207 Stories To Learn About Golangby@learn
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207 Stories To Learn About Golang

by Learn RepoMay 4th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Golang via these 207 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Golang via these 207 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

Real work applications of a statically typed language option, one identified to be particularly useful for lightweight micro-services, API generation and so forth.

1. Async/Await in Golang: An Introductory Guide

Golang is a concurrent programming language. It has powerful features like Goroutines and Channels that can handle asynchronous tasks very well. Also, goroutines are not OS threads, and that's why you can spin up as many goroutines as you want without much overhead, it's stack size starts at 2KB only. So why async/await? Async/Await is a nice language feature that provides a simpler interface to asynchronous programming.

2. A RESTful API Template Project for Developers

Building a RESTful API can be daunting for developers who have never done it before. That’s why we’re pleased to announce the RESTful API template project.

3. Checking Palindrome With Generics in Go 1.18

Palindrome checking function in go that can receive integer or string. Utilize new generics feature in Go 1.18.

4. A Practical Guide to Interfaces in Golang

A simple and explanatory guide to understanding interfaces in golang.

5. How to Make a Linux Kernel with Nasm, Go Binary, Mini Linux

How to Make a Linux Kernel with Nasm, Go Binary, Mini Linux

6. Is Kafka the Key? The Evolution of Highlight's Ingest

Building a distributed message processing queue using Apache Kafka requires some thought. We walk through how we process thousands of large messages per second.

7. Decouple Your Go Components by Leveraging Mediator and Event Aggregator Patterns

Decouple your Go components by leveraging Mediator and Event Aggregator patterns. Learn how to use open-source mediator / event aggregator library called mob.

8. Serverless API with Terraform: GO and AWS [Part 2]

In part 2, we'll go over deploying serverless API to AWS Cloud with Terraform.

9. Top 6 Golang Logging Best Practices

Let’s discuss a few rules of thumb for logging in Go, as well as some features you may not have heard of that can make debugging easier.

10. Understanding the Basic Concepts of Heap Data Structure in GoLang

We are trying to learn the basic concepts about heaps like inserting and extracting data from heaps and also the time complexity of heaps.

11. Free Extension To Scan Go Vulnerabilities in Visual Studio Code

If you’re a Golang developer using Visual Studio Code, keeping at-risk Go Modules out of your apps just got easier, and for free.

12. Today I Learned: Dealing with JSON DateTime when Unmarshal in Golang.

Beware the date-time standard!!

13. ES7-style Async/Await Implementation in Golang

In Golang, we use goroutines to execute asynchronous tasks while these goroutines communicate with each other via the data structure called Channel.

14. Creating Clean Architecture Using Golang

Hi guys, I’m a Front-End developer. Before there was a time 2 years working CMS Magento, I like CMS Magento because system clean, and architecture database EAV (Entity — Attribute — Value) but I don’t understand why present I’m dev front-end (I don’t know) in the 2-year current. And present I chance comeback working position Back-End that I like.

15. How To Create a Simple Application Using Golangspell

For a couple of years I've been working with Golang, is such a great experience, Golang is a great language, in my opinion, simple, fast, and focused on high performance. But, not only it can help us to create a microservice that is fast, but we can also code quite quickly.

16. Build your own OAuth2 Server in Go

Hello, in today’s article, I will show you how you can build your own OAuth2 server just like google, facebook, github etc.

17. Trying Clean Architecture on Golang

Independent, Testable , and Clean

18. Evaluating Swoft — A PHP Microservices Framework

Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice co-routine framework.

19. Implement Your Own Tool Using HCL (Part 2)

This is the second part of my HCL series.

20. Today I Learned: Making a Simple Interactive Shell Application in Golang

How I make a simple interactive shell in Golang

21. Integration Test With Database in Golang

Making a test suite in Go projects with a real live database/service

22. How to Install Go on Linux - Tutorial

The Go programming language has become quite popular over the past few years. Why? The primary reason is that it has become the language of choice for distributed and highly scalable servers. Go was based on C and brings code efficiency to the table, which generates faster software and apps for businesses.

23. How to Send Millions of Push Notifications with Go and Firebase Cloud Messaging

A Go service implementation that dispatches push messages via Firebase.

24. Abdullah Al Tarek Is Excited About the Upcoming Generics Feature in Golang

You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?

25. Today I Learned: Beware with pointer in Golang!!!

Today’s Bug When Doing Custom JSON Marshal in Golang

26. Building Stupid Stuff

A first blog post to reduce (or increase?) the awkwardness.

27. Reveal Go Module Vulnerabilities With Xray

Golang developers care a lot about security and as Go modules become more widely used, they need more ways to assure these publicly shared files are safe.

28. How to Set Up Docker Compose For Prometheus + Grafana

Want to have Prometheus and Grafanna locally so that you could test the metrics sent by your service? check this guide using Docker Compose

29. "I want people to be able to access content without too many restrictions" #Noonies2021

As someone in the tech industry, I believe that the most exciting open-source technology of the present is Kubernetes because of its general-purpose nature.

