"I Want To Make The World a Better Place" - Songtham Tungkitkancharoen, 2020 Noonie Nomineeby@noonies
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"I Want To Make The World a Better Place" - Songtham Tungkitkancharoen, 2020 Noonie Nominee

by NooniesAugust 25th, 2020
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The Tech Industry's Greenest Awards: NOONIES.TECH.Noonies.nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie. Songtham Tungkitkancharoen from Thailand is a 2020 Noonie nominee in Future Heroes and Technology categories. Nomination is open to the public, and voting is open until August 13. Nominations are open and the winner will be announced at the end of the month.

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featured image - "I Want To Make The World a Better Place" - Songtham Tungkitkancharoen, 2020 Noonie Nominee
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“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways.

Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie, the tech industry’s most independent and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.

One such impressive human is Songtham Tungkitkancharoen from Thailand: 2020 Noonie nominee in Future Heroes and Technology categories.

Scroll on through for their take on what’s trending in tech today...

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I'm a product person that wants to make the world a better place. Driven by the infinite mindset, I see technology as a means for creating global change and have had the incredible opportunity to work with amazing companies in my hometown of San Francisco and in my current residence of Bangkok.

2. Tell us about the things you make / write / manage / build.

SaaS, Cloud, PM

3. What are you most excited about right now?

Incoming Corgi puppy!

4. What are you worried about right now?

Financial stability

5. What's the most useful advice you've ever given somebody?

Get over

6. How has the pandemic changed your life and/or career?

My life has been changed by a permanent WFH policy at work, increasing my use of technology to stay up to date and connected to friends and loved ones.

7. If we gave you $10 million to invest in one thing right now, where would you put it?

Elon Musk

8. What's an opinion you have that most people don't agree with?

Wu Tang is for the children

9. What or Who are you keeping an eye on in 2020?


10. Which apps can't you live without?

Chrome, Gmail, YouTube, LINE, Spotify

11. What are you currently learning?

Account Management

For much the same reasons Hacker Noon decided not to put good ideas behind pop-ups or paywalls — nor abuse your personal data to target you with creepy ads — we also decided that you don’t have to be a #thinkfluencer or have 50k followers on Twitter to earn the recognition that comes with a 2020 Noonie Nomination.

Make somebody’s day and nominate them to be recognized in the internet’s most independent and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.