A simple tutorial to learn Encryption in NodeJS.
As a software engineer and long time LastPass user, I’ve always been an advocate of password managers. With data breaches becoming more and more common these days, it’s critical that we take steps to protect ourselves online. However, over the past year LastPass has made some decisions that have made me question their motives and ultimately has recently caused them to lose my business.
TLS/SSL Decryption is a central pillar to the Zero Trust Security Model as it helps prevent the blind spots created by encryption.
Organizations nowadays are storing and performing computation of the data on the cloud instead of handling themselves. Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) provide these services at an affordable cost and low maintenance. But to ensure compliance and retain privacy, organizations need to transfer the data in an encrypted format, which does ensure the confidentiality of the data. However, once the data reaches the cloud, the CSP has to decrypt the data to perform operation or computation.
Encryption is a way of encoding human-readable data with encrypted code that enables the use of a password to view the source and data stored.
Keeping information secured and protecting the integrity of data over the internet is now becoming a huge and complex task, due to the increasing number of threats to the information security.
XOR is a simple bitwise operation that allows cryptographers to create strong encryption systems.
A few companies I've worked for have an IT policy on their secure computers designed to stop movement of sensitive data outside the enterprise. This policy encrypts all file data being written to removable media (USB drives, external hard drives, etc.) such that only a computer within the same enterprise can decrypt and read the data.
How to keep API secrets and keep peace of mind.
This is a topic that has been talked about quite a bit, but I think it's an important one to reiterate to our users.
How Edgar Allan Poe introduced early cryptography to the masses as a master cipher solver — engaging tech, literary, and crypto communities to this day.
FIPS 140 sets the standard for cryptography used in the United States, but it's got problems. Because of FIPS, we all have problems.
Exploring fully homomorphic encryption which, for a long time been considered one of the holy grails of cryptography.
Earlier, we lived in industrial and post-industrial societies, and gas and oil were the only things of value. Now, it’s the age of information society and data has replaced petrol as the economy’s driving force. The reason is that with the help of Big Data, people significantly improve production efficiency and business economics. That’s true.
A brief guide on how to create encrypted containers in Linux using Cryptsetup, giving you tools for keeping your most important files and data protected.
Our company is called FortKnoxster. We are a cybersecurity company focused on the crypto space.
TripleBlind has created a new data privacy solution that enables highly-regulated enterprises to share data without ever decrypting it.
The reason XOR is so special in cryptography
Here you will learn how to encrypt and decrypt data using a password, also known as symmetrical encryption.
1/23/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
If you are going deep into cloud security you may have seen the term “Envelope encryption”. Let’s explain the concept and why it is useful.
Encryption and hashing are different in terms of web security, purpose, length, and direction. Read on to know more about hashing vs encryption in detail.
By default the aws cli stored key id and secret in plaintext in a well known location. What could go wrong?!?
Learn more about confidential computing and how Intel SGX is used to encrypt sensitive data in memory, enabling compliant collaboration between organizations.
A look at updated encryption standards based on strides in quantum cryptography.
The Second World War brought to the front burner the world of espionage, which is the precursor of cybersecurity, as is seen in the modern world. Technological advancements such as the quantum computer necessitate that we take the war against cybercrimes to another level.
Encrypted messaging apps are great, but taking it another step, we look at how to create an end-to-end encrypted messaging device.
VPNs has grown in demand in recent years among individuals are using it to secure their information and data to prevent hackers or for other misuses.
As the world finds itself preoccupied with COVID-19, the United States government is trying to pass a law to ban encryption. It's called the EARN IT act, and while it claims to combat the sexual exploitation of children online, it has potentially devastating repercussions for encryption and companies that use it to protect your privacy online.
With two recent vulnerabilities making headlines this month, notably CVE-2019-14899, impacting VPNs running on Linux distros and Atlassian’s zero-day flaw reported by SwiftOnSecurity concerning leak of private keys, it should be no surprise anymore as to why encryption merely breeds a feeling of security rather than guaranteeing it.
Everyone knows it’s a good idea to use strong, unique passwords, and as employees around the world have been forced to work remotely, logging in from multiple devices and multiple locations, the need for strong password security has only grown. But last year’s Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed that weak or compromised credentials still cause 80% of hacking-related breaches. Throughout the current pandemic, attackers have been scouring remote workforce applications to gather and sell user credentials on the dark web, even targeting healthcare organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization.
Today Zoom acquired Keybase. It came as a shock to me at first; but, it shouldn't surprise us.
Homomorphic encryption is making its way from academia to production use cases. Kick the tires on it with C# and a privacy minded fitness tracker.
Explaining crypto is hard, explaining crypto in simple words is harder. Explaining Zero Knowledge Proof to a child? Easy! So here you go — ZKP explained with some Halloween candy.
Build your own Wireguard VPN on an Amazon EC2 instance - for next to no cost!