30. How to Configure Useful User Snippets in VSCode for Golang

In this article, I'll show how we can configure some useful user snippets in VSCode to make our life easier.

31. Portal: The Easy Way to Transfer Large Files Between Computers 🌌✨

Portal is a platform-agnostic command-line file transfer utility for sending files from any computer to another.

32. Now You Can Use GitHub Issues to Track Customer Feedback

If you need a simple issue tracker for your app I'd recommend looking into using Github issues via the API, at least until it stops working for you!

33. How to Implement your Own Tool Using HCL (bc I Hate YAML)

Do you hate YAML? Then learn how to build your next tool on HCL!

34. How to Use KEDA and Prometheus to Scale your Kubernetes Workloads

Learn how to scale your kubernetes deployments with keda and prometheus

35. Publish Go Packages With Goreleaser

Goreleaser is awesome. It's a simple tool that allows you to release your go packages.

36. How To Write Benchmarks In Golang Like An Expert

Golang: benchmarking made easy

In this article we'll see how we can use golang's benchmark utility to easily write benchmark tests. Also, we'll see how to plot

37. Using Go Defer and Rust Drop to Defer the Call to Rollback

Forgetting to close things off in Go can potentially come back to bite you. The most basic and straightforward method is to call rollback or commit.

38. 10 Questions for Aswin Ganesh, Noonie Nominee for Functional Programming

The 2020 #Noonies are here! And they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Aswin Ganesh from India, who’s has been nominated for Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in our Functional Programming category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world in 10 questions, from the perspective of Aswin.

39. Today I Learned: Pass By Reference on Interface Parameter in Golang

Pass Parameters by Reference in GolangA simple diary about a simple thing that I learned about Pass By Reference in Golangpass by reference on interface parameter in Golang

40. In-Memory Caching in Golang

How to implement in-memory cache in Golang App

41. GO Design Patterns: An Introduction to Builder

Streamlining Your Code: An Introduction to the Builder Pattern in Go

42. How to Append to a Slice in Golang

Slices in go are not same as slices in other programming language

43. 3 Steps To Learn Go: Moving From JavaScript and Python to Golang

Mastering a programming language takes years of time but learning a new language does not. And Trust me, Nobody is perfect when it comes to coding. As a software engineer, one should be at least familiar with minimum 4–5 different languages or at least he should know how to learn a new language in small amount of time.

44. Go-CoNLLU Introduction: OSS Tool For Machine Learning Support in Go

Python is commonly seen as the AI/ML language, but is often a dull blade due to unsafe typing and being slow, like really slow. Many popular natural language processing toolkits only have Python APIs, and we want to see that change. At Nuvi, we use Go for the majority of our data processing tasks because we can write simple and fast code. Today we are open-sourcing a tool that has helped make our ML lives easier in Go. Say hello to go-conllu.

45. Building Reproducible, Verifiable Binaries with Golang

A quick and easy way to compile reproducible binaries with Golang.

46. A Look Ahead to Programming Languages in 2020

Python and JavaScript are the two hottest programming languages today. However, they cannot remain on top forever. Eventually, they must fall out of favour, as all languages do. This is likely to happen within the next decade or so.

47. Native Fuzzing in Go 1.18

Go adds fuzzing as a part of its testing tools. This feature is planned for the 1.18 release and is already available for beta testing

48. Don't Procrastinate, GO Code!

This guide shows you how to write your first lines of GO code.

49. Validating Zero Enum Value in the Protocol Buffer

How to validate that an enum value field in Protobuf can not be empty? Turn out that is not supported directly by Protobuf!

50. BitBanged SPI in Go [Explained]

I’m going to focus mostly on some design decisions and how I went about writing an SPI interface using Go on a Raspberry Pi. I assume my readers have a basic understanding of what a Raspberry Pi is, and how basic electronics work. If not, read on anyway and I will be sure to include some valuable resources below.

51. Golang Tutorial: How to Migrate Your Database

Golang - How to handle database migration using GORM.

52. Using the Kubernetes Controller for Envoy (Part 2)

In this article, I will show you how you can write a controller that will monitor changes in custom resources.

53. Practice with Functional Programming in Go

Take a look at a functional programming paradigm in Go

54. Leveraging Multithreading To Read Large Files Faster In Go

The other day I was interviewing at one of the companies, and I was asked the following question, how can you count occurrences of a word in a 50gb file with 4gb of RAM. The trick is to not load the whole file into memory and keep processing each word as we keep on moving the pointer of the file. With this, we can easily process the whole file with a minimal amount of memory resources.

55. Building a REST API in Go with MongoDB Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide

Code or Write a REST API with GO internal libraries and MongoDB as database

56. PostgreSQL Transaction Isolation Levels with Go Examples

Illustration composed from MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack, original gopher by Renee French.

57. GO Design Patterns: An Introduction to SOLID

Adopt SOLID design principles in GO for better code quality and easier software maintenance.

