Let's learn about Culture via these 82 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Whether it's in pocket variations (with work for example) or in the all encompassing 'life' culture refers to social behaviors and norms in human society.
Open up Twitter or any dev forum really, have a little scroll, and it will not take you long at all to find developers being unpleasant to each other.
It allows art museums to thrive amidst the uncertainty of a digital future by embracing the technology changing it.
It would be way easier for managers if they could only draw a flow chart explaining how code review works. The manager then would email all the peers, telling everyone should follow the new process.
Code monkeys are notoriously strong-willed, and can be particularly hard to break. Here, we’ll outline a few ways in which you can whip your code monkeys into shape.
First things first, don’t trust them as far as you can throw them. Code monkeys will go off on a lark at the first opportunity, not returning for days on end as you wonder what’s going on. Oftentimes, they’ll come back with some godawful interface for doing some obscure thing you don’t care about, something that has nothing to do with your bottom line.
The successful implementation of digital transformation in the enterprise depends largely on the willingness of the corporate culture to change.
Back at the dawn of the modern computing era, one Donald Knuth published a book titled "The Art of Computer Programming" that soon became a bible of software engineering and defined many generations of computer programmers to come. This book, which was intended as a compendium of computer algorithms, had also put forward a very important idea: software engineering is a form of art. At the time, that was the prevailing point of view.
Bugmen are what we get when a culture is infantilized and stripped of the very intellectual, philosophical and honourable fibre that once made it great.
When envisioning pop culture, depending on what generation you might be born into, the perceptions range from HAL 9000’s glowing Red Eye from 2001 to Ava from Ex-Machina. However, the most modern concept of pop culture comes hand in hand with artificial intelligence. To make the experience wholesome, we look at artificial intelligence or specifically, machine language and cryptography as sister fields to see the implications of the phenomena in modern-day culture as well as in the times to come.
Most people (bloggers and journalists included) don’t have the time or the dedication to dive deep into it or really think deeply about blockchain.
Are the technicalities of what continent the country is located in the end-all-and-be-all or do you take culture and genetic origins into account?
AI artist, Al Gahaku, will “paint” more in a second than an artist's lifetime but the depth of human to human experience is lost until AI becomes human.
The process of old movies remastering into digital 4K resolution is gaining momentum. And that’s quite obvious: people are full of day-fly action movies with repetitive scenarios. They want to rewatch golden era films they were growing up with: BladeRunner, Matrix, Star Wars.
And that’s really cool the modern world can give us this opportunity to enjoy our favorite films on the biggest screens and feel comfortable. 2K, 4K or even 8K - everything is possible.
Hint: Not As Much As You Think.
You have a talented team, and your teammates both embrace your vision and are helping you shape a matching culture. Congratulations as these are two big ‘wins’ that many investors will rank above opportunity size.
With crypto promising changes to both the world of finance and the global balance of power, it’s all the more important to ensure it's gender inclusive.
Just around 2012 is when I received a lesson of a lifetime, to appreciate culture differences and how very deep they can get.
Balinese cockfights and cryptocurrencies, can you think of two more unrelated topics? You’d be surprised then to discover that at closer inspection, looking beyond blockchains and metal spurs, the social dynamics taking place around cockfight rings can help us understand those around cryptocurrencies.
This past year has disrupted the tech and social media landscape. What does 2021 have in store? Here are 5 predictions including OnlyFans' new model and more.
Read this post to understand how Clubhouse is helping people manage isolation during the pandemic.
The Internet is full of people seeking and sharing useful information. Yet, news stories are subject to constant skepticism — the political views and motivations of legitimate news outlets are under constant scrutiny.
Last week I had a conversation with a couple of friends about the issues they've been facing at their startup. These friends, like many others, have been affected by CoViD-19 related business impact, as well as the Work From Home situation. As you can guess, the biggest issues have been around communication, specially when it involves some sort of negotiation about what product features to prioritise, and how much effort to put into the same.
Read this post for insight into how music mogul Snoop Dogg is mastering the metaverse with a vertically integrated music business.
Everyday for the past few months, I wake up at around 5.30 am to prepare for my long glorious walk around this valley, as the sun rises and my brain, too, slowly wakes up. Most of my podcast consumption is concentrated in this 2-hour window. So today, I would like to share my top 10 favorite podcasts with you, ranging from contemporary culture to comedy to politics.
