“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” ― Martin Fowler
This article explains how to remove commits from a remote server in Git.
Linked List in Binary Tree
Invaluable pointers about repositories on GitHub that offer immense value to developers that are at the early stages of their journey.
Skip the Linux certs and go with AWS/Azure/Google certification instead. These days, pretty much every cloud provider has their own version of Linux.
Git branching naming conventions support the organic growth of a codebase in a systematic way. It helps in separating the work strategically.
Hack Reactor was created in late 2012 by DevBootcamp grads. I’ll review the curriculum of the bootcamp and the reality graduates are facing.
In Ruby read and write JSON file to hash can be achieved using File Handling.
Golang is a concurrent programming language. It has powerful features like Goroutines and Channels that can handle asynchronous tasks very well. Also, goroutines are not OS threads, and that's why you can spin up as many goroutines as you want without much overhead, it's stack size starts at 2KB only. So why async/await? Async/Await is a nice language feature that provides a simpler interface to asynchronous programming.
I am going to share with you some of the best courses to learn C++ online at your own time and place and free of cost.
In this blog, I am going to discuss how we can deploy react applications within a few minutes by using Firebase.
When it comes to the project and its realization, you should take into consideration lots of aspects. And the choice of the technology stack is one of the crucial things that can define how successful and smooth your project will be. Depending on the idea and requirements of your application, site or product, you may find and select a proper programming language (PL).
If you’re looking at ways to clean up our code, reduce complexity and improve functionality - these refactoring extensions will help you move faster.
Froala vs CKEditor: Which is the best WYSIWYG editor?
In many cases, custom metrics may be useful to make more ad-hoc configuration of autoscaling in AWS. For example, a custom metric can allow an autoscaling group to react more rapidly on spikes or to take into account the health state of hosts for concurrency based metrics. Let's see how to set up a custom metric and autoscaling policy for an autoscaling group with an application load balancer and target group using AWS Console.
Nowadays, Modals are one of the most used components in React Application, having an easy way to create React Modals will help you sheep Modals related features fast in your upcoming React Applications.
You might think a profession based on logic and learning would be immune to folklore, but the developer community remains rife with myth — myths so pervasive they begin to manifest into reality.
Sometimes the best way to learn how to code something is by looking at an example, so we’ve created a sample application on GitHub.
If you’re an enterprise architect, you’ve probably heard of and worked with a microservices architecture. And while you might have used REST as your service communications layer in the past, more and more projects are moving to an event-driven architecture. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of this popular architecture, some of the key design choices it entails, and common anti-patterns.
An easy approach to the hard leetcode problem Merge k Sorted Lists from that many people using Java Algorithms will need to learn in order to be effective.
Let's learn interesting Rust concepts like smart pointers and ownership with a classic data structure and algorithm together.
Four principles that differentiate ordinary computer programmers from hackers.
These are mistakes that I’ve made writing Go. Although these might not cause any sort of error but they can potentially affect the software.
Web apps that contain tables, charts, and graphs often include an option to export the data as a PDF. Have you ever wondered, as a user, what's going on under the hood when you click that button?
#include <bits/stdc++.h> is not a C++ standard header. Using it is bad coding practice. In this article the reasons why this header should be avoided are shared
The invention of SOLID principles began in the late 80s. Robert C. Martin started to develop these principles while arguing the principle of software design on USENET (an early kind of Facebook). After addition and subtraction, Robert C. Martin formulated the principles in the early 2000s. It was until 2004 that the principles were arranged and called SOLID principles. It is an acronym that stands for five specific design principles.
Why "CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot" error happens in a Redis Cluster, and how to solve it.
It's increasingly important for children to learn how to use technology and understand how it works – for everyday life and better careers.
This story has a list of VS Code Extensions that has great potential and will possibly do well in the coming year. If you use vs code you should read this.
How to use TypeScript's ambient module feature for cross-sharing micro-frontend imports using single-spa.
Or a small rant against Elixir.
Connecting a database to a Java application is not an easy process. You need to consider the connection pool, the data access layer, etc.
Image credit— Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding QuestionsHello all, I have been sharing a lot of coding interview questions for Programmers who are actively looking for Job, particularly for beginners and computer engineers who have just graduated and has no real job experience.
I can’t for the life of me think of an intro, so…
Hosting your own git server can be a fun learning experience used to understand the ins and outs of what goes into maintaining a codebase.
A regular expression - short regex - is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern.
A code review is a helpful tool for teams to improve code quality. Yet, there are many other benefits to reviewing code.
As a developer turned security person, I’ve learnt first-hand how important it is for all teams to work together, more than just DevSecOps.
The workflow for building machine learning models often ends at the evaluation stage: you have achieved an acceptable accuracy, and “ta-da! Mission Accomplished.”
Facial recognition-based authentication to verify a user in a web application is discussed in a beginner-friendly manner using FaceIO APIs.
Take a look at a functional programming paradigm in Go
How to Find the Product of All Elements in an Array Except Self? You must write an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and without using the division operation.
If you prefer to follow along via my YouTube video, you can watch it here!
How to use Redis PubSub in messenger apps
A stack is a data structure in which items are added and removed from the same point. It's kind of a one way storage system. Also known as LIFO data structure.
From dropping out of college at the young age of 20 to co-founding a deep-tech startup, the last 5 years have made for a convoluted and enlightening journey. All this while, coding has been a constant positive in my life.
Nowadays, the tools we use to browse the internet require us to follow security standards. Otherwise, they tend to flag our web applications/sites as insecure.
In this article, we are going to see what an API Gateway, BFFs, and how they are used for Client-Server communication in a Microservices architecture.
How to setup and configure StyleCop as a coding convention tool for .NET
How to set up a Flutter app and implement Google sign-in using Firebase.
The Pick utility Type lets us take types based off existing ones, by selecting specific elements from them. Let's look at how it works and when to use it.
Did you know that you can use hooks in class components?
OK, I'm lying, kind of. You can't use a hook directly in a class component, but you can use a hook in
Learning Go and Black Hat Go are some of the best Go programming books based on their review scores.