58. A Mistake That Could Cost You Millions: What it Is and How to Fix It

This small golang mistake could cost your business a million-dollar problem. You could easily avoid the mistake read the blog

59. An Argument For Using Golang to Code Your Next Projects

After spending years sticking to conventional programming languages, why should tech business founders use Golang? That’s one of the buzzing questions that founders will be asking, as the decade-old programming language is getting more prominence.

60. Platforms on k8s with Golang - Watch any CRD

Let’s say you want to do more with Kubernetes than run off-the-shelf apps. Perhaps you want to stitch apps together into a bespoke platform. Imagine that when your user clicks a button you want to provision a new database or open up a new public-facing endpoint.

61. How To Create Golang REST API: Project Layout Configuration [Part 1]

During past couple of years I have worked on few projects written in GO. I noticed that the biggest challenge developers are facing is lack of constraints or standards when it comes to project layout. I'd like to share some findings and patterns that have worked best for me and my team. For better understanding I'll go through steps of creating a simple REST API.

62. How to Download Files Using Golang and gRPC

Sometimes we need to download files from some storage. Let's do it using Golang and gRPC using io.Reader interface.

63. How to Create a Dynamic Pipeline Route in Go

Is it possible to create a pipeline with dynamic routes in Go? How to do it?

64. Avoiding Memory Leak in Golang API

You must read this before releasing your Golang API into production. Based on our true story at Kurio, how we struggling for every release because we are not doing it in the right ways.

65. Creating a Middleware in Golang for JWT based Authentication

Golang has been a popular language over the past few years known for it's simplicity and great out-of-the-box support for building web applications and for concurrency heavy processing. Similarly, JWT (JSON Web Tokens) are turning into an increasingly popular way of authenticating users. In this post I shall go over how to create an authentication middleware for Golang that can restrict certain parts of your web app to require authentication.

66. No-stress CUDA programming using Go and C

Programming CUDA using Go is a bit more complex than in other languages. Although there are some excellent packages, such as mumax, the documentation is poor, lacks examples and it’s difficult to use.

67. How I Built a Simple Forex App with Telegram Bots and AWS Lambda

As a freelancer working for different countries, I needed to optimize my currency exchange. So, I built a simple forex app with AWS Lamda and Telegram bots.

68. Here's How I Scaled A Cryptocurrency Exchange's Trading Engine to 1 Million TPS

Crypto exchange has been in great demand with the adaptability of cryptocurrencies surging and multiple new tokens/coins been put there attracting users by showcasing their great potential.

69. Go: The Complete Guide to Profiling Your Code

Go is a programming language often used for applications in which performance matters. Optimizing your code based on assumptions is not a best practice of course. You need to have insights about your code performance and bottlenecks to be able to optimize it efficiently.

70. Go: Handling JSON in MySQL

71. Some insights on Maps in Golang

Article is about maps internal structure, hashes and performance. How data is actually stored inside.

72. GoLang Programming Overview

An overview of golang programming language. Know the pros and cons of golang.

73. Faster than Linux

FTL usually refers to "faster than light". A theoretical particle known as a tachyon that powers certain spaceships in the Star Trek universe keeps the plot going for decades through multiple series and and movie franchises.

74. What Is so Great About Golang?

Check out why you should use golang for your next project

75. Comparing Optimistic and Pessimistic Locking With GO and PostgreSQL

Comparison between Optimistic and Pessimistic locking with Golang and PostgreSQL

76. How To Setup An Effective Refactoring Process of a Heavy Database Interface

This story is about pain, agony, and denial of ready-made solutions. It is also about changes that improve the code’s readability and help the development team stay happy. The object of this post is an interface that helps a program communicate with a database.

77. A Quick Coding Lesson On Go's ‘WaitGroup’ (vs. JavaScript's ‘PromiseAll’)

In applications that are i/o heavy, it can get clunky to synchronously execute high-latency functions one after the other.

78. 3 Golang Pitfalls Every Developer Needs to Know

Over-viewing common coding pitfalls we've encountered when we started to use GoLang for production systems

79. Avoid XSS and CSRF Attacks in JWT (React + Golang): A Tutorial

Avoid XSS and CSRF attack in JWT with Golang and React for backend and frontend respectively.

80. Inteview with Frank Müller: One Decade of Go - the Power of Concurrency

Frank Müller, Solution Engineer at Loodse, is one of the co-organizers of the GoDays conference in Berlin, which took place in January of 2020. It has been an exciting moment when Google announced its Language Go in 2009. After some hype and early years of establishing the language, it was settled as a robust and scalable fundament for networked systems. We invite you to enjoy a travel through a decade of our beloved Go within the interview of Grigory Petrov, Dev Rel at with Frank Müller.

81. Let's Explore the Top Uses of the Golang Web Framework in 2022

The ever-evolving technological era has necessitated the need for cost-effective, high-speed, and reliable sources for web applications. The current market trend of cost reduction and efficiency has dictated that an Internet-based one replaces the traditional desktop-based application.

82. A Few Words on VS Code

Go has hard opinions about how you should style and format your code. The big upside of this is that you don't need to spend hours setting up tools like ESLint, Prettier, JSLint, etc. That said, in order to take advantage of the styling and listing tools available in the toolchain, you need a dev environment that makes them easy to use.

