Aachen, Germany
Presented ByHubSpot


Anchorpoint logo

As software developers, product designers, 3D artists and entrepreneurs we ...


ProductDock logo

Elevate your digital journey with ProductDock Based in the vibrant tech hub...


NFDI4Ing logo

The German National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering (NFID4Ing)...


helpwave logo

Das Projekt helpwave entwickelt strukturierte Organisationssysteme, die Dig...

Black Semiconductor

Black Semiconductor logo

We are Black Semiconductor, a fast-growing deep-tech company based in Aache...


everwave logo

everwave is cleaning up waters world wide: Using waste collection boats, we...

gemineers GmbH

gemineers GmbH logo

Founded in 2021 and emerging as a deep-tech startup from Fraunhofer Institu...

The German Emirati Institute

The German Emirati Institute logo

In July 2019 both government principals of the UAE and GERMANY agreed a dee...

elexon GmbH

elexon GmbH logo

We provide turn-key solutions for charging electric vehicles: design and en...


AUTOtech.agil logo

AUTOtech.agil - Architecture and Technologies for Orchestrating Automotive ...

S4 International GmbH

S4 International GmbH logo

S4 International is an industrial automation solution provider based in Aac...


Innoloft logo

Innoloft offers LoftOS, a no-code development platform enabling everyone to...


RefresherBoxx logo

Revolutionizing Clothing Refreshment with Sustainability Are you tired of w...

GENAWIF – Society for Natural Compound- and Drug Research

GENAWIF – Society for Natural Compound- and Drug Research logo

We are scientists with many years of experience in the field of natural pro...

The Fuel Science Center

The Fuel Science Center logo

The increasing availability of non-fossil energy technologies opens unprece...


BioThrust logo

We are BioThrust, a biotech startup based in Germany that brings cell produ...


MicroStream logo

MicroStream is a high-performance Java-Native persistence that enables to p...



HOCHDREI is a design studio run by Suits & Creatives – specialised in strat...


Xeotek logo

We make data streaming accessible. Developing and running Apache Kafka does...



RIIICOis in the Digital Twin Industry

3 E's 4 Africa e.V.

3 E's 4 Africa e.V. logo

We enable the African changemakers by funding ecofriendly research projects...

ICoM - Institut für Baumanagement, Digitales Bauen und Robotik im Bauwesen

ICoM - Institut für Baumanagement, Digitales Bauen und Robotik im Bauwesen logo

Baumanagement | Digitales Bauen | Robotik im Bauwesen

Space Team Aachen e.V.

Space Team Aachen e.V. logo

AEROSPACE PROJECTS DEVELOPED BY STUDENTS Space Team Aachen is a student ass...


cylib logo

cylib GmbH is a research-based company for holistic battery recycling enabl...


Nerit'e logo

Nerit'e aims to provide the necessary data to make any agricultural operati...


Inzipio logo

We develop AI-powered medical software for automated surgical planning. Our...



Your machine management, data acquisition and monitoring as well as intelli...

International Center for Networked, Adaptive Production ICNAP

International Center for Networked, Adaptive Production ICNAP logo

The International Center for Networked, Adaptive Production (ICNAP) was fou...

aixpedIT GmbH

aixpedIT GmbH logo

Wir übersetzen die stetig steigende technologische Komplexität der Cloud-Sy...

Gründungszentrum FH Aachen

Gründungszentrum FH Aachen logo

Von der Ideenfindung bis zur Marktreife – wir begleiten Gründer:innen auf i...


EarlyNode logo

EarlyNode is a Media Company and SaaS Startup Studio. Our small but growing...

AES Autonome Energiesysteme GmbH

AES Autonome Energiesysteme GmbH logo

AES bietet vor-Ort Recyclinganlagen zur Verwertung von gemischten Kunststof...

NeuroTX Aachen e.V.

NeuroTX Aachen e.V. logo

NeuroTX Aachen is a student-led organization based in Aachen. We aim to cul...

GeoLegalTech GmbH

GeoLegalTech GmbH logo

GeoLegalTech GmbH was founded at the RWTH Aachen University campus in 2019 ...

First Generation Aachen e.V.

First Generation Aachen e.V. logo

WAS MACHEN WIR? First Generation Aachen e.V. hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein...

IconPro - A.I. Solutions

IconPro - A.I. Solutions logo

IconPro is the technically leading provider of software solutions for predi...

Plasma Additive

Plasma Additive logo

Our goal is to radically reduce the barriers to entry for arc and wire-base...

Aachen, Germany - Startup Scene

Aachen a city located in the western part of germany is home to a thriving startup scene that has been gaining momentum over the past few years the city has a rich history of entrepreneurship dating back to the medieval times when it was a center for textile production and trade today aachens startup ecosystem is fueled by its strong university system which includes rwth aachen university one of germanys leading technical universities the citys population of approximately 250000 is relatively small but it is highly educated and diverse with a significant international student community aachen has a reputation as a hub for technological innovation with a focus on engineering information technology and life sciences companies founded in the area include german unicorn ego mobile ag which produces electric cars and energy storage company sonnen gmbh a key historical event that has helped shape aachens startup scene is the establishment of the digital hub aachen a governmentfunded initiative that supports startups and entrepreneurs in the digital and technology sectors the hub provides resources mentorship and networking opportunities for startups and has been instrumental in helping to attract venture capital and angel investors to the area the living wage in aachen is approximately 2000 per month and the unemployment rate is relatively low at around 6 the citys gdp is estimated to be around 12 billion with a significant portion of that coming from the technology and manufacturing sectors despite its small size aachens startup scene is vibrant and growing rapidly the city has a high rate of new companies starting and there are a number of coworking spaces and incubators that provide support for earlystage startups aachens central location within europe combined with its strong university system and focus on technological innovation make it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors alike

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