3 Elements of Omnichannel CX Excellenceby@janesydorova

3 Elements of Omnichannel CX Excellence

by Jane Sydorova3mNovember 23rd, 2023
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Omnichannel CX should revolve entirely around users, making customer-centricity the central focus of every interaction. Companies that excel in omnichannel engagement typically retain 89% of their customers.
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Taking care of customer needs and forming strong emotional connections are crucial for successful customer-brand interactions. However, to achieve positive user engagement, it's essential to create consistent experiences across different touchpoints. That’s where omnichannel customer experience (CX) comes in, seamlessly aligning with customer needs and increasing customer retention.

In this article, I'll cover various omnichannel experiences that extend beyond retail and e-commerce and explain the three steps needed to create impactful interactions.

Step 1. Evaluate Your Current UX Strategy

According to a recent survey, over 43% of consumers feel emotionally connected to a brand when they can easily reach the company through various channels.

While many companies have attempted to implement an omnichannel strategy, only a few have managed to create a truly comprehensive customer experience. With the rise of new interaction possibilities, experiences are now more interconnected than ever before. Those who prioritize the customer and consider touch points as part of a journey will derive the most benefits.

To achieve this, companies evaluate and change their UX processes and strategies based on the following principles:


Providing unified experiences across all channels.


Tailoring channel experiences to specific devices, content, and channel limitations.


Ensuring effortless transitions between channels, allowing customers to pick up where they left off.


Guiding customers through their journeys with personalized content at the right moments.


Enhancing the customer journey by enabling them to utilize multiple channels simultaneously, thereby improving the overall customer experience.

Step 2. Make Human-Centricity The Core of CX

Omnichannel CX should revolve entirely around customers—their behaviors, needs, and expectations, making customer-centricity the central focus of every interaction. Through the examination of the current landscape, understanding user journeys and requirements, and communicating the business impact, design teams can create experiences that meet customer expectations across various channels.

Companies that excel in omnichannel engagement typically retain 89% of their customers. That makes a substantial contrast to the 33% retention rate of those who do not prioritize it.

Nevertheless, providing an omnichannel experience involves more than just studying needs and creating customer journey maps. It requires a mindset shift in the entire organization, from the C-suite to customer support.

That means restructuring teams around customer journeys and adopting an agile mindset to quickly address customer concerns. As companies shift towards putting the customer first, it becomes crucial to encourage collaboration and agility, ensuring a smooth experience at every interaction point.

Step 3. Centralize Efforts for Omnichannel CX

A customer's journey to making a purchase typically involves interacting with a brand through about 20 to 30 touchpoints. In multichannel environments, customer data is often scattered across various systems, posing challenges for stakeholders who need to access and gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers.

To bridge these gaps, businesses should centralize customer data in a single shared system, ensuring it's readily available to relevant parties. The functionality, accessibility, and data storage capabilities of such a system play a crucial role in establishing and delivering a seamless omnichannel experience.

This approach offers stakeholders better visibility into the complete customer journey. Furthermore, it lets them achieve the desired levels of convenience, personalization, and engagement at each touchpoint.

Wrapping Up: The New Dynamics in CX

The landscape of customer interactions will be continuously changing, with users expecting excellent omnichannel experiences from nearly every company they engage with. To meet these expectations, businesses must adopt a customer-centric omnichannel approach to be able to cater to unmet customer needs.

By shifting to a holistic, customer-driven strategy, companies can get valuable insights into their operations from the customer's perspective and deliver seamless experiences across all channels.

The question for businesses in 2024 is clear: Are you ready to make omnichannel CX a top priority and stay ahead in the ever-competitive market?