83. Connecting Dots: Go, Docker and k8s [Part 2]

Nowadays, the successful application often consists of containers and some sort of container management system to ease scaling, reduce downtime, and more.

84. Golang: A Short History of My Tech Journey

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That's how everything in our tech journey begins. We all got here with a single step, that slowly became multiple steps. Before we know it, we are a thousand miles in. When I first started my career, I was in helpdesk. Now, I’m a developer advocate. The way that happened was with thousands of steps.

85. A Step-by-step Guide for Building a Simple TODO App With Gin-gonic in Zerops

Learn how to build a sample CRUD TODO API written in GO using gin-gonic, one of the most popular web frameworks, which saves data to a PostgreSQL database

86. The One Config to Rule Them All

Goplicate - An epic tale about a developer trying to maintain dozens of project config files and finding the one config to bind them and rule them all.

87. Does Golang Follow the Object Oriented Programming Paradigm?

Many are wondering whether Golang is a language that can apply the Object Oriented Programming paradigm. Let's discuss this here.

88. Using the Kubernetes Controller for Envoy

Creating Kubernetes controller for Envoyproxy with xDS protocol and Custom Resource Definition

89. Building a Solar Harvesting Wi-Fi Camera

Compact and waterproof camera based on ESP32 usable for short periods of time, powered by solar energy.

90. Building An In-memory Database in Go

Building an in-memory database in golang is a basic task that you are likely to have to do. It needs you to make a database and a table before organising.

91. Building a RESTful API Service in Go Without Having Repetitive Boilerplate

How to build a RESTful API service without repetitive boilerplate and hassle.

92. Top 5 IDEs and Tools for Golang Development

Top 5 IDEs and Tools for Golang Development - here is the list of top Golang IDEs that are worth your attention.

93. I Built A Handy Browser Plugin To Search Docs And Packages Directly From The Address Bar

Hi all. I'm so honored to introduce my product: Go Search Extension, a handy browser plugin to help every Go developer search docs and package in the address bar instantly.

94. BitBanged Serial Peripheral Interface in Go on Raspberry Pi [Explained]

I’m going to focus mostly on some design decisions and also how I went about writing an SPI interface using Go on a Raspberry Pi. I assume my readers have a basic understanding of what a Raspberry Pi is, and how basic electronics work. If not, read on anyway and I will be sure to include some valuable resources below.

95. Cloud Infrastructure Can Set Legacy Data Free

For a long time, it’s been widely accepted that startup businesses can gain an edge over larger, establishment rivals, due to their lack of legacy tech baggage. For example, modern challenger banks have – in terms of features and UX at least – ran rings around the traditional stalwarts thanks to their modern IT and data systems.

96. Weird Things About GOLANG [Part 1]

On a first glance when I started working on go, for me it seems very very weird language. I am working on node-js for two and more years and then start working on golang is not so cool for me.

97. Constants in Go Vs. Constants in Javascript

Constants can be confusing and easy to misuse in Go if you are coming from an untyped language. In this article we will learn what constants are, and when it is best to make use of them.

98. Pre-IBC Hackathon—Get Your Spacesuits Ready for HackAtom V

IBC is coming. Come and hack on it before it gets shipped on Cosmos Hub mainnet.

99. Golang: Using systemd for Zero Downtime Restarts and Deploys

By configuring a systemd socket, you can tell systemd to listen on the configured ports and start your service with a copy of the listening sockets.

100. Advantages Of Go Language For Creating Web Servers

The Go programming language is great choice for web server development and beyond.

101. How to Use GoReleaser to Automate GoLang Build Releases

This is a quick start for GoReleaser to automate the building and publishing GoLang projects.

102. How Hot Does it Get Inside a Car During a Heat Wave?

Using a Raspberry Pi to measure the temperature inside a Ford Focus during a record-breaking heatwave.

103. Filling And Flattening PDF Forms In Go With Examples

PDF forms are a convenient tool for gathering and storing information about your customers or users. This is a breakdown of how you can fill and flatten them.

104. GitHACK! We are the vulnerability

Github has been hacked. The affected computers cloned the affected repositories. How much is it Github's fault? How can we protect ourselves from this?

105. Spend Zero Time on DevOps with Render PaaS

Check out how efficient it is to create a new API using Go, and then deploy it to the Render PaaS, both for the first time with zero DevOps.

106. Introduction to Numeral Systems in Go

numeral is a Go package. It gives you the ability to create custom (positional) numeral systems and perform operations on them.

107. A Comprehensive Guide to Approaching Package Organization in Go

Let's find out together how to structure Go code according to the best software engineering practices.

108. How to Migrate Your Blog from Pelican to Hugo

Recorded the journey I took to migrate my data science blog from Python-based Pelican to Golang-based Hugo, then deploy to Netlify for free.

109. µjson — A minimal JSON parser and transformer in Go

µjson is a minimal JSON parser and transformer that works on unstructured (and trusted) JSON. It works by parsing input and calling the given callback function when encountering each item.

