;
let newHash = nanoid(10);
while (newHash === currentHash) {
newHash = nanoid(10);
return newHash;
And here's one unit test:
describe('Test getUniqueHash'), () => {
it('should return a new hash', () => {
const item = {
hash: '1234567890',
const newHash = getUniqueHash(item);
This test technically covers the function getUniqueHash
but it doesn’t cover all the scenarios.
What if the length of the hash generated in the function changes to 100? What if it is null? How about a malicious script as a string? Test coverage won't be affected but the functionality will be, drastically.
The situation does not change even if we stub the nanoId result. The library can (mistakenly) choose to return a different output in the future. While we cannot control it, we can prepare for it with a unit test covering that scenario.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's add coverage to our app.
npm install -D nyc
Next, let's add the following script to the package.json
// coverage script in package.json file
"coverage": "nyc --reporter=text npm test"
And we're done! You can now run the coverage script with npm run coverage
and see the coverage report in the terminal.
Here's how it looks for our express API:
Test-driven development is a practice where unit tests for a feature are written before that feature is developed. Development happens progressively to fix each test case until all of them pass.
Here is a brief overview of how TDD works:
This is an agile way which makes the development strictly combined with tests and refactoring.
The obvious benefit of going with this approach is reliability and developer confidence. As the tests are written before implementing the feature, it makes sure that developed features cater to every test case.
One common argument against this approach is the speed of development which is highly affected because the development is now combined with testing. You can read more about test-driven development here if you're curious.
And that wraps up our unit testing endeavor! If you reached here, congrats! You are now equipped with the required knowledge to embark on your unit test journey.
We covered a lot of ground in this article. We talked about the benefits of unit testing, how can we integrate it into our Express.js API, and use stubs to mock external libraries and private functions. We also touched on the code coverage and test-driven development (TDD) programming paradigm.
Having said that, there are bound to be things that were not covered in this article. So I encourage you to use this as a starting point and explore further according to your requirements.
I hope you found this useful and actionable to implement in your Express.js API ✌.
Also published here.