It is essential for every internet user to comprehend the importance of browser security capabilities to assure they browse the internet safely. Protecting your browser might mean limited functionality of some web sites, but it’ll shield your most sensitive information as well.
In 2019 our devices know us better than close friends and relatives. Browsers, messengers, social media trackers analyse the actions you do online and your interactions with content to expand their manipulation. The history of browsing is used to target ads and create more triggering banners for you exclusively. These technological advancements might look smart and comfortable, but the invasion of privacy has gone too far.
79% of surveyed firms have recently experienced a cloud data breach. In this article, we examined various recommended practices that can help you stay safe.
A password vault leak had happened four months ago and LastPass is only telling you that now.
In a world where encryption of our messaging apps is at stake, is there a solution that works? Aside from the traditional WhatsApp and Signal, there's Usecrypt.
Telegram is not the gold-standard for secure messaging that it paints itself to be. Here are 7 reasons why.
If you’re like millions around the world getting ready to head back to school this fall, you’re figuring our first, if your campus will even be open, and second, how to adjust to the idea of distance learning.
End-to-end encryption is getting traction for secure communications. But how is it different from all other types of encryption? Here is a basic guide to it.
Cryptography is the core of cryptocurrency, and without it, none of the transactions will be secured, nor the integrity of any information is upheld.
A selection of programs for online privacy. All of them will help you not to fall prey to hackers and keep your data safe.
Updated 01/13/2020
Cryptography provides a method for secure communication. It stops unauthorized parties from gaining access to messages between authorized parties.
Envelope encryption is a good way of maintaining your cybersecurity at scale, without tying up a significant portion of your resources on less efficient methods
Imagine, you are messaging your business partner about a super secret idea, it is worth $ 1m, will you trust the messaging application not to read your super secret conversation? No, right. No one will, still people across the world use whatsapp for such sensitive messaging (although I prefer telegram for my secret conversations). Well, turns out, it is because most messaging apps(including whatsapp) use a technique called End to End Encryption, which doesn’t allow these messaging services or their employees to read your conversations with your contacts. But how does this works, well, that is what we will try to understand here.
Web certificates are a foundational element of website security, enabling organizations to verify that the web address in question really does belong to them, as well as to keep users secure by encrypting their information. These certificates have become ubiquitous, and most savvy web users now know to look for the telltale indicators of a valid web certificate, which may include a closed padlock or green address bar, depending on the browser used.
On July 16, 2020, the European Court of Justice invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, erasing the data protection measures that had previously allowed a United States business to hold the data of European Union citizens in servers that reside in the US.
This year has been big for the VPN market. Some buyers still remember last year’s Facebook data leaks; others have had enough with geo-blocks. And some, sadly, are threatened by governmental internet restrictions and turn to VPNs for help.
The article today explains the email encryption requirement and how correctly adopting email encryption can help achieve and maintain HIPAA Compliance
There are some misconceptions about why VPNs are used such as the extent of the privacy that they offer and how well such systems can keep users anonymous.
“Aren’t all browsers anonymous?”
A new report now claims that Whatsapp messages are not end-to-end encrypted.
How I encrypted, documented, and unit tested my first REST API using PHP, PHPUnit, GuzzleHttp, Next.js, ReactJS, and more.
An easy guide to getting started with online privacy.
There are a lot of cloud services that tout encryption strength as a measure of how well they guard your data. It is quoted in bits, which is the size of the key. So you see services quoting 128 bit, 256 bit or even 2048 bit.
Bitcoin improvement proposal 32 is, in my opinion, one of the most important BIPs we have. (Thanks Peter Wuille!) BIP 32 gave us Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets. That is, the ability to create a tree of keys from a single seed.
The hype is dead, long live the hype. After deep learning, a new entry is about ready to go on stage. The usual journalists are warming up their keyboards for blogs, news feeds, tweets, in one word, hype. This time it’s all about privacy and data confidentiality. The new words, homomorphic encryption.
Encryption makes the digital world work. It consists of a few elegant math equations that scramble data before being sent over the internet where prying eyes could otherwise intercept it, read it, and manipulate it. Encryption is the reason everything from financial transactions to state secrets get passed around the internet nearly instantaneously, unlocking massive amounts of innovation, wealth, and prosperity as a result.
There are several security concepts and techniques, but each one has its purpose and I will introduce their concepts and practices in this article.
Don't know what a CA bundle is? Discover how to use its powerful SSL encryption for secure web server-browser communication, why it's important, and more!
(Photo by Fanny Rascle on Unsplash)
We hear the horror stories of data leaks almost every day. Some require a sophisticated attack to gain shell access to the servers. Some happen over the web using the SQL injections in the web apps. As a result of this attack, your customer data can be dumped and personal data leaked.
For decades, we have benefited from modern cryptography to protect our sensitive data during transmission and storage. However, we have never been able to keep the data protected while it is being processed.
With secure messaging apps willing to cease operations, UK's attempt to fight cybercrime with its Online Safety Bill has sparked the encryption debate again.
