Let's learn about Disruption via these 24 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Cybercrime is on the rise and, despite the cost of cybersecurity being a stumbling block for many, here is why businesses must implement security measures...
Why always looking for a twist or a difference makes all the difference when marketing your products and trying to grow your brand especially at the start.
Tony Delgado is a Puerto Rican-American software developer, businessman, activist, philanthropist, and tech entrepreneur who has started multiple online and software-based businesses. He is the founder of Disrupt, an online media, and education company that has leveraged the power of social media and technology to transform the lives of the students all throughout Latin America. Tony is on a humanitarian mission to help the 3 million people who live on the island of Puerto Rico, by teaching the principles of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He thinks the word "nerd" should be considered a curse word in school, as it shames kids from being smart and excelling in life. He wants to change young people's mindsets and make them become open-minded and have a different view of technology and the opportunities it contains.
With the sudden outburst of COVID-19, while most companies tanked, a few became viral and shot to fame. As a Product Manager, whenever I see yet another product in the market facilitating a service / use case that already is being fulfilled, I feel this unquenchable thirst to find out why it is doing well.
"If you say 'I told you so', you are the one who has failed. Because you knew, but did not manage to stop the train wreck." - Engineer Robert C. Martin
Learn why Bitcoin might carve out it's place within the digital monetary establishment, 100% peacefully and voluntarily.
The current lockdown has given many people time to think about personal and professional improvements they want to pursue. We are currently watching industries being re-calibrated and some come close to the point of failure. Now is a good reminder to always keep in mind innovation and digital transformation. The risk of not doing so leaves companies and full industries at risk of massive failure.
Increasing cooperation between crypto and CBD is creating some really exciting implications for both industries, and driving explosive growth.
Legacy banks have held the power for too long. Decentralized Finance put the power back into the hands of the people.
Startup Disrupt has become a part of the Czech startup world. This platform for startups aims to educate, inspire and connect entrepreneurs, startups, mentors, technology innovators as well as investors and corporations not only in the Czech Republic but also within the startup communities around the world. This initiative has been launched by Patrik Juránek who already built a chapters for global startup communities in past.
Working in Sales for the past 5 years means the browser tab I most consistently have open is my email. It's also one of the very few active app notifications I have on my phone.
Mobile apps are eating up traditional ecommerce distribution channels
Cryptocurrency seems to be buzzword of late, and I do like the idea behind it. There is a bit of rebellion there.
As artificial intelligence becomes more and more integrated into our workplace and daily life, it will fundamentally disrupt the way we live and work. A recent survey of 5,700 Harvard Business School alumni found that even in the elite group, 52% believe that the number of employees in general companies will decrease in the three years from now.
When a culture of risk aversion creates risk of harm
In times of social distancing, most people spend more time at home. A short series I can recommend for your next evening on your couch is Bad Banks. In the second season, the investment banker Jana Liekam and her team of trusted accomplices move to Berlin to take over a sustainable robo-advisor. The viewer is pulled into the power struggle between the incumbent Deutsche Global Invest with its fintech incubator in Berlin, and the rivalling robo-advisors fin21, and Jana’s Green Wallet.
In March of this year, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, unseated Bill Gates for the position of richest man in the world. The feat was the result of a massive $40 billion jump in net worth — the largest ever, according to Forbes.
Apple will emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic as an even more powerful and important company. Indeed, COVID-19 may prove to be Apple’s finest hour. During the first 30 days of the pandemic’s escalation in the United States, Apple stepped up in significant ways, the most notable example being the formation of a relationship with Google to contain the virus with contact-tracing technology. In addition, Apple has, among other actions:
Do It Before It's 'Cool'
Clayton Christensen's disruption theory and what it means for the Passion Economy
Keep Disrupting the Global Healthcare in Web3 Together
Venture funding in mental health and wellness companies has seen healthy growth this past year, with $321 million raised across 26 deals in the second quarter of 2019, which is a 141% jump from last year’s $227 million raised during the same quarter. The impact of this growth in popularity is having its much-desired changes in the US, with the use of meditation growing 3 folds from 2012–2017, making it as popular as yoga according to the Center for Disease Control.
Marketing has evolved a lot over the centuries, and it will keep on changing. There are various factors, such as fashion, culture, technology that contribute to the changes. It will not be a wise decision to sit back and relax, particularly if you own a business or if you are working in a marketing field. If you do not update yourself, you will cease to exist.
Every great empire in the history of mankind eventually disintegrated and fragmented into smaller states. Some of those states became empires of their own, sometimes larger than the predecessors.
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