A contact page is the best way for website visitors to contact you. Here are 12 of the best free HTML5 contact form & contact us page templates and examples in 2018.
More and more people do business online. A website is one of the best ways to display your products or brand. Giving your visitors the ability to contact you easily through a contact page is important to good customer service — web designers must pay attention to contact page design. The contact page is the best way for a visitor to reach out to you.
But how to design a nice contact us page that make it easier for website visitors to contact you? Here, I’ve provided 12 of the best free HTML5 contact form & contact us page templates in 2018 for your inspiration.
Designer: EltonCris
Template features:
General Inquiry Contact Form is the best responsive contact form template for your mobile responsive website. It has an excellent layout and responsiveness, and looks good on all devices.
With its simple white interface, you can collect names, emails, contact numbers, websites, messages and other information your clients provide. This is a typical mobile responsive contact form for your website.
Use template: https://www.jotform.com/form-templates/responsive-...
Designer: Colorlib
Template features:
Contact Form 15 is a simple contact form based on CSS3 and HTML5 that can be used on any website. You can use this contact us page template to create an advanced contact page for nearly any niche and industry you operate in.
It contains a Google Maps background which provides an accurate reference of your company’s location. Moreover, it comes with useful form fields and a fancy header. The image and text can encourage visitors to get in touch with you. It is a quick and easy to use the form that includes name, email, message fields.
Use template: https://colorlib.com/wp/template/contact-form-v15/
Designer: Colorlib
Template features:
Contact Form v10 is simple, free HTML5 contact form template. It has a custom styled button with a solid color scheme and the rounded form spaces, which make it display perfectly on any web and mobile screens. Contact Form v10 released May 2018 and follows the design trend to provide a fantastic solution for all your users to contact you freely.
Use template: https://colorlib.com/wp/template/contact-form-v10/
Designer: An anonymous CodePen user
Template features:
Under the Sea Contact Form is an interactive contact form that comes with the most beautiful and interactive designs based on JavaScript and CSS3. This is full-page contact form which can display on any screen size, but is especially suited for children’s sites that features animation. This template also uses excellent fonts.
Use template: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/OMMOaO/
Designer: Mobirise
Template features:
Meet Our Team is a responsive bootstrap about us page template that contains every element a web page needs. This template contains 3 main sections, the team introduction, the contact us form, and the clients introduction.
If you need a fully designed contact us page template that contains a clean contact us form, this one is your best choice. The feedback form is simple and has a large textbox, which provides ample space for your clients to leave feedback.
Use template: https://mobirise.com/bootstrap-template/about-us-p...
Designer: reusableforms
Template features:
Bootstrap 3 Contact Form is a fully responsive website contact page. This template is quitedifferent from the average with a fantastic full-screen image background. The excellent colorscheme and contrast between the dark background and the white contact form is sure to encourage feedback. It has a big text-box to receive information from your user.
Use template: http://reusableforms.com/d/e2/bootstrap-3-contact-...
Designer: reusableforms
Template features:
Contact Form HTML/CSS Template is another one of the best contact us pages from reusableforms.com. There is an eye-catching background image that appeals to visitors. The animation is excellent, and provides interaction with the user.
Use template: http://reusableforms.com/d/o3/contact-form-css-tem...
Designer: codepen
Template features:
The HTML5 Contact Form is a simple contact us page template using CSS3 and HTML5. This template provides implementation steps for you to customize it easily to your own project. Just copy the HTML and CSS code and paste it into your website. The default color is bold, but it can quickly be adjusted with some CSS3 modifications.
Use template: https://codepen.io/codeconvey/pen/rgiLB/
Why is this example a good one:
This contact us page is a well-organized page with contact information including email for every department. It shows the contact details and makes it clear so visitors understand the information. The contact form is very detailed and provides all necessary information for contacting the business.
Check out the example here: https://www.choicescreening.com/contact-choice-scr...
Why is this example a good one:
The Weifield Group’s contact page is a mobile-friendly, simple and useful contact us page example. It includes a useful navigation, short contact form, and large CTA buttons. You can click the buttons easily even on small-size screens.
Check out the example here: http://www.weifieldcontracting.com/contact/
Why is this example a good one:
Mockplus is a rapid prototyping tool in China. The contact page is quite simple. Instead of using a form, it provides a more intuitive way for users to caontact the business according to their different requirements. Mockplus has especially added the Slack links on the contact page to make it easy for users to find the Mockplus exclusive community. If you want to connect your entire product design workflow, you can try Mockplus iDoc!
Check out the example here: https://www.mockplus.com/support
Why is this example a good one:
This contact page is one of my favorite designs. It includes a CTA to encourage the visitors to “Say Hello.” The use of color is very bright, and coupled with bold typography, it creates a beautiful contrast to stimulate user’s emotion.
Check out the example here: http://www.helloinnovation.com/contact/
Above are the 12 best free HTML5 contact form & contact us page templates and examples. If you like it, just download and apply it to your next project.