Bournemouth a vibrant seaside town located on the southern coast of england has a growing startup scene that is attracting entrepreneurs from all over the country with a rich history of entrepreneurship and innovation the area has become a hub for technology and creative industries and a great place to start a business the area is known for its stunning geography with miles of sandy beaches and picturesque coastline attracting tourists and entrepreneurs alike bournemouth has a population of around 200000 people making it a small but bustling town the town has two universities bournemouth university and arts university bournemouth which are contributing to the growth of the startup scene in the area bournemouth has a long history of entrepreneurship with notable entrepreneurs like mary shelley the author of frankenstein and sir charles parsons the inventor of the steam turbine hailing from the area the town also played a significant role in the development of the television industry in the uk with john logie baird making his first experimental television broadcasts from a laboratory in the town the technological innovations of the area are diverse ranging from digital marketing to virtual reality bournemouth has become a hub for the creative industries with a particular focus on digital and tech startups companies founded in the area include basekit an online website builder and wefifo a social dining platform there are also a number of companies headquartered in bournemouth including jp morgan nationwide and lv these established companies provide employment opportunities for local residents contributing to the city level gdp
PrizesHuge thanks toHubSpot for sponsoring this Award!