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By @daltonic [ 8 Min read ] Build a decentralized application (Dapp) for a charity marketplace. Learn Solidity, Ethereum, OpenZeppelin, Next.js, TypeScript, Hardhat, EthersJs, Redux-Toolki Read More.
By @felixarpa [ 6 Min read ] In this article, we explore the role randomness plays in Web3, whether it’s possible to beat random number generators (RNGs), and how to go about cracking RNGs Read More.
By @ismaelvelasco [ 33 Min read ] Big Tech is marketing its use of carbon-aware computing as way to cut emissions. without mentioning its limits or its dangers. A deep dive, and a way forward. Read More.
By @hillpot [ 8 Min read ] Here’s how the 23andMe hack happened and how different login-access control solutions could have stopped it. Read More.
By @deepikapundora [ 5 Min read ] A personal take on how the misuse of automation is dehumanizing marketing interactions.
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