Let's learn about Code Review via these 63 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
It's 2020 and there are plenty of tools to help you develop better code. The emergence of DevOps tools and the rise of Artificial Intelligence open up opportunities to automate many aspects of the code review process. In this article, we explain why you should automate your code reviews (even if you develop solo), what are the limitations of these tools and what comes ahead!
Code reviews are an essential part of the software development process. In this article, we'll discuss 10 best practices for conducting effective code reviews,
The article compares coding to building a castle with Legos and emphasizes the importance of following best practices to avoid mistakes and build a sturdy code.
Are terminologies meaningful in software development? Yes, a lot! As developers, we’re continually writing code, and we do that by passing messages. Each message carries a lot of context and semantics. Therefore we’re always evolving how to do it in a better way.
Proof-of-Concept for understanding and exploiting CVE-2022–32511 to gain Remote Code Execution.
In this article, I’d like to share my opinion on how to write good commit messages that would make your git log useful and improve your code review process.
It would be way easier for managers if they could only draw a flow chart explaining how code review works. The manager then would email all the peers, telling everyone should follow the new process.
The story of Softagram is a long one and has many twists. Everything started in a small company long time ago, from the area of static analysis tools development. After many phases, Softagram is focusing on helping developers to get visual feedback on the code change: how is the software design evolving in the pull request under review.
Author Robert Collier said that "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out." That's especially true when it comes to security.
Code review is one of the most important practices engineers should have. Learn what we think are the most important principles in good code reviews.
An ex-tech lead's guide to create a healthy code review culture that helps you ship your code faster.
After more than a year of helping developers review code, I try to summarize easy and quick takeaways for a better pull request design.
A code review is a helpful tool for teams to improve code quality. Yet, there are many other benefits to reviewing code.
Why do you really need a code review and how to do it right?
Code review is an essential step needed for effective software development.
Given head, the head of a linked list, determine if the linked list has a cycle in it.
All software companies must take an intentional and structured approach to code reviews. Here are some tips on how to do that.
Code reviews can be painful. But, there are plenty of ways we can make the process a better experience for both the code author and the code reviewer.
A review of tools and techniques to examine and modify executable.
In this article, we’ll consider five tools and integrations that can significantly improve your code review experience on GitHub.
What’s the difference between a negative experience and a constructive review?
Just like quality assurance is done in manufacturing, testing code quality is also done in software development. While developing software or if you're inspecting code written by your team, you need to make sure you verify its quality at every level of development before it gets more complex. In the world of software, the phrase code quality can be interpreted in different ways by different industries and teams.
Do you want to ensure that working with your repo is a constant source of frustration for your fellow developers? Read on for some awful tips.
I am reviewing a practice we’re all aware of: code review.
By making it simple to visually review changes, PR review apps make it more likely that code reviewers will actually do so.
Nobody leaving comments on your code reviews? Try out these 3 tips on getting eye balls on your pull requests
Software engineers need to do code reviews in order to improve overall product quality and learn from each other. Code review process has a set of best practices like any other complex processes. Check best practices below. Do you follow them on your current project?
The classic code review process contains several severe flaws and should be redesigned. The story depicts how to do so.
Debugging is a means to tackle problems but what if it is possible to solve debugging itself?
.NET developers can evaluate and visualize the codebase using the robust static analysis tool NDepend. It aids programmers in understanding the quality and main
At SourceLevel, we're in a privileged spot to gather some data on how software engineering teams are dealing with COVID-19, home office, social distancing, and so on.
Have you switched to remote work in the past couple of weeks/days? Well, chances are high you have, or you will. I want to share my words of caution and tips to make pandemic remote work better.
Code reviews are a type of software quality assurance activity that involves evaluations of code in order to identify bugs, improve code quality, and...
The concept is simple: due to a lack of resources, people sometimes do not address a problem correctly when shipping a new feature or fixing a bug. This debt must be repaid (e.g. the problem needs to be addressed correctly) or the debt will accumulate and impact the software development in the future.
The answers to every what, why, when, and how about Static Code Analysis in JavaScript. Information about in-depth scanning, guard rails, and more.
Onboard new developers take time, so you need to set up an efficient process to boost their appropriation of your technical culture and your best practices
In this guide, you will learn why it is important to write code comments, what are different code comment types, and the 4 best practices.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your pull request checklists could be dynamic and only show relevant reminders? With CodeSee Code Automation, we can enforce best practic
With the insight that big code is big data, Sourcegraph uses the power of knowledge graphs to help developers search and understand any codebase in the world.
Code review is an integral part of any software development process. Here are a couple of rules for making great code review.
In the post pandemic screen-sharing workspace, is it time for pair programming to get another shot?
Considering today's cyber threat landscape, it is undeniable to say that the internet-facing applications are at major risk due to rapid increase in vulnerability exploits and ways to penetrate applications leveraging the hidden weaknesses in them.
Ever wondered why it takes nearly a month to ship out a few lines of code change to the star and reliable customers of your company? When the changes made are formally aligned with the product, marketing and application managers, what stops it from being shipped immediately? Why do managers quote timelines for a maintenance release that seems so "unrealistic" to you? These were the thoughts that were going through my mind during my first few months of writing production-quality code.
When I started programming, Code Review wasn’t part of my routine. First, like everyone, I learned how to print Hello World in the programming language that was studying. Then, what is an if, while, for, and other essential structures. Sometime later, I was coding.
Primitive obsession is a code smell in which primitive data types are used excessively to represent your data models.
Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, have revolutionized the way we do programming. Through them, we’re able to get two applications to communicate with each other without any need to intervene manually.
The benefits of peer-to-peer reviews accrue to both the organization and the individuals.
TODOs are a tricky subject for developers. Many codebases are guilty of having TODOs linger around while nobody knows who’s responsible for a TODO or even has the required context to tackle it. Yet, should we feel ashamed for our lingering TODOs?
A code review checklist, as well as clear rules and guidelines around code reviews, can make your code review practice so much more beneficial to your team and significantly speed-up code reviews.
An incident postmortem is a meeting that brings together all of the people that were directly or indirectly involved in a project to discuss and document it.
Code review is not a battlefield, the reviewer is not an opponent of the author. Both of them are aligned on the same goals.
7 most innovative AI (and especially ChatGPT) powered low-code code tools.
Code Reviews in a remote-driven world yield a better software design and solution. Find out why that is the case in this latest article by John Vester.
If you work in a team opening a Pull Request (or Merge Request) looks appropriate. It’s a common practice nowadays. However, have you ever thought about opening a Pull/Merge Request when working by yourself?
Tech lead, team lead, software architects, and engineering managers — as any developer already knows, naming is hard. Throughout the industry, those roles are as fuzzy as their responsibilities.
Read an article on how to use the GitHub Actions Evrone wrote to run rubocop, brakeman, reek, fasterer, hadolint, and dotenv-linter linters on your project.
Our short-term strategy involved developing an in-house Canary deployment process powered by a custom Kubernetes controller.
Is there a way that we can use review apps and still ensure we’re not paying for resources we don’t need?
A CODE REVIEW is a part of the development process in which a developer and their colleagues work together and look for bugs within some code that may be ready for release. At such a moment, you can be either the code developer or one of the reviewers.
Why do code reviews? How reviews help improve culture? In this article we'll summarize the lessons from a dozen of official company engineering blogs.
“Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators...” - Github
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