On Being a Woman of Color in Tech w/Akanksha Gupta from Amazon AWSby@drone
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On Being a Woman of Color in Tech w/Akanksha Gupta from Amazon AWS

by Dr. OneMay 15th, 2023
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Akanksha Gupta is an experienced Software Engineering Manager at Amazon. She has worked with tech giants like Robinhood, Audible(Amazon subsidiary) and Microsoft. Gupta: "I have always been apprehensive about social engineering, particularly due to its potential to cause harm, particularly to ordinary people"

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The HackerNoon editorial team has launched this interview series with women in tech to celebrate their achievements and share their struggles. We need more women in technology, and by sharing stories, we can encourage many girls to follow their dreams. Share your story today!

Tell us about yourself!

Greetings! I am Akanksha Gupta, experienced Software Engineering Manager currently working with Amazon AWS where I lead full stack teams.

Prior to AWS, I worked with tech giants like Robinhood, Audible(Amazon subsidiary) and Microsoft. My focus has been to demonstrate customer obsession and help ship awesome products for our end customers.

I have been awarded Fellow by the British Computer Society, Institute of Electronics and Engineering and RSA for my work in the software engineering field. I hold a Masters in Computer Science from Columbia University, NYC and have been a mentor for engineers around the globe.

Why did you choose this field in the first place?

From a young age, I have been captivated by computers and technology. My father, who worked in the tech industry, gifted me my first computer when I was in fifth grade.

Initially, I used it mostly for gaming, but my father gradually introduced me to the potential of computers, which sparked my interest. I started creating simple games during my high school computer science courses, and this ultimately led me to pursue a Bachelor's degree in computer science. My passion for the subject only grew stronger, and I eventually pursued a Master's degree in it as well.

What tech are you most excited/passionate about right now and why?

Currently in the software engineering technology, I am super excited about two main things. First been the generative AI that is super powerful and has brought a wave of excitement in the technology sector. The ability to create new and original content, such as music, art, and even writing, using machine learning algorithms, is an astounding achievement. With such a powerful tool in place, sky is the limit and I am super excited to see what is instilled for all of us.

Secondly is the adoption of DevSecOps as more and more industries mature their engineering excellence culture. DevSecOps has helped organization to bring in security early in the development phase itself and not keep any loose ends. This helps instills trust with customers and ensures a high bar of product for the end customer.

Further, taking security pro-actively helps reduce financial and repetitional loss later in the launch of product.

What tech are you most worried about right now and why?

I have always been apprehensive about social engineering, particularly due to its potential to cause harm, particularly to ordinary people, when combined with the growing dependence on digital technology and social media. Unfortunately, there has been a surge in social engineering attacks where scammers use various tactics to gain access to people's sensitive information for malicious purposes. It is critical that we remain vigilant and raise awareness about this issue to counter these criminals.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of tech?

During the pandemic, I discovered canvas painting as a favorite pastime, which has become a source of relaxation for me. Painting was something that I had always found daunting since childhood, so I took this opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself, only to discover my passion for it. Currently, I am occupied with another delightful responsibility, my six-week-old daughter.

Let's talk about breaking the glass ceiling. What were the biggest challenges you faced as a woman in tech, and how did you deal with them?

As a woman of color, I have often found it challenging to express my viewpoints in a male-dominated field where I am frequently the only woman present in the room full of men. However, my journey became more compelling when I transitioned from being an individual contributor to an engineering leader. As a leader, I was accountable for advocating not just for myself but also for my team members. Fortunately, I have been blessed with a robust support system of mentors and sponsors at my workplace and in my network, who have helped me to develop and evolve as an engineering leader. To confront the challenges of being a woman in tech, I have relied on my support system as a sounding board while also being open to feedback to improve my skills.

Any questionable misogynistic story/situation you faced/handled, and you want to share with the HackerNoon Fam?

During my time at a particular workplace, there was a project that required traveling, and my boss assumed that I wouldn't be able to take it due to my gender and the assumption that I had family responsibilities.

Instead, he offered the opportunity to a male peer.

Although I felt disappointed, I tried not to take it personally and approached my boss, expressing my enthusiasm for the opportunity and my ability to take on the task. My boss realized his mistake on assumption and later apologized as well for the same.

What was the biggest setback/failure that you faced, and how did you manage it?

After completing high school, I aspired to attend the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), one of the top colleges in the country. Despite putting in a lot of effort, I failed to clear the entrance exam. It was a major setback, but I accepted the reality and pursued a bachelor's degree in computer science from another university. I took the disappointment positively and worked diligently for four years to improve my engineering skills. In the end, I graduated with a gold medal and became the university topper, which was a significant achievement.

What's your biggest achievement that you're really proud of?

My biggest achievement has been to bring a long time dream to reality by launching my first book on leadership and management-  ‘Think like a Software Engineering Manager’ -  in early access to help guide other fellow engineers interested in pursuing leadership and management roles. My goal with this book was to motivate future software engineers and address a gap that I noticed while striving to improve my leadership skills and pursue career opportunities. The path to achieving this was both distinctive and difficult as there were limited resources available on the subject, and I had to navigate the intricacies of the publishing industry to find a suitable publisher who shared my vision. Since I did not have any acquaintances who had been through a similar experience, I had to rely solely on my own exploration. Despite the obstacles, the journey taught me valuable lessons and has been my most significant achievement to date.

In your opinion, why do we see this huge gender gap in the tech industry, and how can we reduce it?

I believe that the significant gender gap in the tech industry is a result of historical biases that have led to the perception of technology as a male-dominated field and limited opportunities for girls, particularly in smaller communities. To overcome these obstacles, it is important to create a supportive environment, promote diversity and inclusion, and stand up for each other. As a part of my community involvement, I actively mentor aspiring engineers through various platforms such as PlatoHQ, Growth mentor, First round fast track, and women in tech network, to inspire and motivate more girls to pursue engineering.

Who is your tech idol? Why?

Bill Gates is my technology icon because of his achievements in the tech industry as the co-founder of Microsoft, as well as his remarkable philanthropic efforts. He has not only made financial contributions but has also dedicated his time to improve the world.

Do you have any advice for aspiring girls who want to join the field?

Strive for what you desire or aspire to accomplish. If you don't make an effort, you won't succeed. Pursuing your goal with determination will provide you with a sense of fulfillment and increase your chances of success by at least 50%.