Conclusion and Perspectives, References & Supplementary Materials: Our Journey With ARCby@abstraction
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Conclusion and Perspectives, References & Supplementary Materials: Our Journey With ARC

by Abstraction: Computer Science Discourse
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Abstraction: Computer Science Discourse


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We have presented a novel and general approach to efficiently learn skills at tasks that consist in generating structured outputs as a function of structured inputs. Following Chollet’s measure of intelligence, efficiently learning here means limited knowledge prior for the target scope of tasks, only a few examples per task, and low computational resources.
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Abstraction: Computer Science Discourse

Abstraction: Computer Science Discourse


The Leading Authority on Events and Ideas to Separate Something From Something Else [read ABSTRACTION].

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This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.


(1) Sebastien Ferr ´e, Univ Rennes, CNRS, Inria, IRISA Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes, France and

Abstract & Introduction

Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC)

Related Work

Object-centric Models for ARC Grids

MDL-based Model Learning


Conclusion and Perspectives, References & Supplementary Materials

7 Conclusion and Perspectives

We have presented a novel and general approach to efficiently learn skills at tasks that consist in generating structured outputs as a function of structured inputs. Following Chollet’s measure of intelligence, efficiently learning here means limited knowledge prior for the target scope of tasks, only a few examples per task, and low computational resources.

Our approach is based on descriptive task models that combine object-centric patterns and computations, and on the MDL principle for guiding the search for models. We have detailed an application to ARC tasks on colored grids, and sketched an application to FlashFill tasks on strings. We have shown promising results, especially in terms of efficiency, model complexity, and model naturalness.

Going further on ARC will require a substantial design effort as our current models cover so far a small subset of the knowledge priors that are required by ARC tasks (e.g., goal-directedness). For FlashFill tasks, the addition of a counterpart for loops and common functions is expected to suffice to match the state-of-the-art.


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Supplementary Materials

We here describe the contents of the supplementary file accompanying the paper. A public repository of the source code is also available at ARC-MDL for ARC and at for FlashFill. There are two main directories: one for ARC tasks and another for FlashFill tasks.

Task Sets

The public task sets of ARC are available online at There are two task sets: training tasks and evaluation tasks, each containing 400 tasks.

The task set of FlashFill is made of the 14 examples in [13]. We provide them as JSON files in FlashFill/taskset/, using the same format as ARC tasks, except that strings and arrays of strings are used instead of colored grids. For convenience, we also provide the file FlashFill/taskset/all examples.json to allow for browsing all examples in one file.


We provide the learning and prediction logs for each task set:

– ARC/training tasks.log

– ARC/evaluation tasks.log

– FlashFill/tasks.log

Each log file starts with the hyperparameter values, and ends with global statistical measures. For each task, it gives:

– the detailed DL (description length) of the initial model;

– the learning trace (including the pruning phase) as a sequence of refinements, and showing the decrease of the normalized DL;

– the learned models before and after pruning and their detailed DL;

– the best joint description for each training example, except for ARC evaluation tasks so as not to leak their contents to the AI developer (a recommendation made by F. Chollet);

– the prediction for each training and test example;

– and finally a few measures for the task.

The measures given for each task and at the end are the following:

– runtime-learning: learning time in seconds (including the pruning phase);

– bits-train-error: the remaining error commited on output training grids, in bits;

– acc-train-micro: the proportion of training output grids that are correctly predicted;

– acc-train-macro: 1 if all training output grids are correctly predicted, 0 otherwise;

– acc-train-mrr: Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) of correct predictions for training output grids, 1 if all first predictions are correct;

– acc-test-micro: the proportion of test output grids that are correctly predicted;

– acc-test-macro: 1 if all test output grids are correctly predicted, 0 otherwise;

– acc-test-mrr: Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) of correct predictions for test output grids, 1 if all first predictions are correct.

The reference measure in ARC is acc-test-macro. The micro measures provide a more fine-grained and more optimistic measure of success.

For convenience, we also provide in ARC/solved tasks a picture for each of the 96 training ARC tasks that are solved by our approach. We kindly invite the reader to browse them to get a quick idea of the diversity of the tasks that our approach can solve. The pictures are screenshots from the UI provided along with ARC tasks.

This paper is available on Arxiv under CC 4.0 license.

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Abstraction: Computer Science Discourse HackerNoon profile picture
Abstraction: Computer Science Discourse@abstraction
The Leading Authority on Events and Ideas to Separate Something From Something Else [read ABSTRACTION].



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