Let's learn about Docker Compose via these 37 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
How to create a Ruby on Rails application with Postgresql and React with Docker Compose
I will get redis and redis commander up and running using docker.
Using Docker Compose in development with creature comforts for developers.
Tools & Skills
Implementing a good GraphQL backend to serve your database data is not an easy task, you have to implement a lot of resolvers, add authorization, pagination of the fields and use a DataLoader to not repeat your database queries during relations.
If I want to use different credentials on different servers, environment variables work great with docker compose.
Docker, along with Docker Compose are the most used tools under the DevOps category, according to The State of Developer Ecosystem 2019 survey by JetBrains. Chances are if you're using Docker/Docker Compose for deployment, you'll most likely be using them for local development as well. If you only use Docker for deployment but a virtual environment for local development, you may want to look into using Docker for development to reduce the parity between dev/prod environments, as suggested in the Twelve-Factor Methodology.
The current software development ecosystem moves fast and it seems older frameworks like Django or Rails becoming absolute, but it is a huge underestimation! Django is one of the unique frameworks that I like to use - first of all because it contains everything in it, with just a few simple configurations.
Many of us using Docker to make our lives easier have ran into the issue of conflicting ports due to running more than 1 docker container. It’s easy to get bogged down into changing config files and squander an entire afternoon. I intend to write this article as a reminder to my future self whenever I need to set up multiple instances of docker container on a single machine.
One of the most common tool to develop software is container. This guide helps you to configure correctly podman and docker-compose on Windows using WLS2.
I will setup a very simple php page and debug it using xdebug and PhpStorm.
How to use different/multiple docker compose files on different servers
With the shift to Cloud-first and the rise of managed infrastructure and orchestrations such as EWS, Azure AKS or GCP clusters the application landscape needs to prepare and adjust itself to match newly rising requirements. This is for such nothing new nor unknown, but acknowledging this fact is one and probably the first important step.
Explanation and Example of a Real-World Spring Boot and Docker Desktop based Deployment. Code Samples are provided Inline and via Git Repo.
Docker has become an essential tool in modern software development, providing an efficient and portable way to package and distribute applications.
Want to have Prometheus and Grafanna locally so that you could test the metrics sent by your service? check this guide using Docker Compose
Creating a multi-container application can be daunting, but Docker Compose and C# can make it much more straightforward. This article will walk us through the s
Today, microservices architecture is a common approach to building a system. In this article, I will show you how to build microservices using Java and Spring.
Learn how to containerize an entire Django project from the ground up, including a Postgres database, Redis cache server, Caddy, and Celery instances.
This is the introduction to a series that was originally published on tech.osteel.me. Only the introduction was brought to Hacker Noon — links to other parts will take you to that other website.
In this article I want to share my experience of how to setup MySQL replication locally with using Docker.
While developing a web application, a common method of calling the application from a local machine is through http://localhost:x ports, which essentially means that we are required to expose several ports to access different modules of the application. In the article below, we will go through the method of using Reverse Proxy to call an application and the benefits of using it.
In a previous post I was explaining the basics of setting up GO application for REST API. Now I'll go into details by first creating configurable server, adding http router (mux) and some DB interaction. Let's get (the indoors party) started!
This is a self-contained demo using Materialize to process data IoT devices data directly from a PostgreSQL server.
How to solve the top 5 Kubernettes coding errors.
Hi everyone. In this article we are going to talk about how can you write a simple web scraper and a little search application using well known existing technologies which you perhaps didn’t know they can do that.
Today I want to give you an easy-to-use template in order to use Docker with PHP, explained so you can understand how it works in just 10 minutes.
Learn how to setup a development environment for Wordpress plugins.
There’s a short answer, and a long answer. The short answer, that will satisfy your needs in the vast majority of cases, is:
How to set up a repository with Docker 'from scratch' to develop PHP 8.1 applications in 2022.
Problem - How many times have we faced this problem of worrying about cleaning up after running test cases. When some of our test cases run, they might add data to our database or add files to our directory which we don’t want to worry about every time.
We use different Continuous Integration tools in our projects. One of them is TeamCity software. A pipeline for TeamCity can be configured easily and has two steps, such as run tests and build a docker image for further deployment. However, I needed to run Postgres before running tests. I made a research, I read the documentation and this article may be useful to close a gap for team city’s documentation.
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
And Keep Your Hot Code Reloading
Laravel has soared in popularity in the last few years. The Laravel community even says that Laravel has made writing PHP enjoyable than a pain. Laravel 6 has some interesting new features. Getting a super scaleable working URL for your application take hours if not days. Setting up something like Kubernetes is a huge task. This is where Google Cloud Run shines, you can get a working HTTPs URL for any of your containerized app in minutes.
Python is a versatile programming language that is popular and widely used for various applications, such as data science modeling and REST APIs. However, managing and maintaining a complex Python development environment can be challenging, especially when working on large or multi-faceted projects.
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