I recently wrote a slack bot that responds to action commands (like /ech yolo ) but I ran into some trouble finding exactly how to do this, so I’m documenting it here for other peeps to find. The exact error I hit was /echo failed with the error "dispatch_failed" .
HTML coding requires a specific skill set from developers for robust website development.Based on your requirement and project details, you can use any of the content management systems to get the things started. However, “if you are planning to start your website coding from scratch in HTML”, there are a few things you need to make sure before beginning to code.
Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this article I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms.
RabbitMQ is a message broker: it accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post office: when you put the mail that you want posting in a post box, you can be sure that Mr. or Ms. Mailperson will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. In this analogy, RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office and a postman.
react-cool-dimensions is a React hook that measure an element's size and handle responsive components with highly-performant way, using ResizeObserver. Try it you will ❤️ it!
A linked list of length n is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer, which could point to any node in the list, or null.
Watching other people code is the worst, most confusing, and most educational thing you can do.
I recall going to a four-round interview and being asked "What is the best line of code you've ever written?".
Swift combines decades of experience in building Apple platforms with the latest research in programming languages.
Very often we have use-cases where we would like to use a single type Union Type but still be sure about the properties inside them.
IronPDF is a .NET library for creating PDFs programatically. It's fast, simple, and easy to use.
A comprehensive Todo app with APIs and E2E tests with GitHub Actions enabled.
Over the next fifty years, your child will hear one consistent question throughout their working life, “Can you code?”
If you are testing the backend you need some tools, because you don't see what are you testing. Hoppscotch is a lightweight, web-based API development suite.
I just saw that Heroku created the ability to git push heroku from main instead of master. Since I've been wanting to change my Git repos away from master anyway, I thought I'd check it out myself. Luckily, it was extremely simple.
Why do computer science curriculums require you to learn more than one programming language? Here's the answer.
Scaffolding in Ruby on Rails refers to the auto-generation of a set of a model, views and a controller usually used for a single database table.
Let’s imagine this scenario: You are working on a Laravel application, and you found a bug either in the framework itself or in one of the third party libraries you are using. You edit the code inside your project, or maybe you installed a fresh copy of Laravel and library that has the issue, and you edited the code there. You saved the changes, but when you went to your terminal to commit the changes, GIT just ignored what you did. You start wondering “What’s happening here?”.
So, you're asked to test your application but have no idea how to begin. Or you read about TDD, RSpec, FactoryBot, Capybara, and maybe you didn't understand what they were meant for, or maybe when you tried to run them into your project nothing worked.
Coding patterns like Sliding Window or Two Heaps enhance our “ability to map a new problem to an already known problem.”
Spreadsheet libraries are in high demand today. Such solutions are convenient as they offer ready-made applications, save the developers' time and the owners' money. They can be used in any business domain to deal with big amounts of data.
Use this boiler plate template to design a call to action in any website using HTML and a little bit of CSS
As people who work in the tech industry, we often need to learn new technologies for our work. But how can you actually learn things fast?
As programmers, we spend a lot of our time sitting in a chair in front of the desk, and most of the times you can’t choose what chair you want or how high do you want the desk. All of these things, in most cases, lead to having a bad posture, and that’s a serious problem, even more, serious than most people think. So, in this article, I am going to help you correct and keep a good posture, while being a programmer.
From a technical marketer perspective, scraping and automation libraries are extremely important to learn. Here’s an introduction to two of the most widely used web scraping libraries in Node JS.
Now everything about coding is accessible for learning at home, yet many people still head off to schools to learn it. Software development is a colossal, complex subject, and has various complexities and nuances that an average person would be not capable comprehend with no assistance. In any case, with the help of world-class educators and graduate TAs who have a pleasant foundation, they make the learning procedure significantly less complex.
The day has finally come,... to spread awareness regarding a concept called Mutation Observer. Yes, you should know about this. Simple but still a game changer when it comes to controlling how your webpage interacts with a user.
Postwoman 👽 - API request builder
When working with embedded systems that depend on speed or have a minimal amount of memory, C is a perfect language of choice. This is a short paper about why you should learn C and the benefits of doing so.
When you are new to programming, you’re focused on making your code work—not on making it look pretty.
Install Deb-Multimedia Repositories on Debian and Kali Linux. In this tutorial I will share a little bit about how to install and use Deb-Multimedia repos in Debian distributions and their derivatives.
I have handpicked some awesome UI and UX projects that might give you some inspiration to create your own projects
Choosing the best stock market API can be difficult, here we breakdown the best 4 options in 2021
You don't need an expensive laptop to start learning to code. Here is how much money you'll need to spend on a computer for it to work properly.
In this article, I explain how I went from no coding experience to creating my first decentralized application on Ethereum.
Yes, you read that right. If you have been coding for a while and if Python is not the first programming language that you started with, then you definitely know what a Switch statement is, and appreciate how flawless it is, when you need to factor in multiple conditions/cases for a control flow.
The main challenge that recruiter's come across while hiring developers is to find qualified candidates. According to a study, it was estimated that 75% of all hiring-related decisions result in a mis-hire. Hence assessing a candidate's coding skills is an essential step in a technical recruiting process.
Well, the first thing that rushes to your mind when you think of recruitment is "RESUME". Can we just rely on those? The answer to that question is an absolute NO.
Minimalistic Data Structure Sketches
Teaching our youth to code means empowering future leaders and creators with the capacity to understand and respond to the demands of today and tomorrow.
So many modern web applications, both client-side and server-side, use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for authentication, and this is an excellent approach. However when things don't work, it can be tricky to work out why. This post aims to give you some tactics for understanding and correcting problems with JWTs. If you're just getting started, check out the documentation on working with JWTs and our APIs first.
High-quality code is critical to creating functional error and bug-free software that is easy to edit and understand. Let's look at how to measure code quality.
Let’s take a look at some of the best coding hacks to remember in the new year.
There is no programmer in the world who knows how to solve every coding problem. That person simply doesn’t exist, because the programming field is so big that to a normal person, it would take two lives to learn all of that, but we only have one life.
