3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Change Digital Marketingby@saikumar_talari
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3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Change Digital Marketing

by Saikumar TalariAugust 24th, 2018
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<span>F</span>rom Apple’s intelligent assistant siri to self driving cars from Tesla to Google AI that can learn video games in a very short period, Artificial Intelligence is transforming industries one after other. The very next aim of AI would be the field of digital marketing which is already evolving dynamically.

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From Apple’s intelligent assistant siri to self driving cars from Tesla to Google AI that can learn video games in a very short period, Artificial Intelligence is transforming industries one after other. The very next aim of AI would be the field of digital marketing which is already evolving dynamically.

AI carries a huge potential in the digital marketing field, with the support of AI in providing great customer experience, targeted marketing and predictive analysis will surely provide a better ROI to enterprises.

The relationship between Digital Marketing and AI

In the past, marketers were uncertain about implementing AI into their strategies. But these years have witnessed considerable trust amongst the marketers with regards to application of AI. This is because of the decrease in the ambiguity considering the results as many sectors have already gathered important benefits.

Artificial Intelligence has made a huge presence through its subsidiary processes like the big data, machine learning and internet of things. But these are only elements that will contribute eventually towards releasing the total potential of AI. The upcoming days will see impact and visible changes due to the application of Artificial Intelligence.

Let us wait and watch in what ways AI will considerably impact digital marketing in the near future. There following are the areas where AI can show its impact towards digital marketing. These possible changes are still in the basic stage now, but can be a cutting-edge for AI-powered digital marketing.

  1. Customizing user experience

This is highly critical area where AI can break through and make a significant impact. Content is crucial for a marketer similarly the customer is important for every business. If he can align the strategy of content marketing with AI, it could be pathbreaking. Depending on data collected such as buying behaviour, customer searches and interests, personalized content campaigns can be organized.

Another great example of AI are chatbots, they are crucial in enhancing user experience. They are programmed in such a way that they can respond to customers based on the data they receive. Traditional text communication and chatbox will slowly become extinct giving rise to a new way of communication system with sensory abilities such as touch and voice. Google Duplex is a great example of chatbots.

2. Simplifying decision making with Predictive Marketing

Every time a user searches on the web-browser; new data is generated and gathered for AI analysis. This data can disclose user information such as behaviors, needs, and future actions. Depending on this information, the marketing process can be enhanced to deliver the most relevant information. Outreach through social media can unveil personal information regarding the prospect making it simpler for marketers to build a targeted campaign.

This process slows down the sales-cycle as the similar information is supplied to customers on a silver plate. Decision making can be made easier with predictive campaigns by significantly decreasing customer research on the product. However the marketers can continue to study the buyer through data and even attract the customer to return.

The AI-enabled algorithms will overtake the current practices like SEO in a huge way. With artificial intelligence supporting the digital marketing initiatives form initial level, chances of trends such as search engine optimization, banner advertisements becoming obsolete are high. This process gives you a detailed report of your prospect without the need of SEO and website traffic.

3. Using image recognition to get maximum ROI

In the past, recognizing an image was confined to identify isolated objects in a portrait. Now, with the help of AI, It becomes easy to get a detailed description of an image. Amazon Rekognition is a new innovation from Amazon which can actually identify objects, recognize human faces and their emotions.

This innovation can be implemented in many ways for many sectors. For financial and banking sector, Recognising image with AI-enabled software can be leveraged for enhanced customer security and faster payment process. Social media is the main source for images.


Thanks to big data and social media outreach, we now understand customers far better than we ever did. AI and its associated technologies should bring customers and marketers closer in the future.

With AI as the bridge between them, it would be fascinating to see how digital marketing turns out in future. Better sales-cycle, predictive buying and selling, and optimized decision making are confirmed outcomes of this robotic war. However both the brands and customers would win the battle.