10 Steps to Write a Compelling About Me Pageby@erikemanuelli
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10 Steps to Write a Compelling About Me Page

by Erik EmanuelliApril 11th, 2024
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One of the important steps to comply with E-E-A-T (experience,  expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) is creating an "about page" that effectively describes your brand and its values. Plus, it is essential to be transparent with your audience by showcasing who is behind the brand and their qualifications. This not only helps to establish credibility but also allows readers to connect with your brand on a personal level.
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One of the important steps to comply with E-E-A-T (experience,  expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) is creating an "about page" that effectively describes your brand and its values.

Plus, it is essential to be transparent with your audience by showcasing who is behind the brand and their qualifications. This not only helps to establish credibility but also allows readers to connect with your brand on a personal level.

So, how can you build a great About page?

This article will guide you through the key elements to include, along with tips on implementing them.

1. Know Your Audience

The cardinal rule of communication is to know who you're talking to. Before starting to draft, ask yourself:

  • Who are your readers?
  • What motivates them?
  • What problems do they need to solve?

Tailoring your 'About' page to your audience’s interests and aspirations is the first real manifestation of customer centricity.

How to Understand Your Audience

  • Data Is Your Friend: Use analytics to understand the demographics and behaviors of your website visitors.

  • Conduct Surveys: A direct approach can yield nuanced insights into their desires and expectations.

  • Analyze Competitors: Look at who's interacting with your competition and deduce what attracts them.

Example of a Strong 'About' Page

An exceptional example is Pat Flynn, founder of Smart Passive Income. He presents himself as a family man first and an entrepreneur second. This approach evokes trust and reliability, making it easier for his audience to connect with him.

Pat Flynn, founder of Smart Passive Income


2. Craft a Captivating Opener

First impressions count and the page that describes you or your business is no exception.

A sharp opening grabs attention and sets the tone for the following story.

Your opener should promise value and create an emotional connection.

How to Craft a Captivating Opener

  • Lead with a Hook: Start with a surprising fact, a compelling question, or a bold statement aligned with your brand's ethos.

  • Be Genuine: Share a personal anecdote or realization that influenced your business.

  • Speak to Their Needs: Right out the gate, address the solutions you offer or the benefits your reader will gain.

Example of a Strong Opener

Storytelling expert Donald Miller suggests beginning your story with a unique insight that immediately resonates with the dreams and fears of his audience, making them want to learn more.

3. Outline Your Objectives Clearly

Your 'About' page shouldn't just be a biography; it needs a clear purpose.

  • Are you introducing a new service?
  • Rebranding?
  • Building community?

Each of these objectives requires a slightly different approach in your narrative.

For those looking to add a more dynamic and interactive element to their presentation, consider incorporating About Me slides into your page. This not only visually engages your audience but also allows for a succinct showcase of your personal and professional milestones.

How to Outline Your Objectives Clearly

  • Use Subheadings: Break down different objectives into clear, navigable sections.

  • Align with Business Goals: Ensure that every objective you outline relates to a specific business aim.

  • Call to Action: Always include a strong, relevant CTA that makes it easy for your reader to take the next step.

Example of Clear Objectives

On her 'About Me' page, Marie Forleo balances sharing her story with clear objectives tied to her business goals, leading to intent actions by her readers through compelling CTAs.
 CTA on Marie Forleo's about page


4. Storytelling That Sells

Nothing connects like a good story, and nothing sells like a story that's expertly told.

Your 'About' page is a prime opportunity to weave a narrative that highlights your expertise, struggles, successes, and the unique path that brought you and your brand to this crossroads.

How to Tell a Story That Sells

  • Start at the Start: Anchor your story in a specific moment or event that serves as the birth of your brand.

  • Develop the Journey: Progress through the challenges and achievements that have shaped your path and your business.

  • End with a Vision: Conclude with a clear vision that resonates with your audience's aspirations.

Example of a Story that Sells

Entrepreneur and author Mel Robbins uses her 'About' page to share her powerful story of overcoming fear and self-doubt, leading to the creation of her successful business and bestselling books.
Mel Robbin's statement on her About page


5. Showcase Awards and Social Proof

Talking about your achievements is one thing, but displaying accolades and testimonials can validate your claims and inspire trust. People like to know they're in good company; it's a basic psychological principle.

How to Showcase Awards and Social Proof

  • Make It Visual: Use badges, certificates, or any other visual indicators of recognition.