Building a Twitter bot using their API is one of the fundamental applications of the Twitter API. To build a Twitter bot with Nodejs, you’ll need to take these steps below before proceeding:
Writing and maintaining code is necessary because you want to make it easily understandable for people. So here are some of my tips on how you can write better code and maintain it.
As a newbie coder, using a text editor is preferable because when we use a text editor, we learn many things. On the other hand, an IDE makes it easy to code.
As we know dark websites use .onion for their domain extension.
There are two types of people. Ones are already working as programmers and there are others who just code in their free time. It doesn’t matter which group you fit in, but the thing that most people want is to make some extra money as programmers. So, in this article, I’ll show you a couple of ways to make money as a developer.
A guide on how to deploy Salesforce Vlocity components using Vlocity Build tool and integrate it with your CI/CD pipeline.
Design patterns are reusable solutions for common problems that occur during software development. Here are my 9 favorite design patterns for JavaScript
I faced a problem when I started learning programming. That problem was: I thought needed to have deep understanding in every field to do projects and make cool stuff. So I started learning coding seriously, but after a few week I lost my motivation, as it was not clear to me that how coding is going to help me make something that I'd like.
Sometimes we need to make multiple asynchronous requests and get the result when all requests have finished. We can do this with DispatchGroup and RxSwift.
I've been using Phaser 3 for a couple of months now, and I'm really enjoying it, but sometimes it makes shake my head 'why?' , only not in a 'bad way', making games is weird, js itself is weird, so it's only logical that Phaser, a game engine js-based... is weird. That's why I opted for the following way to address this review, I'm gonna be giving you something that I liked, next to why/how it was weird, in what's gonna be my attempt to look impartial. But first...
A lot of us have struggled with algorithms and data structures. When I began with programming at my University, the name of a subject that got my attention and got me motivated to find my life call was the Principles of programming. I started devoting a lot of time to figuring out how to solve professors' assignments. Now those algorithms are easy for me but then they were not, and I couldn’t pass the exam, I had the wrong approach in learning, you can not memorize them, you must practice and figure out what you need to do.
It's no secret that Angular is one of the most popular full-stack frameworks with component libraries accessible today.
Chances are you regularly use Notepad, Visual Studio, or Sublime to write code and edit text. Here's why you should use Emacs instead.
Scraping is extracting data from websites. In this article, I will show you how to scrape links from a test e-commerce site with Python 3.
There are times when one as a Ruby on Rails developer wants to implement a real-time feature, like a chat application, and after digging a bit you find a framework's feature named ActionCable, sounds new and scary, right? Fear not, I'll try to explain it as simple as possible so that at the end of this article you'll feel comfortable with the subject.
So , I recently completed a course on Coursera named “Kotlin for Java Developers” and therefore I feel I am the right person for one of the most hot trending question “Kotlin or Java”.
Coding is a universal language, a 21st-century survival skill everyone can learn. Today more than ever, coding is a base requirement in numerous careers.
First of all, what are all these words - Statically - Dynamically - Strongly - Weakly Typed Languages? This is how you can classify programming languages:
Javascript used to be, just a few years ago, one of the most disliked languages by the community, it's unnatural behavior was a common inspiration for jokes between developers. One of the main complaints was about the lack of a simple syntaxis to work with classes.
Getting started with the MDN documentation
If you are looking for the best online courses to learn Django, Flask, and Python web development, then you have come to the right place.
Coding practices to pick up when starting out as a software engineer at a startup
Choosing the best programming language to learn first can be overwhelming. We are reviewing popular languages and giving resources to learn them for FREE.
Simple Chat Room using Python
What are the books that shaped us as programmers?
This blog showcases 8 best YouTube channels for developers with tutorials, discussions & advice from experienced professionals.
Discover 7 AI tools that will save you so many hours.
When I started working in Go and AWS Lambda, one of the difficulties that I faced was unit testing. I had a decent idea about what is unit testing and knew how to do it in Ruby but in Go, I had no idea because I was a beginner.
Learn how to leverage embeddings to have an OpenAI chatbot, built with React and Node.js, respond correctly to specific contextual prompts.
The story is about how to create a NuGet package with a .editorconfig and import it to all the projects.
Low code can enhance the entire workflow and propel your IT teams' productivity by equipping them with the powerful tools for quick and smooth app creation.
Technical interviews used to be a challenge for me. I have a bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Telecommunications and a master’s degree in Computer Science.
What is Flutter?
Java 8 stream has made my programming life simpler as a software engineer. However there are a lot more that can be improved by incorporating the RXJava library. RXJava contains tons of functionalities to process streams or observables.
Python Social Auth is a great library to integrate 3rd party logins into your web application. It supports multiple frameworks and multiple 3rd party logins. It is also great because if a 3rd party isn't supported, it is pretty easy to add a new one.
Git became already a standard in software engineering. There is no need to talk about the importance of the version control system nowadays. Even more, it is hard to imagine any kind of project without it. Constant changes to the code and continuous release cycles require that.
We have given the benefits of Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text in this article. Compare both code editors based on some factors and choose the better option.
Through my studies I get exposed to a lot of programming. This is useful to solve technical problems, but I also like to think how the concepts can be applied to different domains and everyday life.
Just like the great majority of programming-related courses, I was introduced to programming with the object-oriented paradigm (OOP). Even though many languages are multi-paradigm, like Python, C++, JavaScript and Ruby, we still have OOP as the norm.
Bash is a language that is quite useful for automation no matter what language you write in. Bash can do so many powerful system level tasks. Even if you are on windows these days you are likely to come accross bash inside a cloud VM, Continuous Integration, or even inside of docker.
So you want to become a data scientist? You have heard so much about data science and want to know what all the hype is about? Well, you have come to the perfect place. The field of data science has evolved significantly in the past decade. Today there are multiple ways to jump into the field and become a data scientist. Not all of them need you to have a fancy degree either. So let’s get started!
Tailwindcss provides a modern spin on writing css. And unlike bootstrap, it allows us write css without predefined classes i.e we can create our own custom styles without external opinions on how things should look.
I had to quit DSA and CP within a month because of the overwhelming exhaustion, This blog discusses mistakes that I made while learning DSA and CP.