This article talks about quantum computing and why it can break encryption in blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Not so long ago, the buzz in cybersecurity circles was all about COVID-19 and how malicious actors were exploiting the panic via a wave of targeted phishing attempts. Well, much to everyone's relief, the trend didn't last long. Some of that is due to security firms getting the word out so quickly, and some of it is due to the general public becoming more aware of potential threats and behaving with more care as they encounter suspicious situations.
Garbled circuits are a quite old, and surprisingly simple, cryptographic primitive and simplest form of general-purpose MPC to wrap your head around.
How to use a Synology Active Backup to protect your SharePoint Data by using the Active Backup feature from Microsoft 365 alongside DiskStation Manager 7
In this article, we will cover how to install a S/MIME i.e., email signing certificate on Outlook, and how to encrypt an email in it.
Anyone who has seen the movie The Imitation Game, or studied computer science in school, probably has at least a brief understanding of Enigma, Alan Turing, and some of the other fun cryptography that went on during WWII. During this time and until the 1970's, governments from around the world had near total control of all cryptographic systems.
Here’s what you can do to keep yourself (and your nudes) safe.
Before we dive into the fun part of getting keys shared amongst cloud providers, there are a variety of tools required to get this tutorial working.
Table of Content
One of the biggest challenges we netizens encounter is defending freedom and human rights on the internet.
Trigger warning: authoritarianism, state surveillance, the Holocaust. If you want to avoid these topics, please jump to the last paragraph of this introduction, starting with ‘Enough about the depressing stuff.’
Is quantum cryptography the next best thing to AES Symmetric Encryption? Let’s find out. Read through a detailed excerpt of how quantum is used in cryptography
It’s Not (Exactly) 1984, but Big Brother Is Certainly Watching!
DASH is stated as not a system or a protocol or a demonstration or a codec or interactivity or a client specification
Where Do I Start?
In cryptography, encryption is the conversion of cleartext into a coded text or ciphertext. A ciphertext is intended to be unreadable by unauthorized readers.
If you find understanding or explaining the differences between asymmetric and symmetric encryption daunting, then take a relaxing breath — we’ll break it all down into layman’s terms
10 Simple steps on How to Boost Your Digital Security During Remote Work to prevent phishing and hacker attacks.
In case you missed the previous article (Part 1), I gave a very brief introduction on Homomorphic Encryption (HE), talked about Microsoft SEAL’s library, and outlined some of the pain points of learning to use it.
Complacency with privacy invasion has become our 6th sense. Handing over the intimate details of our lives to corporate and government stooges has become a virtue and civic duty. It should come as no surprise that, even for a society dripping with tech-savviness, the average person would rather their government act than to take action themselves. According to Pew Research:
This article will be of particular interest to people who are curious about how powerful encryption can be implemented in high performance systems. It is also for people who just want to know a bit more about how strong encryption works and how all the pieces fit together.
The encryption debate ends now. As a society we simply can’t allow backdoors in encryption. Anyone who tells you otherwise has absolutely no idea how computers work.
One of the most common questions users have when it comes to privacy is about messaging services. It seems almost all of them mention some level of privacy or encryption to entice the user to sign up for their service, but how can you be sure you’re using the most secure, privacy respecting platform?
Why You Should Care About Encryption
Add Additional Data Protections to G Suite with the Virtru SDK
The 21st century is the age of technology and the Internet. Today, the whole world is online. We are increasingly moving all our business to the Internet space. It is the place where we work, communicate, order food, pay for purchases, watch movies and listen to music.
This article was first published on our open-source platform, SimpleAsWater.com. If you are interested in IPFS, Libp2p, Ethereum, Zero-knowledge Proofs, DeFi, CryptoEconomics, IPLD, Multiformats, and other Web 3.0 projects, concepts and interactive tutorials, then be sure to check out SimpleAsWater.
We use passwords to access personal information and user accounts. With so many applications requiring passwords (e.g. online banking, shopping and social media just to name a few), it can be hard to track and at worst remember. Some applications require users to change their passwords every so often, and that can lead to users forgetting them or getting careless by writing down their password on a piece of paper. That piece of paper can later be misplaced which can lead to worse things. The problem with requiring frequent password changes and applying complexity to passwords is that it can become more complicated for users.
Chris Hickman and Jon Christensen of Kelsus and Rich Staats of Secret Stache continue their series on encryption to discuss transport layer security (TLS) in practice.
Being concerned with the security of online communication and information exchange is absolutely OK. It is a reflection of the fact that you are aware of global surveillance happening every second of our presence online. Our online activities are monitored, intercepted, collected, and stored. And now imagine that what you know is only the small fraction of what is really happening with our information.
In Part 3 of their series on encryption, Chris Hickman and Jon Christensen of Kelsus and Rich Staats of Secret Stache discuss end-to-end encryption in practice.
In the context of public key cryptography, certificates are a way to prove the identity of the owner of a public key.
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