Why do code reviews? How reviews help improve culture? In this article we'll summarize the lessons from a dozen of official company engineering blogs.
Today, if you stop and ask anyone working in a technology company, “What is the one thing that would help them change the world or make them grow faster than anyone else in their field?” The answer would be Data. Yes, data is everything. Because data can essentially change, cure, fix, and support just about any problem. Data is the truth behind everything from finding a cure for cancer to studying the shifting weather patterns.
In this slogging AMA, Pablo Román of Dreaming Spanish shows us a revolutionary way to learn and acquire languages. Join us to see how this method works.
Hiring for your startup's founding team, but struggling to recruit the best candidates? This guide will help you perfect your pitch and attract top talent!
Having non-productive fun with colleagues at work is a great way of relaxing during work and getting to know the team.
Bright CEOs belong in the past. Web3 is talent-centric and doesn't need a "charismatic leader" to become successful. Well, are we right, or are we right?
DeFi's culture is under attack. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the entire crypto industry have forgotten their roots. This is an ode to them and a look at their future.
One of the last questions asked in a DevOps interview is usually "so, what does DevOps mean to you?" I think this is a smart question, because DevOps is wildly misunderstood by the greater IT community. Some may answer that it's Continuous Integration and Releases, another may say it's having everything in Git, and the last might say that it's having tests available. All of these technical solutions do represent a key aspect of DevOps which is the tool chain, but it is the least important.
In situations where we change or update the tech stack, the team will be required to learn new languages, frameworks, databases, etc.
Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and Everstake Launch a Charity Initiative Save Ukrainian Culture to Protect World Heritage
Wondering how you can show employee appreciation? Here, you’ll discover six amazing gift ideas for your employee recognition program.
We inherit our environment with conditions set beyond control. Still, novel products and patterns emerge as new information flows.
The Stockholm syndrome is an emotional response that happens to some abuse and hostage victims when they have positive feelings toward an abuser or captor.
11/7/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
(Image by Génesis Gabriella from Pixabay)
Focusing on cultural transformation can bring big rewards, including an 85% net profit increase in just five years. But employees sometimes resist this change.
Can your company hire for both diversity and culture? Learn how to prioritize and balance both through talent intelligence and psychological data.
Signing the check
The good and the bad
Through teamwork and collaboration, you can make yourself replaceable. This ensures the project stays stable and has benefits for you and for the team.
It is safe to consider headphones a household item: mass produced, and almost every American has a pair. Headphones are so common nowadays, in fact, they are even included in the most new purchases of mobile devices. On average, Americans spend more than 32-hours weekly listening to music. This is roughly equivalent to a full-time job. Saying this, dissecting the history and future of headphones is relevant to almost everyone in the digital era.
There is a perception that science, technology, and the arts are separate vocations. The STEAM approach incorporates the arts and sciences.
Many times, the best problem solvers in an organization never get a chance to contribute their creativity, so a lot of potential goes undiscovered.
How likely are our customers to recommend our products to others? - a simple yet powerful tool customer service teams use to gauge and sense.
In the modern-day, intangible assets have assumed greater importance as far as modern companies are concerned. A brand is a powerful differentiator indeed. Branding education, however, has both positive and negative implications.
Digital dogma helps with tech adoption, identity, and making complex topics more accessible. But digital dogma can also be limiting -- especially within crypto.
To foster creative thinking in the workplace, there are many ways you can do so. These techniques create an environment that promotes and boosts creativity!
Working with people from other fields may help artists and thinkers contribute to the corporate world in useful ways that the current paradigm does not allow.
Ovarian Lottery, a thought experiment popularized by Warren Buffet stresses the importance of luck and the influence of when/where we are born in this world
The United States is not in the midst of a political war despite the true fight manifesting in the domain of politics. America is instead in a much larger and a more significant culture war. This issue is so multifaceted and dates back so long that it can’t be attributed to any one event.
NFT art isn't about art, but that's okay. Just because I can't wrap my head around spending hard-earned money on virtual bits doesn't mean anyone else can't.
Here are some of the best practices for developing an internal communication strategy that makes sense for your organization.