110. Fast Golang Router With Error Handling

Getting started with fast Golang router that allows to handle and monitor errors using middlewares.

111. How to Run Go in Your Browser With Web Assembly [ Tutorial ]

If you are familiar with the Go Playground, then you know how convenient it is to be able to have a Go scratchpad in the browser. Want to show someone a code snippet? Want to quickly test some syntax? Browser-based code pads a helpful. On that note, I created a new playground. The cool thing about this new playground that it doesn't use a remote server to run code, just to compile it. The code runs in your browser using web assembly (WASM).

112. Easy Steps to Create Static Websites Using Hugo-Github Pages

How to create a static web sites using Hugo-Github Pages

113. Go (Golang): Your Cheatsheet On Ways To Create New Maps And Slices

There are quite a few ways to create new maps and slices in Go. Which one is best? Or perhaps better asked, which one is best in your situation? Let's take a look.

114. Github Actions and Go: AreYouOk My URL?

Check and audit link/URL health using Github actions. Test dead links in a fast and efficient manner

115. 6 DevOps Trends in 2022 That DevOps Engineers Should Adopt

The role of DevOps engineers, their responsibilities, growth opportunities, a set of important soft & hard skills, and most importantly, DevOps trends in 2022.

116. How To Build JWT's in Go

Go is becoming very popular for backend web development, and JWT's are one of the most popular ways to handle authentication on API requests. In this article, we are going to go over the basics of JWT's and how to implement a secure authentication strategy in Go!

117. Custom Rego Function by Example

Extending Open Policy Agent and creating custom rego functions

118. Top 6 Programming Languages to Learn in 2022

This blog will outline the top 6 trending programming languages to learn in 2022 and equip you with some tips to choose the best one.

119. How To Generate API Blueprint using SwagGo

Generating API blueprint REST API Golang using SwagGo tools

120. Serverless API with Terraform, GO and AWS, Part 1

Knowing how to build REST API with latest tech is cool. You know what's even cooler? It's being able to deploy it to the cloud! I'll walk you through the process of building simple, server-less application using GO, AWS (Lambda, API Gateway, Dynamodb) and Terraform.

121. Building a Simple Rest API with Go

After recently joining Central Tech, I was given my first project: implement a new product creation and querying API in Go. I took this as a chance for me to finally dive deep into Go, something I've been wanted to do after having heard praises about it from many others. I also decided to start detailing the things I learned along the way, both for personal reference and to ensure that I understand concepts enough to explain it in writing.

122. Golang Linters: How they Analyze Code, Formatting, Complexity, and Comparison

Curious about which linters are available in Golang ecosystem? Here's an introduction of how to get started.

123. Pet Projects are Fun

I love pet projects, they are great excuse to use libraries and other technologies that you can’t use at work. Lately I’ve been working on a bigger pet project that needs to parse Go files, I’ve used ANTLR before to make this kind of things but unfortunately, ANTLR’s Go target has poor performance. So I began to search for alternatives written in pure Go and came across with this one, which took a different approach on creating parsers with Go, but before we’re going to understand how this library is different from others, let’s cover some basic concepts about parsing.

124. What is the Best Way to Design a Budget-Friendly Mobile App?

Today to build a mobile application is a mandate for businesses. But, when it comes to investing money for that mobile application, most people have different strategies. Many enterprises believe that a quality mobile app development cost higher and that mobile apps developed with a low budget are bound to fail.

125. Making a Simple Service App for a Yocto-Based Linux Distro

I decided to make the first steps in Yocto-oriented software development and make a rather simple service app for Yocto-based Linux distro.

126. An Intro to Rio: A Lightweight Job Scheduler in Go

Rio is a lightweight job scheduler and job chaining library. Its mainly build for Golang web apps, but it can be very easily mold to serve any applications.

127. Connecting Dots: Go, Docker and k8s [Part 1]

In this post my plan is to create open tcp port scanning tool, use GO and worker pool to make it very fast. Expose it via REST resource, containerise and deploy

128. Issues With Private Data and Confidentiality in Hyperledger Fabric [Deep Dive]

In many blockchain platforms such as Ethereum and Bitcoin, data confidentiality is a kind of excluded item in their blockchain framework. In these distributed blockchain platform transactions are executed in every participant node in the network. So, every transaction in the network can be visible to all the peers. The ledger update process through all the endorsed peers and has to reach an agreement among all before it committed successfully to the ledger. So, in this scenario creating a private record and comprises within a certain group of participants in the network is a complete “No”.

129. Getting to Know gRPC

Need a quick beginner's guide to gRPC? What is it? How do you set up a client and server, and make an RPC call? All your answers are here!

130. How And When To Use Pointers in Go

Go has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in my local area. It has been consistently displacing other backend languages like Ruby, Python, C# and Java. Go is wanted for its simplicity, explicitness, speed, and low memory consumption.

131. How a Unicorn Startup in Japan Leveraged the Power of Microservices

Startup experience in Mercari. Road to microservices from monolith.

132. Training Neural Networks with Gorgonia

Deep learning and neural networks are very interesting subjects and Go language supports this technology using the framework Gorgonia.