All images have different sizes. But most of the time we want to place an image and define dimensions by ourselves. By default, the whole image squeezed according to the given width and height. For instance, if you want to place an image with a width of 400px and a height of 500px the image will look like this:
Simply put, psychology defines our decisions (professional, personal) as being fear-based or love-based. We either choose something out of enjoyment, for making us feel good, rewarded (all under the umbrella of love) or out of insecurity, FOMO etc. (fear-based).
This post was originally published on Codementor.
Acquiring a new skill is good but knowing exactly which path to take in advance is best. For every decision taking to learn something new, there is always this “where” or “what” question. Where will I start, what should I do, where will I get material, what so ever be the case there is always a “where” or “what” question. Knowing exactly which path to take as a newbie in technology is almost impossible unless you follow a strict guide from a mentor or any other source. This article is more like a guide through the walk of a self-taught web developer.
Hola people!!! 🥑
This story is for the people who doesn't have any experience in IT industry, whether you are completely new to job market or have some experience in other fields yet want to start over a new career.
A client emailed me a while back and asked what advice I’d give to someone just starting out on their career.
From complex databases to self-driving cars, the usage area of C and C++ languages is surprisingly wide. Even today, with a myriad of new & robust programming tools, the two coding languages from 70s cannot be replaced. So what are the common applications of C & C++ today and why we still use them? Let’s find out in this article.
How Expo Is Fooling Everyone
Mmm… long story short, I wanted to learn how the heck node works. Read a lot of docs saying it’s asynchronous, it’s single-threaded, it’s all based on the event loop and whatnot. Basically, the words were scary I mean every guy says something huge using top-notch vocabulary and it just scared the shit out of me and my brain was like
Do people love infinite scrolling on the websites they visit or are theyfine with clicking on ‘Read more’ or ‘View more?’ Infinite scrolling eliminatesthe need for pagination which is the process of separating digital content into different pages. Here’s my view on infinite scrolling and why it is a recipe for disaster.
The algorithm how and when you should use cancellation tokens for tasks in c# to use cooperative cancellation when working on parallel computing projects.
How the MVC architecture is built, how the code is structured and it can benefit your work.
Everyone is saying that programming languages are similar, but just how similar? Does it mean that if you know one programming language you know all the others?
Hi Devs!
Using access modifiers is part of the daily job of any OOP developer but things are a bit complex in python, or maybe a bit simpler.
A lot of people are thinking about becoming programmers. Some, because they just like computers in general and think that coding should be a fun challenge for them, others maybe because they’ve heard that programmers have very high paying jobs. Either way, most people don’t know what are they going to work at a job as a programmer. Some think that it will be like in movies.
Welcome to the amazing world of JavaScript where we will learn about how to build amazing applications and create some awesome things along the way.
Recently I have introduced Directual on Hackernoon (see Low-code for hackers). Now I would like to continue with absolutely practical post. First, I will show the general scheme of combining Directual and React, and then you will find the live-demo of building an app from scratch to production-ready Docker-container.
I remember learning about lean manufacturing at Toyota in an early middle school business class, and was endlessly fascinated by the idea of minimizing waste and maximizing productivity through intentional design. Over time, lean methodology was adopted by several industries, outside of manufacturing, including software development.
Using GraphQL together with TypeScript can have huge advantages, as you can use your GraphQL schema to create TypeScript type definitions on the fly!
Having worked on a project for 6 months using GraphQL on the backend, I weigh up the technology’s fit into the development workflow
Tutorial hell is real and it is very common for newbie developers to fall into it. Check out these 9 steps to escape tutorial hell permanently.
In this, we share the complete guide for React Hooks. Here you read about useCallback and useMemo with their syntax. If you are learning React then this for you
The programming language Python is famous for quite many reasons. It is loved by enterprises, developers, researchers all over the world. Be it enterprise development, machine learning or anything else, Python has more than a few applications in the present-day world. It has not just been able to impress users with its flexibility, ease of understanding, uncomplicated implementation and abundance of libraries, but also its frameworks that developers are falling in love with instantly.
My day was going great, I was in a good mood after checking our newly updated MRR on Stripe. Then, I noticed an email from Google and my day took a turn.
Every programming problem involves some kind of algorithm. An algorithm, in this sense, is a process or set of steps to accomplish a certain tasks; or simply a step-by-step way to solve a problem. There are about 700 programming languages. (Seriously: Here's a list.) So, what to learn and why to learn it - that's what most people are stuck on. From my perspective, you can (and should) choose learn any language. Learning the basics of one on-demand programming language will do you no harm. But: you must select ONE language that becomes your magic spell, and you should always be ready to create something out of it. Learning varieties of languages and not being able to do anything really well is like a curse.
“If you don’t like unit testing your product, most likely your customers won’t like to test it either.” — Anonymous
Python, R, Lisp, Prolog, and Java are the best machine learning programming languages to learn in 2021.
I have been working for the different kinds of Node JS application from the last 4 years. For every project I tried to improve the performance and code quality. From that, I found a very interesting way to restart the typescript application so fast.
A quick guide to using name, tag, and docker for docker image pull.
While this anecdote is from my own experience, I firmly believe that most of us been in this situation before. One day, you decide to learn something new. Perhaps you want to learn how to code, so you pick the hottest language of the moment. It's a language that "pays the most", works like magic, and everyone is looking for people that know it.
When I was a newbie in Rails, the first couple of weeks I survived reading all the articles and understanding only like 30% of what I was doing. It was a lot of information, and one of the things that annoyed me the most was that when, after a lot of effort, I finally realized what I have to do, I have to look through all the readings and find the correct command that I need to write on my terminal (after all this time, now I can type them almost with closed eyes but at first it was incredibly tough).
Image by Devanath from Pixabay
This article will cover how to jump into Web3 development right without getting lost in the overabundance of the information.
I find the Monty Hall Problem one of the most fascinating brain teasers, because it seems deceivingly simple. When Marilyn Von Savant, the woman with the highest IQ, answered this brainteaser correctly in 1991, she was inundated with over 10,000 letters from academics and Ph.Ds criticizing her “error”, only to be proven later that she was correct.
