Let's learn about Web Hosting via these 38 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Many people (myself included) don’t host their personal projects, because it usually costs money, right? The thing is that those projects don’t matter if no one can see them. How are you going to prove someone that you’ve to build 3 real-world projects if he can’t see them? There is a solution for that, and that’s free hosting. In this article, I’ll give you a few best free hosting options that you can use to host your projects. Let’s get started!
Many people, especially beginners, think that developing a website is purely about coding, but it’s not like that. There a lot of other things that you need to do if you wanna create at least a decent website. The part when you actually make a website with code or with WordPress or some other CMS is just a small part.
Spoiler alert: It's AWS for the win.
Nowadays, almost all the websites that are out there are using just regular web hosting. That seems pretty normal, but in days where cloud hosting companies like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud are getting very popular, the question that comes in mind is Should we even use regular web hosting anymore or we should turn to the cloud. Just think about it, they’re often much cheaper and have support technologies that regular web hostings don’t.
Subdomain takeover or subdomain hijacking refers to a technique by which "unused" subdomains can be made to point to a location of the attacker's choice.
In the last article, which you can read here, I was talking about which PC components are crucial for programmers. Basically, I listed all the components to worry about, but I’ve also said that you need to keep the Bottleneck in mind. Because, there’re a lot of people who don’t know what is a bottleneck, in this article, I’ll try to explain what that is.
Free hosting is real but it has hidden costs. Free hosting has drawbacks & hosting providers use it for advertising. Reliable hosting will always come at a cost
Welcome back! We will learn how to automate the deployment of multiple sites to Firebase hosting using GitHub Action in this tutorial. GitHub provides a freemium (free for open source) CI/CD tool that is integrated with their repository.
Developers who use cloud hosting platforms may also need cron jobs for scheduling background tasks. This tutorial walks through how to use Render to do it all.
Installing Dokku on an Oracle Cloud VM as a free Heroku alternative.
WordPress, the most popular CMS platform among business owners, and hackers' most favorite platform to mess up.
There have been a lot of data breaches in recent times. Beyond the big names, even small business owners lost their value. Security breaches, unfortunately, are quite real.
Choosing a dedicated server can be one of the toughest decisions for small businesses. Do you want to invest in dedicated servers as soon as possible?
How to create a documentation website based on markdowns and also publish it on GitLab Pages. And as a bonus, how to get a free domain like my-project.py.wiki.
This article presents some of the best tips for hosting resellers to find a reliable web hosting provider and also how to earn a steady income
Ready to start working on your website? Make sure you’ve got a good web host to power it. Read our ten tips to get started.
Here are 10 red flags of a bad hosting provider that will help you make an informed decision during your next hosting purchase.
The inception of WordPress in 2003 heralded an era of accessible online presence. Evolving from a simple blogging platform to an advanced content management system, WordPress has become a household name in the world of digital innovations.
In the earliest days of the Internet, pioneering businesses didn't have too many options to get their companies online. At the time (the mid to late 1990s), web hosting options were minimal.
Web self-hosting for small to medium companies, business owners, non-profit organizations and individuals.
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term “Web Hosting”?
Self-hosting for small to medium companies, business owners, non-profit organizations and individuals.
Having a good website to draw in potential clients and in a time where more and more businesses are moving to a virtual platform, having a stable and fast website is more important than ever.
There are signals that you can notice to check if the security of your site is intact. By taking action at the right time, you can protect your online presence from any severe damage.
Image Source: Green-Gator
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term “Web Hosting”?
FTP is a great tool often neglected these days with more developers using in build dashboard features and file managers
It is often a debate for any serious website owner as to whether to use a cloud hosting option or a dedicated server; both options have advantages/disadvantages
All websites are prone to cyber-attacks from hackers attempting to control website resources and users' data.
Here are some legit passive income ideas that can help website developers earn from $40 to $3,000 commission!
A good web design helps you keep leads and turn them into profit. This article gives you ten web design mistakes to avoid when designing your website.
If you want to transfer your website to a new host, this how-to article outlines the step-by-step process for a smooth migration.
A lot of website owners are concerned about online security.
Learn about the biggest web hosting trends that are shaping the industry now and will shape the industry in the next few years.
A look at how digital agencies traditionally handled web hosting, how many handle it now, and suggestions on how to do it better.
This is a quick and honest guide to help you choose the best web hosting provider for you. Written by industry experts. Unbiased, no links, no recommendations.
You’ve probably come across the terms shared, dedicated server, and VPS. But what’s the difference between them?
Magento is one of the most used platforms for eCommerce stores. It offers flexibility, thanks to a wide range of themes and plugins. It’s the equivalent of WordPress, but designed specifically for eCommerce websites.
Thank you for checking out the 38 most read stories about Web Hosting on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.