Advancing OOD Detection: A Deep Learning Approachby@qualityassurance

Advancing OOD Detection: A Deep Learning Approach

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The paper presents a framework for OOD detection that combines deep learning with statistical measures. Using autoencoders for feature extraction and the novel local conditional probability (LCP) for scoring, the study finds LCP to be superior to traditional methods like KD, LOF, MD, and kNN. The proposed method effectively identifies abnormal data across MNIST, CIFAR10, and GTSRB datasets, proving valuable for AI quality management and data security
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(1) Tinghui Ouyang, National Institute of Informatics, Japan ([email protected]);

(2) Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics, Japan ([email protected]);

(3) Yoshiki Seo, Digital Architecture Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan ([email protected]).

Abstract and Introduction

Description and Related Work of OOD Detection


Experiments and Results

Conclusions, Acknowledgement and References


In this paper, we addressed the issue of out-of-distribution (OOD) data in AI quality management by proposing a framework that combines deep learning and statistical measures for OOD detection. Initially, we leveraged the strong feature representation and dimensionality reduction capabilities of AE to extract activation traces from hidden neurons as input features for OOD analysis. Subsequently, we employed five statistical measures, namely KD, LOF, MD, kNN, and the proposed LCP, using these representative features for OOD detection. Our findings revealed that the proposed LCP, which incorporates both neighbor information and data reconstruction error, outperforms the other measures in OOD detection. Thus, it was proved to be valuable for describing and detecting OOD data. Furthermore, this research extracted reasonable corner case data with high OOD scores from the given datasets, such as MNIST, CIFAR10, and GTSRB datasets. These corner case data have high OOD scores and exhibit abnormal characteristics compared to normal data. Therefore, detecting such data using the proposed method is helpful in future AI quality assurance, particularly for quality analysis related to data security.


This research is supported by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) project ’JPNP20006’, and JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Grant Number 22K17961).


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