For the past few years, Frontend developers have shown partiality towards React, with Vue.js and Angular tagging behind closely. Comparative interest in Vue has held back a bit due to the long-awaited and somewhat delayed Vue 3.0 release. Similarly, the interest in Angular has decreased due to the long delay in shipping Ivy (its frontend renderer).
You’ve probably seen somewhere someone saying coding vs scripting. When I first saw that, I thought that those two are the same things, but the more I learned I found out that there are some main differences between those two. So, what are those differences?
NLog: It is an open source logging framework that provides a great flexibility and configurable options to log the insights of your application. It allows to select multiple targets like database, cloud services, files, console, etc. at the same time so that user don’t have to maintain different configurations in code. This is the most widely used logging framework out there.
In my never-ending quest to find harmony between speed of doing things (development speed) and speed of the thing (performance), I came across a project in its incubation phases which had me thinking: “This could be the one language for me.”
It's an awesome feeling to see something you have built one year ago gaining popularity and new people use it every new day!
As I mentioned in a previous post, I will soon be re-visiting the Software Engineering track which I’ve studied in Lambda School last year. That means going through the entire Full-Stack Web curriculum again from start to finish. In order for me to really master what I will re-learn, I’ve decided to teach it to other people through a series of vlogs, blog posts, and podcast episodes. This series will be called, quite simply, “Lambda School Revisited”.
Are you going to be writing code anytime soon in assembly? Maybe not, as it has very niche use cases. So then why should you bother learning it? Well, before we answer that, let’s take a small look into what assembly even is to better understand how it could help you.
Stop using if statements unless absolutely necessary. Using if statement is a clunky way of writing code and should be avoided wherever possible.
Express.js framework provides inbuild APIs which are very useful to build fast and scalable applications efficiently with React.js.
Majority of software developers are aspired to be not only a competent professional but also a great one.
We’ve all seen the graveyard of abandoned projects folders. Desperately competing for attention but failing in the glow of a new adventure or app that will change the world. I use to do that all the time, now I finished 4 apps, and 2 other projects within the last year by applying the following steps.
I've been writing code for over three years. I have always asked myself about the good practices and how I could make my code more readable, understandable, easy to maintain and to be handled by other developers.
React Hooks are a new feature in React 16.8. They are a powerful way to write stateful components. All this power comes at a cost, however.
Setting up Arch Linux environment for coding.
The other day I was reading up on the legendary React God Dan Ambrov’s great but very un-TLDR post on useEffect.
In this article, I will share my main 22 most loved web tools that make your life as an engineer simpler.
I'd like to share some useful JavaScript stuff I have saved
A Minecraft color code is a combination of the section ‘§’ sign followed by a number (0–9) or an alphabet (a-f).This article will provide you with a full chart of all the Minecraft color codes.
Many of us know about includes, joins but sometimes we confuse about their usage. As I was experimenting with code refactoring in one of my projects, there I have tried these things. So I thought I can share these findings with you guys.
The correct coding platform can foster an environment where your child can explore their curiosity and better understand how technology influences the world.
What is mysqldump?
Hello World, Today we are going to see how we can make a beautiful Splash Screen in your Android App.
Every once in a while people approach me and ask what it takes to start working remotely, so I figured I could turn my talk into a short post.
Learn about what a JavaScript closure and JavaScript scope are, how they work, real world examples showing their use cases and their drawbacks.
If you’re just a normal person who doesn’t know much about coding, you would probably think that those programmers who went to college are better then those who are self-taught. I mean, they went to college, they must know more than those who have learned it by themself. In reality, the answer is not that simple.
How do you teach 5th graders about Software Engineering concepts without getting too deep into any particular language? This is a question I’d been asking myself a few weeks in advance of attending a local school’s STEM<em> (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)</em> fair.
SQL Practice Problems and SQL for Dummies are some of the best SQL programming books on the market based on review score.
The Python TypeError: 'int'object is not interable is a common error that can be caused by using a loop without the range() method. It can be easily fixed.
To learn coding is not just being familiar or comfortable with the syntax but to understand the logic and improve logical and analytical skills. Every programming language has advantages and disadvantages but the basics are the same to a certain extent. We all know that the best method to learn a programming language is writing codes in it. It is also known that the key developers not just write the code but enjoy doing it. If the basics are not sorted, advanced programming tends to be boring.
New language for web3 private applications
Inheritance is one of the most used method for code reuse. Object Oriented Languages strive on the inheritance to collect the common functionality in a base class.
In this short, but nonetheless useful article, I have summarized the most beneficial tips for writing clean code. These rules are independent of the language you use and are invaluable for both beginners and experienced programmers.
React Server Components enable us to render React components on the server to improve the overall performance of an app.
Create a web page that takes a city name as input and provides weather data about the city.
In this article, we’ll look at some microservices best practices and suggest a few proven ways to help with your microservices architecture.
By increasing girls' access to STEM education and resources, we can work to close the gender gap in STEM and create a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
In this article, we explain how to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL and then find out how to configure PHP.
Every programmer who is buying a new computer will ask themselves, ‘Should I buy a desktop or a laptop for coding’? Also, what computer should I buy if I also want to do other things besides coding, like playing games?
Getting stuck in a programming problem is a very common thing.
How to secure a flask application using Ory Kratos and Keto to easily add authentication features into your program without needing lines and lines of code.
Learn How to make a simple Report Card System in Java, which will accept 2 subjects but later it will be updated to 15 subjects.
Recently I decided I would like to get a bit more into Ethereum development, as blockchain technology had always interested me but I never got around to actually making a project with it. With Android being my favorite environment, I decided this would be my platform. However, upon starting I noticed it was quite difficult to find much information about Ethereum development in mobile, leading to the creation of this article, where I’ll show you how to make a simple Ethereum application using web3j on the Ethereum Testnet Rinkeby.
NestJS is a progressive Node. js framework that helps build server-side applications.
This is a feature I use with some frequency, but not frequently enough that I remember the pattern when I need it. Therefore, I am writing this article as my own reference to a useful tool with VS Code.
Enhancing product functionality, reducing deterioration, and satisfying the needs of users - all of that is achieved through software maintenance.
Research into the attitudes of professional software developer towards low-code and nocode tools, including recommendations for low-code and nocode tool makers.
