Top 3 AI Apps for Freelancers You Might Not Know Aboutby@iscanner
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Top 3 AI Apps for Freelancers You Might Not Know About

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The number of professionals who work remotely on multiple projects at once is growing every year. In the past year alone, the number of freelancers in the US has grown several times over. We want to highlight several applications that make freelance life easier and work more productive. Aizimov is an AI app that writes job-related messages. GetMyInvoices is a virtual invoice management and automation tool that simplifies the account payment process. iScanner can help you quickly scan a document and send it to a customer without sending it to the computer.
featured image - Top 3 AI Apps for Freelancers You Might Not Know About
Matt Svetlak, Product Director at iScanner HackerNoon profile picture

The number of professionals who work remotely on multiple projects at once is growing every year. In the past year alone, the number of freelancers in the US has grown several times over. Their percentage of the total workforce in the USA was a record 36%! Based on these statistics, we can predict that the number of freelancers worldwide will only increase over time.

We don't aim to tell you about all the useful applications for freelancers in this article. Besides, if you are a freelancer, you already know about many of them. Instead, we want to highlight several applications that make freelance life easier and work more productive.


We all write emails every day. How long does it take you to write an email for each customer? If you find this question difficult, the answer is probably “a lot”. Why not automate this work?

Aizimov is an AI app that writes job-related messages.

It is suitable for writing promotional emails as well as other marketing messages. This intelligent assistant gathers all the information available online to write high-quality and neat emails (depending on your goals).


Escaping piles of documents can be difficult even if you're a freelancer. Even if you work remotely, you may still encounter situations when you need to quickly scan a document and send it to a customer. Stationary scanners aren't handy in this case, and the multifunctional app called iScanner can become a real lifesaver!

With its help, you can not only scan a document in high quality but also edit it, use a digital signature, and send an electronic document via any messenger. You can do all of this on your smartphone without sending the file to the computer. You can download iScanner on both iOS and Android.


If you're a freelancer, you know what it's like to work with invoices. And yes, it's a rather tedious and time-consuming process that needs constant monitoring. The good news is that you can simplify this task with AI too!

GetMyInvoices is a virtual invoice management and automation tool that simplifies the account payment process. It’s ideal for managing digital invoices and payment requests.

GetMyInvoices can collect data from email and vendor accounts and get linked to your bank account and accounting software. Now you don't have to waste your time on billing— let artificial intelligence deal with this chore instead.