Who Wins The Battle Between .Net Core and .Net Frameworks in 2022?by@paresh-sagar
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Who Wins The Battle Between .Net Core and .Net Frameworks in 2022?

by Paresh SagarAugust 17th, 2021
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The hottest topic of this battle is Net Core vs.Net Framework. Both these languages are enormously used for developing online platforms. Entrepreneurs and startups are always confused about which one to choose due to their high functionalities and popularity. This article covers all these terms and even shares points about which runtime programming language is best for your online platform. The differences are based on some of the key points of developing an online application. The deployment model of the.Net Core is extremely flexible in comparison to the.Net framework.

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So, the old and most classic debate is still going on!

Most of us get confused about choosing the best runtime programming language for the online platform. And, the hottest topic of this battle is .Net Core vs .Net Framework.

Both these languages are enormously used for developing online platforms. However, entrepreneurs and startups are always confused about which one to choose due to their high functionalities and popularity.

Are you worried about the same thing? Need a perfect idea about the .Net Core & .Net Framework?

This article covers all these terms and even shares points about which runtime programming language is best for your online platform.

Let’s get into it to choose the best one for your business/startup! We will begin with an overview of the .Net Core and .Net framework.

What is .Net Core?

We can define .Net Core as the latest or newer version of the .Net Framework. It is also known as a cross-platform framework that works across Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems.

Besides that, you can use .Net Core to build applications for mobile, web, desktop, IoT, and so on.  The best part of the .Net Core is developed from scratch, which ultimately makes it lightweight, modular, and fast. Adding more to it, the application built with .Net core is compatible and gives better performance.

What is .Net Framework?

It is a software development framework supported by Microsoft to build easy desktop and web applications. The .Net framework was released in 2002, and it is one of the oldest implementations of the .Net technology.

The two important factors of this framework are the extensive class library and common language runtime. The whole .Net framework structure is based upon these two components. To put it short, this framework is an object-oriented environment and works with multiple languages.

So now you have got the brief on both these terminologies, let’s get into the differences.

.Net Core VS .Net Framework

Here we’ve showcased the fundamental differences between .Net Core VS .Net Framework. The differences are based on some of the key points of developing an online application.

Platform Compatibility

At this point, .Net Core gains an extra point as it is cross-platform and enables you to build applications for Linux, Mac, & Windows. Whereas, .Net framework is used to build apps only for Windows.

Additionally, .Net Framework is a proprietary software while .Net Core is an open-source platform.

Performance & Speed

.Net Core comes with a better speed and performance in comparison to the .Net Framework. You don’t need extra hardware for the speed and performance in the .Net Core.

With that, you can easily build, deploy, and test the .Net Core application in the cloud. The reason why .Net Core beats in performance and speed is its new functionalities that are compatible in today’s time.

The application development with the .Net framework lacks in performance and security.

Library Collection

Windows applications that are built with the .net framework get the advantage of in-built class libraries that make the development easy for the developers.

On the other hand, .Net core has all the robust libraries that give great ease for application development. To say you in one word, the Library collection of both these platforms is highly scalable and flexible, which makes it seamless for the developer to build applications.

Deployment Model

In the .Net framework process, the app is deployed with the help of the Internet Information Server. However, migrating the complex may become a tedious task for developers.

The deployment model of .Net core is extremely flexible in comparison to the .Net framework. Here, the applications are deployed with the help of the cloud. Moreover, you can instantly upload and update the new versions of the app without affecting the older ones.

So, these are the four major points of comparison between .Net Core vs .Net Framework.

Which One to Choose for Your Business?

To make your choice much easier, we’ve listed down a few points by comparing your requirements with these points to find a suitable .Net platform for your business.

When to Choose .Net Framework?

  • Don’t want to deal with continuous updates on the platform.
  • Developing Windows Client Application using WPF or Windows Form
  • When your app completely relies on third-party libraries.
  • If you already have a .Net framework application.

When to Choose .Net Core?

  • Willing to target your application for Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  • Looking for an n-source platform.
  • Want to have a scalable and high-performance application.
  • If you want to develop microservices.

The Concluding Point

So, that’s all on .Net Core vs .Net Framework. Both of these .Net platforms are highly compatible to build an online platform.

However, everything has its own pros and cons. You can choose the one based on your project requirements. We would recommend you do deep research on your business, check on the needs of your online platform, and then finalize the one.