Migrate from Heroku to Render
One would expect that writing code which any programmer can read and understand would be an inherent skill of software developers. The fact is that only 20% of programmers have this ability. The code that you are writing must be understood not only by the machine but also by humans. In software development, quality should be everyone’s priority. Throughout the development process, the goal should be the delivery of good quality and working code.
How to increase the maintainability of your Vue.js project by using the Adapter Design Pattern.
How to start Programming? Nope, there is a lot of articles on internet related with this topic, so I am not going to say same things to you because I will show you secrets of Reverse Programming
Explicit Interface Implementation is a complex and rarely used technique that allows a single class to inherit from multiple interfaces that have the same method signature. Explicitly implementing each interface, prepending the interface name to the method, allows the same method signature to exist in the same class. I shall not demonstrate that here, but there are plenty of examples of this online. There is another benefit to explicitly implementing an interface, and that is to hide members from being accessed via the class reference. I’ll create an example of this technique using a factory design pattern and Fruit class and a console application that you can step through via F11. If you create a new C# console application in Visual Studio, then copy and paste all of the below code, you can step through (F11) the code to see how it works.
Let’s dive in to learn about object-oriented programming and functional programming. What is object-oriented programming/OOP? What's functional programming/FP?
The four Google Chrome Extensions that I base my coding workflow around are YouCode, Web Developer, Window Resizer for Developer, Wappalyzer all on the store.
Haskell language (and functional programming approach) has become more and more popular in the industry – businesses need robust and safe software solutions, and some of the problems can’t be solved without an advanced technological stack.
Let's figure out how the coding style increases and then degrades.
As a Magento developer, you are dealing with a complex code-base that you have to navigate through. That is why it is useful to have an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that helps you write your code and ensure its quality.
This blog post looks at what makes a great take-home coding test and shares essential advice on how to make the most of this kind of assessment.
My Coding Laptop is Smaller, Faster, and Cheaper than Yours and it lives in an AWS Data Center!
When I graduated with a Computer Science degree at the end of 2012, Ruby on Rails was at its peak popularity with the startup crowd. It seemed like every hot startup was using it.
Javascript is introducing a few new array methods which let us simultaneously copy an array, rather than changing the original. Let's look at how they work.
Few days ago, I stumbled across a very interesting approach to give permissions (or roles) to users in the system.
How to write a Lambda function to convert json data to xlsx file and then upload to s3 and return a signed url of that uploaded file on a serverless framework
A comprehensive guide to making your asynchronous JavaScript code more manageable using Promise Chaining!
I can’t remember when I first heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder”, but I’m always on the lookout for ways to improve my coding productivity and get the most out of my time, especially when writing code or managing projects. I recently discovered Plop, a micro-generator framework, and now I wonder how I ever managed without it!
Investors are always evaluating the amount of risk they are willing to take for a certain expected return. Intuitively, the best investment maximizes the return
There are many mistakes a new programmer can make. Today, you will learn the most common mistakes that beginners make, and how you can avoid them.
Recently I needed to delete some documents that I saved in MongoDB after some time. I can think of a few examples of why we would want to delete data after some time:
Functional programming is a way of writing code that relies on the use of functions to solve problems.
I built a Customer Support System a few days ago and started to think of a way to seed my rails database with random data for testing without having to manually type in the data. This may not be the best way to do it, but it works and allows you to test your application.
The software development life-cycle has a lot of moving parts. A huge problem many large companies have is maintaining a consistent deployment process. Written steps sometimes get skipped; manual deploys are error prone, and home-grown deploy scripts are usually only understood by the person that wrote them. Companies like Netflix, Etsy, and Amazon need to make sure that deployment cycles are smooth and errors are caught as early in the process as possible.
Ever since Google Web Search API deprecation in 2011, I’ve been searching for an alternative. I need a way to get links from Google search into my Python script. So I made my own, and here is a quick guide on scraping Google searches with requests and Beautiful Soup.
Use these 6 VS Code extensions that help devs get organised and work effectively.
For most workloads it will be necessary to determine characteristics of CPU on which they are run. Most processors have some way of querying capabilities. x86 CPU uses CPUID instruction.
Learning to code can be a challenging and rewarding journey, but it's not without its pitfalls. However, with a little knowledge and planning, these common
I work primarily on application-level programs, so I tend to not use recursion very often. However, every now and then I need a function that is best solved recursively. It is important to be able to recognize when a problem is best solved recursively, and to be able to write it when the time comes.
Tips on how to reduce your node app size and the benefits of doing this.
What are Interfaces in Golang?
In this article, I am going to share some of the best Java courses beginners can join to learn Java.
The portfolio, in a sense, is a longer version of a Resume. In modern times, it’s important to showcase your work by uploading your portfolio to a website.
Coding not only gets kids to learn something new apart from the regular school curriculum but it improves the mathematical as well the logical thinking capacity
If you’re a web developer and you’re not sure if you should use WordPress for building websites or you should code them by yourself. Read this article to learn if web developers should use WordPress.
Outsourcing is the practice of handing off a certain aspect of your business operations and/or individual tasks to a company or professional that operates outside of the organization on an independent basis. It's essentially the delegation of a task to someone else for an agreed-upon price.
The other day I got myself in a situation where I needed to communicate with the Ethereum network using python in an environment where getting web3.py to work seemed pretty much impossible. Since I still needed to talk to the network, I resorted to using the JSON-RPC API provided by Ethereum, which all web3 libraries are built on top of. Turns out, it’s pretty interesting! So, let’s get started!
State management is challenging. We can make it less challenging by making sure we don’t store any redundant information in our state. What do I mean? Let’s say in our program we need to figure out whether people will be allowed in our bar. We can determine this by examining a couple attributes of the person: we can look at his or her age (anyone who is 21 or older may enter the bar) or we can look at whether he or she is an employee of the bar (all bar employees are allowed to enter, regardless of age). Now, we could store all this information in our state object:
The ultimate guide to becoming a 10x Dev - or what kind of devs I'm hiring (and promoting) as a VP of Engineering?
