Some Swell Doggerel Vol. 3by@bobnoxious
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Some Swell Doggerel Vol. 3

by Bob WrightMay 12th, 2023
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Prince Toby, One Hundred and Nineteenth Heir Ascendant To the Throne of Spandor, had trained his pet dragon Rufus to provide him playful transport about the castle. Prince Toby's reign was the most brutal recorded in all the many Volumes of the Histories of Spandor.

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A collection of poems and random notes: In sum, swell doggerel

The family archives have it recorded that before he had attained to his second birthday, Prince Toby, One Hundred and Nineteenth Heir Ascendant To the Throne of Spandor, had trained his pet dragon Rufus to provide him playful transport about the castle. The people of Spandor, His Majesty's future subjects, took this as an omen and harbinger of extreme good fortune, for it was the fighting dragons that had gained their armies dominion over all the known lands of Estar, their world. Alas fair Estar. His reign was the most brutal recorded in all the many Volumes of the Histories of Spandor.

here is what i think.

i think my life and everything i am and everything i have is a blessing from God. i am absolutely certain of it. nay saying nattering nabobs of negativism need not comment. and i have a purpose in life which is congruent with exactly why he might do that for me. my purpose is right here in this verse from the gospel of mark. it is in the old testament too, i recall reading it, Deuteronomy comes to mind. put the words on your door that you see them on your coming in and going out is the prescription. Mark 12:30 'And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' seems like such a simple concept really, doesn't it? every good thing, every good work, every kindness that you might do or grant would be at the root a desire to show your love for God. i believe that absolutely. now we are getting to the hard part. then why do i not always do these things, and in fact why i am so often doing the contrary? even though i try, it seems i cannot be good sometimes. boys and girls it is the gift of free will, and i do not always will the good. if you always do the good, you can quit reading right here. my problem is the self. self and its notion that it is somehow more grand to serve the self than God gets my fool ass in trouble every time. see i understand y'all already know this stuff, down pat. but every so often i need some reflection upon my selection in hope of the resurrection. thanks be to God maker and giver of all things. amen.

monday with gilly

sweet little baby let me tell you something true, i don't need another reason to be a fool for you. i love you for your looks and everything you do, you're there when i need a friend to turn to and especially when i need a lover to hold onto. it's not surprising that every day i fall in love anew.

ain't no denyin', baby of mine, she so fine. i'm not lyin' takes me flyin'

baby i love you only

it's because of you

i don't get blue

and am never lonely

what is life?

a nice quote from our Blackfoot ancestors "what is life? it is the flash of a firefly in the night. it is the breath of the buffalo in the wintertime. it is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset " and it is you and I warming each other in our lodge, smiling in the morning..

come back tonight

so, was i alright? will you come back tonight? it sure was a delight, holding you warm and tight. baby you were just right! please, come back tonight? yeh, tonight and every night.

for Gillian

i took the nectar that you offered me, i drank and now forever yours i shall be. i know there is no better place for me than by your side for all of eternity.

i got lucky

some girls say you are lucky, got a guy who writes you poetry. i guess they don't quite see that in actual factual reality the one who got lucky is me.

our conductor tonite…

livin' the blues payin' them dues....

a line or two at a time, sometimes they rhyme

this is an excellent image. pretty girl, GREAT pose, nice photography. the pose articulates every aspect of her musculature, know? ah yes you do! the soft curve of delicate flesh upon the bone...

Government policy: if it ain't broke fix it til it is!

no more to sail the sea, i'll remain here and lie with thee...

brand new day still hate the DEA had my way blow em all away

sail on simple sailor...


yeh that'd be alright... i could use correction in my direction and not be led by my erection... good times bad times you know i've had my share, my woman left home with another girl but i just don't seem to care...

a married couple is setting their wifi password, the husband types 'mypenis' as the password. the wife cracks up when the computer says 'error. not long enough.'!

the dirty low down get down lay down...

of course. not surprising is it, really? you'd have to be extremely naive to have not expected such a development.

consider this if you will: the cartels are the perfect survivor, the perfect competitor in a completely laissez-faire free market. why itz a republican's dream innit? complete with built in trickle down collateral benefits like population reduction.

not to mention their obvious utility to any government entity with a wish to secure some off the books funding as might be used to provide arms to whomever without acknowledged involvement.

that made ronny a drug kingpin didn't it? and ollie, he just one the capos, right? but they was righteous weren't they?

left on late night train without a word to explain

A man and his wife were having an intense fight when the wife told him to get out. so the husband packed his things and as he was leaving, the wife said "I hope you die a slow agonizing death." The husband replied "oh, so now you want me to stay."

ok, so now i am rockin Firefox from Mozilla as the browser. let's see how this goes then.

this drawing

so i am playing with this drawing. sweet lovely thing she is too. endowments small but pert and perfectly shaped. lovely abdomen and torso. nice waist to hips ratio. ah, she's just fine. i think she'll have hazel eyes and maybe blonde hair. she's quite the flirt!

but alas, she can't make her debut on facebook because de butts run the show. no new titty... dang spell checker, i meant nudity. no sweet appealing little boobies for you to see and judge whether i have adequately captured heir contour.

meanwhile, on the feed, we get close ups of some raw aspects of overblown physiognomy. not to mind art, but unvarnished prurience. which would be unmentioned save for my observation of some hypocrisy by facebook.

we have nothing to fear except Feerit's elf...

The Valley

One of the numerous flyers had impacted the landing craft and the wreckage still burned where it had crashed. Charna had seen the raptors rend one of her companions into bite sized pieces and she was sure that was to be her fate as well. She wondered if any of the flyers that had brought her to this end would have any of the scraps, or for that matter if there would even be any scraps.

a few quick one liners

so then i sez to her i sez "bull! ya can't turn me into a frog!"

duh! see what it is has already started. you're too late to decry the great plug-in. and in point of fact even now you are participating. the Internet is the beginning, the seed has been planted. soon you'll all be playing in a better virtuality, but this, like the telephone before it, has become almost imperceptible to the loser, er i meant user...

facebook puts up all these horny old man ads on my wall based on my posts and profile... demographic targeting as they say.

so here is a phrase from one of the ads which i found particularly amusing. think about double entendre:

Registration for MEN is currently OPEN and it is FREE, so we advise you to register now, while slots for male members are open.

i have absolutely no compunction against buying the academic version for i am if nothing else a student... the alternative is cracks and hacks. lol.

....mephistopheles.... an aged mosquito

a pastry bake like unto and how about you?

Under certain circumstances profanity provides relief denied even to prayer. Mark Twain

i knew him long before he ever became a georgia belle

hear whee go boogie time children

now i gotta tell ya that it is a really nice stone. rocks.

sure and y knot?

hail yes! git down with me on this

Morning would be great if it didn't come so early in the day...

oh yeh, i recall it all, both the climb and the fall.

see, itz all filters. except the part that iznt filters....

meow. meow. U hear that? Itz becuz this program is the catz meow...

so the drummer is named Pablo Diablo band named Nevercry. Bobo Nevercry does vocals. u just met Pablo. lead is named Itch.

Kon Klusion

Once again the fever possessed me and I spewed forth. Hope that you enjoyed it. Meanwhile Comments, Criticisms, and Suggestions are always welcome.