Older and Younger Adults Are Influenced Differently by Dark Pattern Designs: Conclusion & Referencesby@escholar
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Older and Younger Adults Are Influenced Differently by Dark Pattern Designs: Conclusion & References

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The conclusion highlights the behavioral dominance of dark pattern designs despite varying privacy concerns, particularly noting older adults' vulnerability due to a loss-aversive nature. Suggestions include identifying counteractive technology designs and establishing regulations to protect older adults from disproportionate effects.

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(1) Reza Ghaiumy Anaraky, New York University;

(2) Byron Lowens;

(3) Yao Li;

(4) Kaileigh A. Byrne;

(5) Marten Risius;

(6) Xinru Page;

(7) Pamela Wisniewski;

(8) Masoumeh Soleimani;

(9) Morteza Soltani;

(10) Bart Knijnenburg.

Abstract & Introduction


Research Framework




Limitations and Future Work

Conclusion & References


8 Conclusion

We studied the attitudinal and behavioral impact of dark pattern designs on older and younger adults. While an individual’s levels of privacy concerns may change in response to these design strategies, the behavioral effects of such strategies are dominant and individuals still end up disclosing their data despite heightened concerns. Furthermore, while older adults respond with more concern to some of these dark pattern designs than young adults, they are actually more vulnerable to such design strategies, perhaps due to a loss-aversive nature. Therefore, policy designers and technology developers should become familiar with the unique privacy attitudes and behaviors of older adults when it comes to disclosure. The solution may be a combination of identifying technology designs that counter the effects of dark patterns, as well as establishing rules and regulations around their use. Until that happens, older adults may continue to be disproportionately affected by dark pattern designs.


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