Here is a list of amazing tricks that you can use to improve your React application quickly without changing too much about your processes or too much effort.
In this article, we’ll discuss in-depth, how to move all negative elements to end. We’ll also discuss 2 approaches to solve the below problem.
Our Student Journey
A review of Jetbrains Academy - "A hands-on platform for learning to program" -written by a college student.
Photo by Inside Weather on Unsplash
Hey, remember QR Codes?
There is no better moment for me than starting a brand new project.
GraphQL is awesome! But one of the most annoying parts to implement a GraphQL server is solving N+1 problem.
NLog: It is an open source logging framework that provides a great flexibility and configurable options to log the insights of your application. It allows to select multiple targets like database, cloud services, files, console, etc. at the same time so that user don’t have to maintain different configurations in code. This is the most widely used logging framework out there.
In this guide, you'll learn what is legacy code, its characteristics, tools, and the best practices for working effectively with legacy code and technical debt.
Once upon a time, installing Ruby on Windows came with a myriad of problems (at least my search history can attest to that), but things have come a long way.
It is a very common practice to check for null in parameters:
Who/what, according to you, is a programmer’s best friend? Some say coffee, others say keyboard shortcuts but I think it is Stack Overflow.
Let's imagine that we have a component, a simple counter. The counter has a state and two buttons to manipulate with this state. We also have a function to render the state.
This blog post explains the most intricate data warehouse SQL techniques in detail.
It’s not like there aren’t enough text editors. But consider this: with about 60 lines of code (that’s close to nothing), you can make your own secure and stable text editor. It will be pretty simple and won’t have many features, but it will be of your making, even if you barely know how to code.
For those of us not buried in sheets of global economic data — i.e., most of us — media speculation of an oncoming recession may seem like a vague and undefined threat. It’s difficult to make heads or tails out of the stream of fast-breaking news about financial predictors, benchmarks and overall anxiety. With all of this muddled information, it’s even more difficult to think about what we’re supposed to do about it.
Using Web Animations API (a.k.a WAAPI) in the React hook way. Let's create highly-performant, flexible and manipulable web animations in the modern world. Hope you guys 👍🏻 it!
Machine Learning (ML) is one of the fastest emerging technologies today. ML developers are looking for the right framework for their various kinds of projects for ML application development. Top 10 machine learning frameworks listed here are meeting the contemporary needs of developers in cost-effective ways. Let’s learn about it.
The following sample code is from Go's standard library documentation:
The result of the next pen shows the case where I'll use the Publish/Subscribe pattern. Every time you click on the Event button a square is added and a message with the number of squares is displayed.
As we know, GitHub is a collaborative platform for developers, it lets us work together and contribute to the community as well. It also allows us to make repos
One of the first admonitions that a young Padawan gets together with access to git repositories is: “never use git push -f”. Since this is one of the hundreds of maxims that a novice software engineer needs to learn, no one takes the time to clarify why this should not be done. It’s like with babies and fire: “matches are not toys for children”, and that’s it. But we grow and develop both as people and as professionals, and one day the question “actually, why?” may arise.
Automation is a great way to learn new things and enhance critical thinking. This is a beginner tutorial on automating Linux desktops.
The React Context API provides a way to share properties that are required by many components (e.g., user settings, UI theme) without having to pass a prop through every level of the tree (aka prop drilling). Although Vue.js does not provide the same abstraction out of the box, in this article, we’ll see that in Vue 3, we have all the tools we need to replicate the same functionality quickly.
When you think about Android development, chances are one programming language immediately springs to mind and that is Java.
The key to long-lived, maintainable software is simpler than you think.
I encountered an issue when 10 million messages with emoji were written in the MySQL table with utf8 encoding.
Do you feel intimidated when you see other programmers quickly navigate through hundreds of lines of code, make blazing fast edits or open multiple tabs during development and hardly touch their mouse or touch-pad ?
A list of the top Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks that you can use to build mobile apps.
we will look at the new Fibers Feature in the future PHP update
Object-relational mappers (ORMs) are often used in Python programming when one needs to develop an application that works with databases. Examples of Python ORMs are SQLAlchemy, Peewee, Pony-ORM and Django. When choosing an ORM, performance plays a crucial role. But how are these toolsets compared? ORM performance benchmarks offer a measure of clarity but leave considerable room for improvement. I examine and extend the qualitative ORM benchmark to develop a stronger metric.
As time progressed, programming methods became simpler so that applications can be developed and delivered fast. This led to the popularity of low-code and later no-code approach to application development. Both low-code and no-code take a drag-and-drop visual approach to build business applications more efficiently. The idea is to reduce or replace complicated coding with a configuration approach. This allows citizen developers to build and test applications quickly.
Fix Formik slow performance. Increase Formik performance when using input fields. Happens when you use CSS-In-JS based UI libraries as they keep re-rendering.
It’s easier to find a remedy and defend against the known enemy if you know the most prevalent React vulnerabilities.
In this article, you will learn how to detect NSFW and inappropriate images and programmatically blur them.
…and why Python is the de facto in ML
Python is the de facto programming language used is machine learning. This is owed to it’s simplicity and readability, which allows users to focus on the algorithms and results, rather than wasting time on structuring code efficiently and keeping it manageable.
If you are using Git for a while you should have come across git log. As everyone knows, the git log is a simple command that helps us to view the changes or project history.
Flexible and scalable template based on PyTorch Lightning and Hydra. Efficient workflow and reproducibility for rapid ML experiments.
RESTful APIs are everywhere, powering more of the modern world than any other API architecture. REST accounts for up to 80% of APIs according to this study by ProgrammableWeb. How those APIs are built and structured can make or break a company in today’s ultra-competitive world. Poorly-designed APIs can be difficult to use, can fail when they are needed most, and are valuable targets for hackers looking for sensitive data. On the other hand, a well-designed API that utilizes best practices makes development a breeze, attracts new customers, and creates confidence among users that can boost retention rates.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by an algorithm problem and don't know where to start?
Hello there, my name is Nikolay, I am a web developer.
IronPDF is the ideal solution for converting HTML sites in .NET and .NET core projects. It not only transforms HTML but also has a lot of other useful capabili
ChatOps allows you to manage your DevOps tasks using chat based interfaces. Learn how to build a simple bot to control a Kubernetes cluster using Slack.