133. An Introductory Guide to Variables and Data Types in Go

Hello there! So today we would be learning about Go variables and the different data types associated with Go.

134. Learning Go by Building a Specification-by-Example Framework


135. Generating Images For My Dad’s Meetups With Go

I recently read a great article by Mat Ryer about programmatically generating images in Go and got inspired by it to solve a repetitive task I usually do every month.

136. 2 Error-Free Options for Decimal handling in Golang

CockroachDB and using a popular database are two error-free options for decimal handling in Golang.

137. Managing Go Module Pseudo-Versions in Go 1.13

Go modules have helped bring order to Go development, but there’s been some disorder lurking. Managing module pseudo-versions can be difficult, especially with some of the latest changes to Go.

138. How One ExpressJS Programmer Visited Go Land

I describe why Fiber it's really a good start for learn Go when you have experience in ExpressJS, what similarities and differences to expect, and what things I learned when building my first API on Go.

139. Generic Programming in Go

Generic Programming in Go using different methods: interfaces, typecasting, Generic Functions

140. Retired Software Richard Eng Discusses Rust, Golang, Smalltalk, China and More!

Richard Eng 2020 Noonie Nominee for Blockchain from India has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective —  what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Richard had to share.

141. Making A Case for OffChain Storage in Hyperledger Fabric [Deep Dive]

In this article, I’ll try to explain the significance of OffChain Storage in Hyperledger Fabric and also the offchaindata application that I have built to demonstrate the offchain storage implementation using the Go Programming language for Hyperledger Fabric.

142. Hands-on IPLD Tutorial in Golang

This article was first published on our open-source platform, If you are interested in IPFS, Libp2p, Ethereum, Zero-knowledge Proofs, DeFi, CryptoEconomics, IPLD, Multiformats, and other Web 3.0 projects, concepts and interactive tutorials, then be sure to check out SimpleAsWater.

143. The Ten Best Programming Languages for Beginners to Learn in 2021

Here are my top ten best programming languages to learn first. Start from here, choose your path and get yourself on the road to your dream job.

144. Build Your Own Blog at $5 a Month [A Step by Step Guide]

Blogging about tech is fun. Having your own blog allows you to help others, polish your skills, and maybe get you a job. Blogging on popular tech sites is great. Obviously you're reading this on Hackernoon, so you know I do it. It's fun. But having your OWN site to manage your content is important as well. This gives you freedom to do things exactly as you want, try out weird applications and patterns, and experiment.

145. How to Combine two Programming Languages: A Ruby and Golang Tutorial

During past projects, I experienced difficulties when developing with a Ruby encryption pack.

146. Hands-on IPLD Tutorial in Golang: Part 2

Quick recap from PART-1

147. How to Build a Concurrent Chat App with Go and Websockets

Go emerged from Google out of a need to build highly performant applications using an easy-to-understand syntax. It's a statically typed, compiled language developed by some of the innovators of C, without the programming burden of manual memory management. Primarily, it was designed to take advantage of modern multicore CPUs and networked machines.

148. Build a Go Web API with the New Digital Ocean App Platform: A How-To Guide

Recently, Digital Ocean announced they're entering the PaaS market with their new application platform. They've hosted virtual machines (droplets) and Kubernetes based services for years, but now they're creating a platform that's a simple point and click to get an application up and running.

149. Adding Encryption to a Fast Database, Without Compromise

This article will be of particular interest to people who are curious about how powerful encryption can be implemented in high performance systems. It is also for people who just want to know a bit more about how strong encryption works and how all the pieces fit together.

150. Application Testing In Go: Do It Right And Don't Create a Mess

Problem - How many times have we faced this problem of worrying about cleaning up after running test cases. When some of our test cases run, they might add data to our database or add files to our directory which we don’t want to worry about every time.

151. IoT Tutorial: Room Temperature Sensors From A Raspberry Pi, Using Go

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to grab temperature from a Raspberry Pi and build an endpoint to store the data, with Go.

152. Go vs Rust: A Sto-array of Arrays

Want to see disappearing data in Go caused by an innocent append of data to an array? Can this happen in Rust, too? Check this data-driven horror story out!

153. Go Fast, Small, and Productive With GolangSpell

Before reading this article, make sure you have a good understanding of basic concepts of software development as Algorithms, Object Oriented design, Domain Driven Design. These will be the building blocks to digest the contents.

154. Creating an Image Recognizer on Golang Telegram Bot

In this article, we will go over a project on image recognition using Go. We will also create a Telegram bot, through which we can send images for recognition.

155. How to Build a Twitter Bot with IPFS Cluster

Till now, we have explored a number of fun examples using InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), InterPlanetary Linked Data (IPLD) & Libp2p. We have built Websites on IPFS, Youtube on IPFS, Online Publication on IPLD & Chat Application on Libp2p.

156. Smoke Your Server Using Goroutines

We all want to test our servers and the latency induced by scale. There are different ways to do that one way would be to use postman to send multiple requests. But how do I send concurrent requests? Say I want to a million requests with different levels of concurrency. This can be easily achieved by leveraging the power of Goroutines.