  • Quantify Successes: Use numbers to demonstrate your work's impact, especially regarding key performance indicators.

  • Integrate Testimonials: Real statements from clients or peers can have a profound effect on your readers' trust.

Example of Showcasing Social Proof

John Lee Dumas, entrepreneur and podcaster, effectively uses visuals, numbers, and testimonials to showcase his achievements and credibility on his 'About' page.
John Lee Dumas's story on his About page


6. Inject Personality—The Human Connection

It's called an 'About' page for a reason. People want to do business with people, not faceless entities.

Showcasing your humor, values, and quirks can create a personal bond that can be far more powerful than any business credential.

How to Inject Personality

  • Use Humor Wisely: A well-placed joke or a light touch of humor can make you more relatable, but be sure the humor aligns with your brand's image.

  • Share Personal Passions: Discussing non-business-related interests can create new points of connection with your audience.

  • Be Real, Not Perfect: Admit to setbacks or less-than-ideal decisions. Authenticity is magnetic.

Example of Injecting Personality

On her 'About' page, author and speaker Brené Brown uses humor, personal anecdotes, and honest vulnerability to showcase her personality while also emphasizing the core values that define her brand.

7. Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

While it's important to detail your services and accomplishments, your 'About' page should always answer the question "What's in it for me?" from your reader's perspective.

Touting the benefits ensures that your page doesn't become a dry recitation of facts.

How to Focus on Benefits

  • Use the Second Person: Address the reader directly, and explain how your work can enhance their lives.

  • Paint a Picture: Describe the transformed state your customer will experience, using vivid language.

  • Avoid Jargon: Keep the language simple and relatable, stripping away any industry-specific jargon.

Example of Focusing on Benefits

Health coach and author Mark Hyman's 'About Me' page eloquently shifts the focus from his credentials to the life-changing benefits his programs offer, effectively inspiring hope and action in his readers. It's a great example of E-E-A-T.
Mark Hyman's 'About Me' page


8. Keep It Current and Relevant

An outdated 'About' page can diminish your credibility.

Regular updates not only keep information fresh but also signal to your audience that your brand is dynamic and capable of change.

How to Keep it Current and Relevant

  • Revisit Regularly: Set a schedule for yourself or your team to review, and update the page quarterly or semi-annually.

  • Highlight Recent Achievements: Your 'About Me' page should reflect your current status, and present a clear career trajectory.

  • Announce Future Plans: Tease upcoming projects or plans, thus establishing a line of future communication.

Example of Keeping it Current

Entrepreneur Neil Patel’s 'About Me' page continuously reflects his most recent interests and achievements, painting a picture of a leader who's always ahead of the game.

9. Optimize for SEO and Readability

Your 'About' page won’t work its magic if it’s buried in the depths of Google’s search results.

Search engine optimization and readability are crucial to making your page both findable and enjoyable to read.

How to Optimize for SEO and Readability

  • Use Keywords Judiciously: Incorporate relevant keywords into your headings, subheadings, and body text, but avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Meta Descriptions: Craft a compelling meta description that encourages clicks by reflecting the benefits of reading your page.

  • Break Up Content: Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and headings to break up the text and make it more scannable.

  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your page is just as engaging on mobile devices as it is on desktops.

Example of SEO and Readability Optimization

Digital marketer Jeff Bullas’s 'About Me' page is a lesson in infusing the text with SEO-friendly phrases without losing the conversational, welcoming tone that makes it readable.

10. Measure and Adapt

The final tip is less about crafting your page and more about ensuring its continued success.

Metrics like time on page, click-through rates, and the actions visitors take after reading your 'About' page can provide valuable insights that guide necessary refinements.

How to Measure and Adapt

  • Analyze Page Performance: Regularly check your analytics to understand how visitors interact with your page.

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different page elements to see which versions lead to better outcomes.

  • Solicit Feedback: Directly ask your audience for their thoughts on your 'About Me' page to gain qualitative insights.

Example of Measuring and Adapting

Entrepreneur Tony Robbins is known for his data-driven approach to all aspects of his brand, including his 'About' page, which he constantly tweaks to keep it engaging and effective.

Final Words

Your 'About' page is not just a formality; it's an opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level, build trust, and showcase your unique value.

By following these tips and continually refining your page based on data and feedback, you can create a powerful tool that helps drive your brand forward.