The Quiet Quitting Trend and Why You Should Not Follow It by@rickchen
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The Quiet Quitting Trend and Why You Should Not Follow It

by Rick ChenSeptember 13th, 2022
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You can’t assume your job is sacrosanct, and you won’t be downsized. The recent United States jobs report showed mixed signals regarding the job market's health. The U.S. added 315,000 jobs last month. However, unemployment rose to 3.7%, the year’s highest level. According to the Blind Layoff Tracker, white-collar tech professionals have lost 100,826 jobs so far this year. Here is how you can avoid getting laid-off during this time. Do the opposite of Quiet Quitting 1) Seek out protectors 2) Cultivate relationships 3) Fight back against prejudices 4) Have a "just in case" Plan

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You can’t assume your job is sacrosanct, and you won’t be downsized. The recent United States jobs report showed mixed signals regarding the job market's health. The U.S. added 315,000 jobs last month. However, unemployment rose to 3.7%, the year’s highest level. According to the Blind Layoff Tracker, white-collar tech professionals have lost 100,826 jobs so far this year. Here is how you can avoid getting laid-off during this time.

Don’t jump On the Quiet Quitting bandwagon.

The hot new workplace trend is quiet quitting. While employees are choosing to stay in their jobs, they are coasting along, doing the bare minimum amount of work. This mindset is shortsighted. If you think your boss doesn’t know that you’re just sleepwalking through the day, you’re naive and don’t understand the business world.

The supervisor may look the other way for a while, as it’s hard to attract, recruit and retain employees in this current environment. For the time being, they’ll pretend that they are not noticing you slacking.

As the economy contracts, there will be more layoffs in response to the Fed’s policies. One of the first people to go will be the quiet quitters. Management will take satisfaction in jettisoning the dead weight.

Do the opposite of Quiet Quitting

Sometimes it takes more work to avoid doing work. Instead of coasting, take action. While every one else works in slow motion, you want to stand out by going all in. Speak with your manager to find out how you can help them. Ask what their short and long-term goals for you and the division are. Once you know what they want, go out of your way to exceed expectations.

This doesn’t mean you are a suck-up to the boss. You want to be the person in the office everyone looks up to, as you strive to be great at your job and add value to the organization. It will require dedication, motivation, and putting in longer hours.

The time and energy exerted will pay off in the long term. You’ll be seen as a rising star. If a juicy assignment or new client is up for grabs, the manager will give it to you instead of one of the coasters.

The reward for a job well done will be another career-enhancing task. Slowly but surely, you’ll earn the respect of co-workers, your boss, management, and everyone you interact with.

When it comes time for promotions, raises, and bonuses, you’ll be at the top of the list. If layoffs are enacted, since you are deemed irreplaceable, there won’t be any worry that you’ll be targeted. You’ll survive any future job cuts based on your strong work ethic, drive, good attitude, and enthusiasm.

Complaining, gossiping, and spreading rumors

There are always people in an organization that spend more time complaining than doing their work. These are the folks consistently grumbling about something, talking trash behind everyone’s backs, spreading rumors, and criticizing the company and boss. These workers are always mad about something and spend all day sharing their venom with anyone they contact.

When there is a layoff announced, this type of employee is one of the first ones picked to get a pink slip. Management recognizes that the perpetual complainer is toxic to the team, and the company will be only too happy to give them the boot. They’ll smile as they wish you good luck with your future endeavors, relieved that you’re finally gone. Instead of gossip and rumors, join Blind to get truly anonymous updates about your company.

Seek out protectors, cultivate relationships and fight back against prejudices

Find some mentors, protectors, and champions. You want to cultivate relationships with key players at the company. Ingratiate yourself with them and earn their trust. They’ll be your biggest supporters and defenders when layoffs are announced.

Try to get on a mission-critical project for the company’s success. If you are attached to something that the C-suite highly values, the odds are that you’ll be needed and have immunity from being downsized.

Have a positive and enthusiastic attitude. Everyone likes an upbeat person who tries to see the best in things. Reach out to help others. Offer to take some work off of their plate. Be friendly and respectful to everyone you come in contact with. It would be hard to let go of someone likable and nice to be around.

There is ageism in the workplace. Sadly, workers of a certain vintage are viewed as tech illiterate, resistant to change, and out of touch. Also, experienced workers earn more than their younger colleagues, making them a prime target for being downsized to save costs.

If you are in this category, do everything you can to disabuse people of this bias. Showcase that you are up to speed with all new software and technologies. If you aren’t, immediately take online classes to get up to speed. In your interactions with people, show that you are dynamic and have a high-energy level to counteract ageist biases.

Have a ‘just in case’ plan

The strategies above are not foolproof. Your company may be in such dire straits that even the best and brightest can’t be saved. You need to have a just-in-case strategy if things go wrong.

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Review and brush up your résumé and LinkedIn profile. Find top recruiters who specialize in your space. Get in touch with career coaches and résumé writers who can help you prepare for interviews.

Create a list of target companies, search LinkedIn for human resources professionals and other folks involved in the hiring process and send out messages along with your résumé. Start contacting people within your network to gain job leads. Put together an elevator pitch and role-play interviewing, so you’ll be prepared if you’re selected to be separated from the payroll.

Also published on Teamblind’s blog