157. Unit Test AWS Lambda in Go

When I started working in Go and AWS Lambda, one of the difficulties that I faced was unit testing. I had a decent idea about what is unit testing and knew how to do it in Ruby but in Go, I had no idea because I was a beginner.

158. The Complete Microservice Tutorial: Introduction [Part 1]

Project Link:

159. How to Make Global Constant Maps and Slices in Go

For the most part, Go developers are pretty good about using constants for global configuration, rather than global variables. A problem arises however when we want a global constant slice or map. The go compiler doesn't allow these more complex types to be set as constant. Many developers, upon making this realization, decide to then use a dangerous global variable. In this article we will explore a better option.

160. 5 Best Practices for Integrating with External APIs

the must-have practices if you use external APIs

161. Security Considerations in Golang

Golang recently turned 10 and the success this language has created over the last 10 years is overwhelming. Today, many of the most popular DevOps tools are now written in Go. This proves that Go is a language that has a great future in the DevOps industry. It is meant for cloud network infrastructure practitioners - this was one of the primary goals of the Go creators. As a result, Every major cloud provider today has turned to Go for their core cloud infrastructure, to name some - Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Etcd, Prometheus, and Terraform.

162. Debugging Go Applications Inside Kubernetes From IDE

When your application only works with api expose by kubernetes, you can simply launch your application from IDE in debug mode and debug your application. But when your application needs to connect to other services or components which are only available inside the Kubernetes cluster then this solution will not work.

163. Custom TraceID in Elastic APM

Elastic APM is extensively useful in monitoring the lifecycle of a HTTP request in a system especially in µservices architecture. Wide variety of web frameworks and databases are supported which is useful in tracking the request up to DB calls. The documentation is simple and concise which makes it easy to instrument the application.

This article aims to help or at least make it easy to trace the HTTP request lifecycle after instrumentation. Golang is used in this article for code snippets but the concept can be extended to other languages as well.

164. We Built The World's Largest Real time High-Frequency, Low Latency Streaming System on Golang

The evolution, failures and design decisions behind one of the world’s largest real-time, high-frequency and low-latency streaming systems.

165. Cross Compiling Rust on MacOS to Run as a Unikernel

Most programs on Linux are dynamically linked. So when you are creating a unikernel with OPS out of a linux application OPS goes out and finds all the libraries it's dynamically linked to and throws it onto the disk image. This works well if you are on linux - 99% of everything on linux is dynamically linked.

166. Purity in My Programming: Functions in Go

Pure functions are often hyped up in the Javascript world, probably because of the abundance of state in front end applications. While pure functions have their downsides (i.e. inconvenience, potentially large argument lists), I believe they should be used as much as reasonably possible, and I want to focus on pure functions in Go.

167. Using Bitwise Operators To Handle Permissions in GO

Few days ago, I stumbled across a very interesting approach to give permissions (or roles) to users in the system.

168. Let's Go! 5 Use Cases When You Need Golang for Your Tech Project

Reveal why there is hype around Golang and describe the best application variants for this programming language as well as cases when Go is not the best choice.

169. How to Detect and Delete Emojis in Golang

I encountered an issue when 10 million messages with emoji were written in the MySQL table with utf8 encoding.

170. Interfaces in Golang

What are Interfaces in Golang?

171. Concurrency in Golang And WorkerPool [Part 1]

Project Link:

172. Introducing Bun: A Golang ORM

Bun is a SQL-first Golang ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, MSSQL, and SQLite. It supports migrations, fixtures, and performance monitoring.

173. 8 Top Programming Languages in 2020 According to TIOBE & Stack Overflow [An Overview]

At the moment, the TIOBE index monitors 265 popular programming languages. The TIOBE includes a language on the list if it matches three key requirements: it is Turing complete, has its own Wikipedia page, and provides more than 5,000 search results on Google.

174. How To Create Golang REST API: Project Layout Configuration [Part 2]

In a previous post I was explaining the basics of setting up GO application for REST API. Now I'll go into details by first creating configurable server, adding http router (mux) and some DB interaction. Let's get (the indoors party) started!

175. Golang in Machine Learning

Can Golang be used in Machine Learning? In the article you will learn advantages and disadvantages of using Go lang in Machine learning

176. Building a Media Streaming Server Using Go And HLS Protocol

In this tutorial, I'm going to walk you through building a streaming API using Golang. Don't worry, its surprisingly easy to build a robust streaming server, especially if we utilize one of the more modern protocols: HLS.

177. Billion-Dollar Mistake in Go?

The following sample code is from Go's standard library documentation:

178. Using Guard Clauses to Clean Up Your Conditionals [A How-To Guide]

One of the first techniques developers learn is the if/else statement. For obvious reasons if/else statements are a primary way to create logic trees. This is where we handle calculations differently depending on the input variables. However, complex and nested if/else statements become a cognitive burden to reason about. Therefore, it can be hard for the next developer to understand quickly.

