Top Nine Java Frameworks for 2020by@theronald248
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Top Nine Java Frameworks for 2020

by Jasmine RonaldMay 22nd, 2020
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Java is being used by 134, 861 websites like ESPN, SnapDeal, Alibaba, etc. Java has proved itself to be the top general-purpose programming language for custom software development. Java is popularly used in various industries like science & education, finance, law and government, and many others. The TOIBE index (calculated on the basis of highest ranked 25 search engines), Java has been ranked on number 1. Java is one of the most celebrated software programming languages of all time.

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Launched in 1995, Java is being used by 134, 861 websites like ESPN, SnapDeal, Alibaba, etc. In its journey of 24 years, Java has proved itself to be the top general-purpose programming language for custom software development.

Java is popularly used in various industries like science & education, finance, law and government, and many others. In the pie chart given below, you can see the usage of the Java language in various industries.

This open-source programming language is object-oriented which was developed with the purpose to give app developers the liberty to write once and run anywhere (WORA). This allows the compiled Java codes to run on every platform that supports Java.

The latest version of this programming Java 13 was launched in September 2019. According to the TOIBE index (calculated on the basis of highest ranked 25 search engines), Java has been ranked on number 1.

Here is the table showing ratings of various programming languages:

The constant position of Java at number one makes it one of the most celebrated software programming languages of all time. The timely updates and launch of new versions have kept it a dynamic and competitive programming language.

The selection of this language for your next web app development project is not enough. You need to make the right choice while choosing the correct Java web frameworks. Are you wondering how you will select an apt Java framework for your project?

Undoubtedly, it is not easy and it requires a deep insight into the pros and cons of choosing a specific java framework for software development for a business of a specific industry.

Let’s explore the top Java frameworks for 2020 in detail.

Top Java Framework #1: Spring

This framework is ranked on number one because it has an excellent capability to develop complex web applications that are acclaimed for high performance. It enables Java developers to create enterprise-level applications with complete ease.

Web app developers can vouch on Spring frameworks’ capability. This is why spring has become the favorite of Java developers. Here is a stat that gives proof to this statement. Here is what developers (who choose Java as one of their top three preferred programming languages) have to say about the frameworks of Java:

Spring MNV and Spring Boot are way ahead of other Java technologies in the developers’ choice. A big advantage for developers here is they can free other modules and concentrate on one as spring utilized Inversion of Control (IoC). One can hire java developers in India and avail the various benefits of Java.

Some other advantages of this framework are an all-inclusive configuration model, support traditional as well as modern databases like NoSQL, and allows cohesive development by supporting aspect-oriented programming. It provides some of the modules like Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Boost, SpringTransaction, etc.

Top Java Framework #2: Hibernate

Being an object-relational-mapping (ORM) database, it has changed the way we previously used to look at the database. Although it is not a full-stack framework, it offers extreme ease to convert data for multiple databases.

Its ability to support multiple databases makes it easy to scale no matter the size of the application or number of users. It is speedy, powerful, easy to scale, modify, and configure.

Top Java Framework #3: Struts

This framework helps custom software developers to create such enterprise-level applications that are easy-to-maintain. The USP of this framework is its plug-ins. They are JAR packages that mean they are portable.

Hibernate plugin and spring plugin can be used for object-relational mapping and dependency injection respectively. Application development with this Java framework can reduce the processing time as it provides well-organized Java, JSP, and Action classes.

Top Java Framework #4: Play

Top-notch companies like LinkedIn, Samsung, The Guardian, Verizon and more. This only speaks volumes about its credibility. This framework provides speed, scalability, and performance.

Its user-interface is extremely simple which allows mobile app developers to understand it quickly. It is mostly used for the development of apps that require consistent content creation.

Top Java Framework #5: Google web Toolkit

This framework is used for client-side development like Javascript. It is an open-source Java framework which means it is available for free. Google uses this framework extensively and Google products like AdSense, Google Wallet, and AdWords are written using it.

Ajax applications can be easily developed and debugged with the help of GWT codes. Java developers prefer this framework to write complex apps. Bookmarking, cross-browser portability, history, and management are some of its features.

Top Java Framework #6: Grails

This open-source framework is quite popular for Enterprise Java Beans. It can be used for creating robust and scalable applications for content management systems, Restful web services, and e-commerce sites.

It can coordinate with other Java technologies like Java Spring, Hibernate, quartz, EE containers, and SiteMesh. Some of its advantages include simple GORM, flexible profiles, advanced plugin system, with multiple plugins, easy object mapping library, and a supportive and responsive community.

Top Java Framework #7: Blade

Any custom app developer can understand this framework quickly even in a single day. Java Blade was introduced in 2015 and known for its simplicity and light-weight. The brightest highlight of this framework is its ability to create web applications rapidly.

It is a full-stack web development framework providing a simple and clean coding structure. Blade is based on Java 8 which provides a RESTful-style routing interface. It supports webjar resources and plug-in extensions.

Top Java Framework #8: JavaServer Faces

This java framework was developed by Oracle. It can be used for creating enterprise applications, native applications, and web app development. It provides a big advantage of connecting the presentation layer with the application code easily.

It provides an API set that is used to represent and manage UI components. It has a clear architecture that distinguishes between application logic and representation. Instead of using Java, JSF uses XML for view handling.

Top Java Framework #9: Vaadin

A great platform used for streamlined Java development. You can use it to get custom web development services. A big advantage of this framework is smooth communication between server and browser.

Direct access to DOM from Java virtual machine is provided by Vaadin. In its latest release, it has been split into two parts. Vaadin Flow, a lightweight framework allows server-side communication and routing.


After reading about all the top frameworks of Java, I hope you got a more clear view. To know about the top frameworks is not a challenge but to find the most suitable one for your requirements can be one!

Hence, it is always advised to consult with a reputed software consultant company and communicate all your requirements and goals with them. Java itself is a promising programming language. Undoubtedly, choosing the right Java framework can create wonders.

Do you think this list is not apt? A framework should have been included or an already included framework should be placed at some other position. You are most welcome to share your views with us in the comment section below. Happy reading!