11 hacks to get meetings with investors in Silicon Valleyby@heirnone
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11 hacks to get meetings with investors in Silicon Valley

by Hernán Jaramillo6mJanuary 10th, 2015
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#1. <a href="" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a><strong> </strong>this is one is so obvious I’m amazed it isn’t used or “abused” more by entrepreneurs. In essence Clarity serves as a Q&amp;A service where you can find professionals and pay to have calls by the minute. An ample selection of both angel and venture investors are here. But there is a caveat to it, if you call an investor with the subject of pitching them your startup they might not take the call. So you have to work an angle, where they feel like they can contribute to a specific doubt you may have but yet its not a pitch. I have called them to ask if they believe my pre-money valuation is too high, advantages of convertible notes vs small equity rounds, advice about other potential investors, marketplace dynamics, etc. Once they feel “acquainted” I will later shoot for the -hey, you think you would like to meet to get to know more about our startup?-, which actually has worked about 3 times of the many that I have done. In occassions it can get awkward or they might just reply, that they are super busy.

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Hernán Jaramillo


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