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The youngest person to ever chair the FTC, Lina Khan rose to prominence from her 2017 book, "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox"
FTC v. Amazon Court Filing, retrieved on Sep 26, 2023, is part of HackerNoon’s Legal PDF Series. You can jump to any part in this filing here. This is part 30 of 80.
229. Amazon (redacted)
230. (Redacted)
231. In theory, relevant advertisements can be useful to shoppers in some instances. Importantly, Amazon (redacted)
232. (Redacted)
233. (Redacted) Another senior Amazon executive reportedly compared Amazon’s advertising and search divisions to the parable of the scorpion and the frog: it was in the advertising division’s nature as the proverbial “scorpion“ to poison organic search results.
234. (Redacted)
235. By flooding its search results page with paid advertisements, Amazon (Redacted)
236. As one Amazon executive explained (Redacted) Moreover, because Amazon’s anti-discounting conduct punishes sellers who offer prices at rival online stores with lower fees, many sellers set their price on Amazon-high fees and all-as the price floor across the internet.
237. (Redacted) According to public reports, Amazon engineers found that "[w]hen sponsored ads were prominently displayed, there was a small, statistically detectable short-term decline in the number of customers who ended up making a purchase." (Redacted) While fewer shoppers were finding what they wanted, advertisements were making more money- "[ a] lot of it."
238. (Redacted) Despite degrading shoppers’ experiences, Amazon continue to have double growth in overall sales, not losing meaningful numbers of shoppers to rivals.
239. (Redacted)
240. Amazon's ability to profitably worsen its service for customers is a hallmark of monopoly power.
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About HackerNoon Legal PDF Series: We bring you the most important technical and insightful public domain court case filings.
This court case 2:23-cv-01495 retrieved on October 2, 2023, from is part of the public domain. The court-created documents are works of the federal government, and under copyright law, are automatically placed in the public domain and may be shared without legal restriction.