179. Golang Sudoku Solver for Hard Sudoku Puzzles


180. How to Develop a Facebook Messenger Bot in Golang

A comprehensive guide on how to create a Facebook Messenger bot in Golang.

181. “Go Has Indeed Become The Language Of Cloud Infrastructure“ - Rob Pike

We spoke to Rob Pike, the co-author of the Go programming language, about a career spanning four decades, the evolution of Go over the last ten years, and into the future.

182. How to Use Consul as a Host Resolver in gRPC

Recently, I faced with lack of documentation when I wanted to use Consul as a host resolver in gRPC connections. That’s why I wanted to write this story.

183. Interview with Anderson Queiroz: Golang is The Perfect Language for the 21st Century


184. Don't Make These 5 Golang Mistakes

These are mistakes that I’ve made writing Go. Although these might not cause any sort of error but they can potentially affect the software.

185. The History of Hackathons: A Digital Evolution

The term hackathon is a compound word, a fusion of hacking and marathon, where hack is used in the sense of exploratory programming.

186. Running Linux Applications as Unikernels with K8S

If you've read some of my prior articles you might've thought I'd never write this one huh? :) Well here goes.

187. Optimizing String Comparisons in Go

Want your Go programs to run faster? Optimizing string comparisons in Go can improve your application’s response time and help scalability. Comparing two strings to see if they’re equal takes processing power, but not all comparisons are the same.

188. Is Go faster than Java? - The Wrong Question to Ask

This means to compare programming languages on what really matters, which in most cases, specifically in the enterprise world, is how efficient it is to develop

189. Golang ― More Error Handling with Less Checking

Error checks are essential but turn to noise without automatic propagation. Fixing Go's error-handling.

190. How To Generate A PDF Report From HTML with Go

HTML for PDF in Go for creating quality PDF reports with Table of Contents, Bookmarks and other important native PDF features.

191. How I Got My Website To Load in 1 Second

The front page of loads less than a second, most of the time, from various parts of the world.

192. Monitor Your Kubernetes Cluster Events With EventRouter, Golang, and Kafka

In this article, I will show you how to build such a pipeline for processing and storing Kubernetes cluster events.

193. Functional Testing With Your Backend in Go

For Terrastruct, which has a little over 50K lines of code as of now, I've only written functional end-to-end tests. This blog post describes a successful setup that took some iterating to get to, and it's one I wish existed when I started with a Go API backend.

194. Golang Unsafe Type Conversions and Memory Access

Illustration composed from MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack, original gopher by Renee French.

195. How to Remove Duplicates in Go Slices

Different ways to remove duplicates in slices in Go, a powerful language whose lack of tools makes learning this necessary if you want to make full use of it.

196. Golang: A Beginner' Guide To Getting Started

In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to get started using Go to build real-world applications.

197. 'Hello, World!' in Golang - How to Develop a Simple Web App in Go

I'm going to show you how easy it is to develop a simple web application in Go, package it as a lightweight Docker image, and deploy it to Heroku.

198. How to Build a Bitcoin Telegram Bot

I created a simple Telegram bot that could retrieve Bitcoin's Price to convince my friends that Telegram is far superior to Whatsapp.

199. Introduction to RDS Proxy: Exploring with Benchmarks in Go

A deep dive into the performance characteristics of RDS Proxy vs RDS

200. Why Should You Go With GoLang [Newbie's Guide]

Go is a programming language that was designed in 2007, and this fact directly puts it into the young budding category. Even it is fairly young, as compared to others, it has a lot to offer. No, don't get confused with its adorable and goofy Gopher mascot. This language is more like a dominant alien trying to rule the universe of development!

201. A Step by Step Guide to immudb — the open source immutable database

immudb is lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications.

202. Why Front End Developers Going Full Stack Should Choose Go

So you’re a front end developer, and you want to learn some backend stuff. You want to become a full stack developer someday, so where do you start? Google’s Go language is an excellent place.

203. Concurrency in Golang And WorkerPool [Part 2]

Project Link:

204. Microservices Deserve Modern Programming Platforms: Java May Not be the Best Option

Microservices are very popular today, even in traditional corporate IT shops. Often though they are implemented using languages, such as Java, born in the early ’90s and designed for a world of monolithic applications. Do you remember the big old Application Servers?

205. How To Create Golang REST API: Project Layout Configuration [Part 3]

Good cake is the one you can easily slice into parts with no crumbs falling apart. That's all this project is about: 3 simple parts, no nasty additives. In part 1 and part 2 I've explained the basics of setting up golang project using docker, creating configurable server, interacting with DB, adding routes and handlers.

206. What is Protobuf in Hyperledger Fabric? [Explained]

In this article, I’ll explain the technique used in serializing structured data using Protobuf in Hyperledger Fabric. Protobuf makes simpler in data processing and formatting. It structures the data with specially generated source code to easily write and read data within the same smartcontract.

207. Golang: Declarative Validation Made Similar to Ruby on Rails

Using declarative validation in Golang, in a similar way to Active Record validations.

Thank you for checking out the 207 most read stories about Golang on HackerNoon.

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