No One Cares About Your NFTs — Here's Whyby@obukhova
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No One Cares About Your NFTs — Here's Why

by Elena ObukhovaApril 25th, 2023
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n my latest newsletter on NFTs, I discuss how they can solve real-world problems like election integrity and scam prevention, rather than just being a trendy acronym. Successful entrepreneurs focus on solving real problems, not getting caught up in the hype.
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Last week at NFT.NYC, where I had the opportunity to speak about NFTs and mass adoption, I decided to go hard. No one cares about #NFTs! And you know what? They shouldn't! This year has proven that it's not about the acronym but rather the technology behind it.

What defines a successful founder is the ability to find a solution for a real-world problem.

NFTs: Beyond the Buzz and Into Reality

This year has shown that the NFT craze is just that—a craze. People have begun to understand that NFT is a technology, not a trend, and their true value lies in solving real-world problems. Remove the acronym "NFT" and see if your project still makes sense.

What truly defines a successful founder is the ability to find a solution for a real-world problem, rather than getting caught up in the allure of trendy acronyms.

Solve a Real Problem and Stop Wasting Everyone's Time :)

Unearthing the Real Power of NFTs: Solving Pressing Issues

The potential of NFTs extends far beyond digital art and collectibles. Let's dive into some of the most promising use cases that demonstrate their problem-solving prowess:

Election Integrity

Elections have long been plagued by concerns over fraud, manipulation, and human error. With NFTs, we can create a transparent and tamper-proof voting system that ensures the integrity of the process. Each vote can be represented by a unique, non-fungible token, making it impossible to forge or manipulate. This not only enhances trust in the electoral system but also encourages more people to participate.

Scam Prevention

The Internet is rife with scams, from phishing attacks to counterfeit products. NFTs can help mitigate these threats by providing a secure way to verify the authenticity of digital assets and physical goods. For instance, luxury brands can use NFTs to certify the legitimacy of their products, making it nearly impossible for counterfeiters to thrive. Similarly, NFTs can be used to establish the provenance of digital assets, such as intellectual property, protecting creators and consumers alike.

Embracing Decentralization and Financial Sovereignty

The true potential of NFTs lies in their ability to promote decentralization and financial sovereignty. Like Bitcoin, NFTs have the power to disrupt traditional systems and empower individuals. As we explore their potential, let's not lose sight of the core values that drive these technologies: freedom from centralized authorities and a more equitable world for all.

Certainly, these are merely a few cases where NFTs may be beneficial, and it's important to discuss and address any potential flaws they may have. As with any new technology, there will be difficulties and constraints that need to be tackled.

Ask yourself as a founder: "Will people still use my product if it doesn't have NFTs in it?"

Also published here.