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(1) A. V. Kuzin, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia and E-mail:
Model of Disk and Neutron Star
The Solution for the Induced Field
In this work, I have focused on modeling the induced magnetic field in the accretion disk around a magnetized star with a tilted magnetic axis. By assuming that the central star’s dipole magnetic field penetrates the disk, I derived a partial differential equation for the induced field. The solution for the axisymmetric component of the field was obtained using the method of separation of variables, allowing for both radial and vertical structure to be determined. The possible existence of non-axisymmetric components of the induced field was also discussed, with upper limits for their magnitude being presented.
The research was supported by RSF (No. 21- 12-00141). Author thanks G. V. Lipunova for the productive discussion of the manuscript.
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