If you’re new in IT or want to open this niche for yourself, you’ve probably faced the question: “From what to start?”. Indeed, nowadays, there are plenty of programming languages to learn. You can choose from the most popular like Java and Python or the less known but still required in IT. Some of them are complicated and have a lot of nuances, while others are simple.
Of course, for beginners, the best option is to choose a simple and known language as C#. You’ll face fewer problems finding information, tutorials, and mentor for learning this one.
Let’s review in detail what C# is and the main tips in learning and practicing it.
C# is one of the easiest programming languages today. That’s why it’s the perfect option to start with. But what is
It has been created by Microsoft and released in 2002. Now the last version of C# 10.0 is on the list of most popular languages.
This object-oriented programming language belongs to the C family and has many simultaneous features with C++ and Java. That’s why it’s easy to switch from C# to other languages and vice versa.
The main reasons to choose C# for starters in IT are:
So, with C# you can easily create various software: from web scraping apps to video games.
Though C# is an easy programming language, it requires proper preparation for its learning. The first thing you need to know is that you will have to execute multiple actions. So, if your laptop is slow and doesn’t perform well, it’s better to change it. Otherwise, your learning and further work won’t be productive.
Of course, there is no need to take the most advanced PC. Just choose the one which works well, has a normal speed, and is comfortable for you.
Regarding software, you won’t need many programs. For writing a code, you can use any of the text editors for
If you want to learn the programming language quickly and with no problems, you need to define how you will do it. There are multiple options:
All these methods work if you choose the proper support and resources. Let’s review in detail what you should pay attention to.
Instructor or certification course. C# is an easy language, so your teacher (as a separate instructor or worker of a programing school) should be capable of explaining it without complications and unneeded details. And for sure, you don’t have to know the connections with other programming languages at the very beginning. So, before starting, look through the studying program carefully.
Tutorials and guides. There are plenty of them on the Internet. Though, it could be hard to define what is__high-quality content__ and which isn’t. Pay attention to the course components, their complicity, and the availability of examples. You may ask your instructor for advice or review feedback.
Here are the 10 of the most known tutorials, which can give you the necessary information for the beginning:
Once you have finalized organizational points, let’s move to code creation. Here you should know a few best practices, which will help you. One of them concerns the naming of variables.
When you write a message to your friend, you usually use words, phrases, and smiles he understands. The same is with code creation. You should write code, which is clear and understandable for any other software developer. So, keep in mind the following best practices:
Though the creation of meaningful names of variables will take some time, especially for the beginner, it will simplify your work in the future.
This advice may also seem time-consuming. However, it has the same benefits as the previous one.
Not everyone can understand your methods, especially if they become complex. Even you can forget sometimes everything you use in your codes or the purpose of each component. So add some notes, which explain to other software engineers details.
If you work with Visual Studio, it will be simple to comment. Besides, your notes will be visible in similar methods to the one you’ve commented on.
You have probably heard that formatting is a crucial part of programming code. And it’s really is. You should pay attention to it and be strict with yourself regarding this point.
Of course, it seems boring and completely uninteresting work. However, not doing it, you’ll receive the wrong outcome. Let’s review an example.
If you add “$” to your string, you’ll get a desirable value (e.g., the actual name of the user). But if not, you’ll receive the function as it is - {name}. So, this will be a mistake in your code, and you’ll need to rework it.
However, sometimes because of incorrect formatting, the major function of your app may not work. And this is already the problem for you as a developer: you’ll need to find the error and fix it. From a long-term perspective, constant mistakes bring you a bad image in your niche. That’s why you need to work on correct code creation and formatting from the very beginning.**
For sure, you can write a new code by yourself every time you’re creating software. And, you even need to do it while you’re studying. At this stage, it will help you understand the essence of programming and the C# language. You’ll be able to figure out how the code should be constructed and find the errors in the future.
However, there is no necessity to write the code from the beginning when you’ve already caught this point. It’s a routine activity, which takes a lot of time and is non-value-added. Use codes previously created by you or the templates. It will make your work much easier.
Don’t be afraid that all your programs or apps will be the same. Except for different
For instance, if you’ve created an app for a
One more time-consuming thing you would like to skip is errors analysis. That’s why lots of developers, even professional ones, use errors blocker and don’t handle them.
However, we all understand that unreviewed mistakes won’t disappear. They may inhibit the work of your software, and it will take a lot of time to find where the problem is. Besides, you can repeat them in further codes, especially if you write similar programs for one niche, like__procurement__, shopping, or
That’s why learn to analyze your errors from the beginning, and you will do it quickly and almost automatically with practice. Besides, it will definitely save time in the long term perspective and will help to produce good apps.
So, here they are, the main tips for beginners in C#. I don’t promise you that with these pieces of advice you’ll learn the programming language easily or will become the best developer in the world. This stuff depends only on you.
However, I hope it will be easier for you to step up to the IT niche and start with programming.
Looking forward to your fantastic software and applications!