. By learning and implementing these experiential secrets from Japanese culture, you can take control of your life and make the most of every moment.
The digital transformation process of the business. The role of communication during the fundamental change. Agility as the locomotive of transformation.
Amazon's Working Backwards process is well documented across the internet. But why don't more companies use this for their innovation?
A universally applicable yet straightforward to understand tool can help you make sense of task priority. When you are swamped with work, ask this tool.
It's early on in a products lifecycle that it begins to require a global SRE presence. Once you have gained sufficient customer traction, and if your product warrants it, you need to provide them with around the clock availability support to complete the customer support jigsaw.
On Friday, I attended this webinar by Atlassian on Enterprise Agility and Innovation at Scale. The event highlighted how a bank of 160 years with processes embedded deeply into their core business is transforming itself. Through changing its leadership mindsets, teams formation, focus on customers, process improvements and usage of Agile tools, etc. It showcases how they embrace the concept of AGILE effectively and partially highlight their digital transformation journey.
Despite articles and studies claiming it dead, command and control remain in around nine out of ten organizations.
Job specs for DevOps engineer jobs often mention a vast variety of duties and responsibilities. Are they hiring for a single role or a whole team?
Japan is home to many things and is one of the longest-lasting civilizations in the world. There are many things the country has to offer.
Technology and cultural heritage can present a somewhat awkward partnership.
Learn how to create an automated workflow with n8n that gets international poems, translates them into one language, and sends a poem in Telegram every day.
In our fellowship channel, a couple of us shared some insights on how we celebrate the new year in our parts of the world.
In this article, we’ll explore how DevOps fits into a FinTech world. We’ll look at the approach you should take in developing your unique DevOps culture.
Curriculum resides in relationship with the concept of gender in complex and multifaceted ways. It explores the relationship between genders and demands that we look beyond gender as ‘sex-group differences’ to a deeper understanding of this notion as a cultural artefact.
Security is at odds with productivity and team cohesion. It doesn't have to be. There's a balance to strike that mitigates external and internal risk.
This is an interview of a medical professional in the US Military that wanted to tell her story of how she became a nurse.
I haven't worked from an office in about 4 months. The one time I stopped by at the end of March to pickup a testing device and a big monitor I met about 4 people out of ca. 70 in my department. The office is a ghost town, with tumbleweeds and all. We've all adjusted our lives significantly, we learned to cope as organization and as individuals. Now that we have somewhat adjusted and the memories of the before times are fading I think it's time to take inventory. How did we do? What did we learn? If we don't write it down now we won't remember.
Zuckerberg is in the news lately for his announcement about his plans to take his workforce remote.
Growing a happy, productive tech team (and one that sticks around longer than a year or two) is a balancing act. Because money isn’t always a sole motivator for employees, rising startups and big-name brands are reeling in candidates with value-driven company cultures and incentivizing perks, such as the freedom to work from home, readily available cold (or craft) brew on tap or, in the case of Dallas-based Southwest Airlines, unlimited flights.
[75. On June 5 2020, Ohanian Resigned From Reddit’s Board, Asking To
Be Replaced By A Black Candidate](https://hackernoon.com/on-june-5-2020-ohanian-resigned-from-reddits-board-asking-to-be-replaced-by-a-black-candidate-aga3u5h)
What Alexis Ohanian should have done.
Company Culture: Future-Proofing Your Startup Venture
Having good Trust, Accountability, and Culture is like having a good immune system for your body - less of a need to visit a doctor AKA Security Professional.
We should promote and make basic cyber hygiene the norm for cybersecurity. Keeping good cyber hygiene is the best measure to help stay safe online.
Jennifer Wong is the Founder of a UX design boot camp called Product Design Fam and the CEO of Empathie, an app dedicated to empowering racial minorities.
Federico Toledo, wraps up season three of Quality Sense with an illuminating interview with a leader in the DEI space.
Amy Tom, Linh Dao Smooke, and Kien Dao have a thoughtful conversation about LGBTQ+ culture in the tech industry and intersect discrimination in the workplace.
If we wish to communicate effectively, we must understand how culture affects communication. Here's a communication design to avoid conflicts and uncertainty.
Thank you for checking out the 82 most read stories about Culture on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.