In this article I will show you how to use Tailwind to add some stylish design elements.
Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash
The world’s most popular open-source framework used by developers with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is ready to roll out the new release - Bootstrap 5 anytime soon!
Literally a month ago there was excitement in the Vue.js community that Vue.js got more stars than React.js on github. Stars like Hollywood stars? Really, no lol, but maybe metaphorically… or philosophically?
While working on my front-end skills I wanted to see what implementing the MVC pattern could look like in a simple vanilla Javascript app.
It's no secret ACLs can be tricky. Since voters seem to be the alternative to ACLs recommended by Symfony, I recently decided that I'd write my own easy-to-use Symfony 5 bundle to manage access control lists (ACL) in my applications.
Git is one of the most popular Version Control Systems out there, you can think of it as a way to take snapshots (commits in Git nomenclature) of your code in a specific state and time, just in case you mess things up later and want to go back to a stable version of your code. It’s also a great way to collaborate if you combine it with GitHub.
Most parents fail to provide their children with proper coding education because of a lack of coding courses in elementary school. Many parents don't have the ability to teach coding themselves. If you want your kids to stay up to date with modern education and are looking for a way to teach your kids the basics of computer programming and coding, check out some of these best coding apps for kids.
The incredible growth in new technologies like machine learning has helped web developers build new AI applications in ways easier than ever. In the present day, most AI enthusiasts and developers in the field leverage Python frameworks for AI & machine learning development. But looking around, one may also find that JavaScript-based frameworks are also being implemented in AI.
Hello guys, if you are thinking about career in tech like programming, web development, data science, test automation, machine learning and other career Java and Python are two of the most popular and influential programming language of the present time and future to start with.
The software development industry is flourishing, and the best part is it pays off well! There has been always the demand for good and qualified software developers and that is the reason why more and more people are learning codes as it is the most appealing career option. However, with the new skills, technologies, and programming languages coming up in the industry, developers are finding it difficult to understand the ways to start.
Golang: benchmarking made easy
In this article we'll see how we can use golang's benchmark utility to easily write benchmark tests. Also, we'll see how to plot
Developers often fear database changes because a mistake by anyone on your team can lead to a major outage and even data loss. The stakes are higher when changes are not backwards compatible, cannot be rolled back, or impact system performance. This can cause a lack of confidence and slow your team velocity. As a result, database changes are a common failure point in agile and DevOps.
When I was in the process of learning web development, I was always thinking to myself: “Am I ready to start applying for jobs”, “How many things do I need to know before I start applying for jobs”, “When should I start applying for jobs”. These are probably one of the most important questions in your web development career and ones most people struggle with.
It's no secret that today, during a global pandemic unlike anything in well over a hundred years, many people are stuck at home and unable to work by no choice of their own. This massive inconvenience of feeling trapped and bored out of our minds for months within our own dwellings is leaving a lot of us with fluxes of emotions like restlessness, hopelessness, depression, and many other not-so-good things. 😷 On a positive note though, this is a great time to adopt some new mental flexibility skills.
To make requests over Tor using Python3, we are going to be utilizing a Python controller library for Tor called Stem.
As designers it’s easy to get annoyed with developers. Perhaps they can’t get the alignment of a button right; or that feature you deemed critical to your UX is just too far down the backlog for your comfort.
Github1s is a hot new open source project that allows you to browse Github repositories in a VSCode-like UI right in your browser.
As of this writing, the market is tough. We’ve been hit hard with a deadly pandemic that left thousands of people unemployed. It’s layoffs everywhere and the companies are being conservative when it comes to hiring.
The Python programming language has become one of the most popular among web developers over the past few years. The diversity of its frameworks, cross-platform ability, and simple syntax attract thousands of new fans daily. Here we will talk about the most popular Python for web development frameworks, which ones you should choose for your projects, and why Python deserves a place in your knowledge arsenal.
This article will introduce functional programming concepts that every programmer should know. Let's begin by defining what functional programming is (FP from now on). FP is a programming paradigm where software is written by applying and composing functions. A paradigm is a "Philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind." In other words, FP is a way for us to think of problems as a matter of interconnecting functions.
However, as time has proven over and over again, humankind is unable to duplicate the same kind of AI that we see in the movies..yet.
The technology that allows us to run our Angular applications on the server is described in the Angular docs as Angular Universal.
After hitting a certain level of experience & spending quite enough time in the industry, I have realised the importance of designing/architecting system & software. So I have started looking into system/software design & got to know nothing can better start than a Design Pattern. And the first thing I have done is googling "What is Design Pattern?" Hence got the idea of this article.
At its core, 10x software development is about efficiency.
Since the early days of Unix, the shell has been part of the user's interface with the operating system. The first Unix shell (the Thompson shell) had very limited features, mainly I/O redirection and command pipelines. Later shells expanded on that early shell and added more and more capabilities, which gave us powerful features that include word expansion, history substitution, loops and conditional expressions, among many others.
This article is for all those times when the data you’re getting isn’t the data you’re wanting.
There is no hard and fast rule as to how a programmer should program. So, there is nothing wrong if you have your own style of programming.
Good cake is the one you can easily slice into parts with no crumbs falling apart. That's all this project is about: 3 simple parts, no nasty additives. In part 1 and part 2 I've explained the basics of setting up golang project using docker, creating configurable server, interacting with DB, adding routes and handlers.
If you’re wondering why Node.js is so popular with developers, here’s a list of advantages of using Node.js
GraphQL is a great technology for REST microservices. Learn how to create a data layer for microservices, without writing any code!
7 most innovative AI (and especially ChatGPT) powered low-code code tools.
Here is a list of the ten highest-ranked Python frameworks on GitHub.
If you are a Python programmer, it is quite likely that you have experience in shell scripting. It is not uncommon to face a task that seems trivial to solve with a shell command. Therefore, it is useful to be familiar with how to call these commands efficiently from your Python code and know their limitations.
So, you want to learn programming but you’re unsure what programming language to learn, This is a position that every programmer has been in at some point.