

by Archibald Williams October 28th, 2023
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The block system—Position of signals—Interlocking the signals—Locking gear—Points—Points and signals in combination—Working the block system—Series of signalling operations—Single line signals—The train staff—Train staff and ticket—Electric train staff system—Interlocking—Signalling operations—Power signalling—Pneumatic signalling—Automatic signalling. UNDER certain conditions—namely, at sharp curves or in darkness—the most powerful brakes might not avail to prevent a train running into the rear of another, if trains were allowed to follow each other closely over the line. It is therefore necessary to introduce an effective system of keeping trains running in the same direction a sufficient distance apart, and this is done by giving visible and easily understood orders to the driver while a train is in motion. In the early days of the railway it was customary to allow a time interval between the passings of trains, a train not being permitted to leave a station until at least five minutes after the start of a preceding train. This method did not, of course, prevent collisions, as the first train sometimes broke down soon after leaving the station; and in the absence of effective brakes, its successor ran into it. The advent of the electric telegraph, which put stations in rapid communication with one another, proved of the utmost value to the safe working of railways. THE BLOCK SYSTEM. Time limits were abolished and distance limits substituted. A line was divided into blocks, or lengths, and two trains going in the same direction were never allowed on any one block at the same time. The signal-posts carrying the movable arms, or semaphores, by means of which the signalman communicates with the engine-driver, are well known to us. They are usually placed on the left-hand side of the line of rails to which they apply, with their arms pointing away from the rails. The side of the arms which faces the direction from which a train approaches has a white stripe painted on a red background, the other side has a black stripe on a white background.
featured image - RAILWAY SIGNALLING.
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How it Works by Archibald Williams is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. RAILWAY SIGNALLING.


The block system—Position of signals—Interlocking the signals—Locking gear—Points—Points and signals in combination—Working the block system—Series of signalling operations—Single line signals—The train staff—Train staff and ticket—Electric train staff system—Interlocking—Signalling operations—Power signalling—Pneumatic signalling—Automatic signalling.

UNDER certain conditions—namely, at sharp curves or in darkness—the most powerful brakes might not avail to prevent a train running into the rear of another, if trains were allowed to follow each other closely over the line. It is therefore necessary to introduce an effective system of keeping trains running in the same direction a sufficient distance apart, and this is done by giving visible and easily understood orders to the driver while a train is in motion.

In the early days of the railway it was customary to allow a time interval between the passings of trains, a train not being permitted to leave a station until at least five minutes after the start of a preceding train. This method did not, of course, prevent collisions, as the first train sometimes broke down soon after leaving the station; and in the absence of effective brakes, its successor ran into it. The advent of the electric telegraph, which put stations in rapid communication with one another, proved of the utmost value to the safe working of railways.


Time limits were abolished and distance limits substituted. A line was divided into blocks, or lengths, and two trains going in the same direction were never allowed on any one block at the same time.

The signal-posts carrying the movable arms, or semaphores, by means of which the signalman communicates with the engine-driver, are well known to us. They are usually placed on the left-hand side of the line of rails to which they apply, with their arms pointing away from the rails. The side of the arms which faces the direction from which a train approaches has a white stripe painted on a red background, the other side has a black stripe on a white background.

The distant and other signal arms vary slightly in shape (Fig. 91). A distant signal has a forked end and a V-shaped stripe; the home and starting signals are square-ended, with straight stripes. When the arm stands horizontally, the signal is "on," or at "danger"; when dropped, it is "off," and indicates "All right; proceed." At the end nearest the post it carries a spectacle frame glazed with panes of red and green glass. When the arm is at danger, the red pane is opposite a lamp attached to the signal post; when the arm drops, the green pane rises to that position—so that a driver is kept as fully informed at night as during the day, provided the lamp remains alight.

Fig. 91.—Distant and home signals.


On double lines each set of rails has its own separate signals, and drivers travelling on the "up" line take no notice of signals meant for the "down" line. Each signal-box usually controls three signals on each set of rails—the distant, the home, and the starting. Their respective positions will be gathered from Fig. 92, which shows a station on a double line. Between the distant and the home an interval is allowed of 800 yards on the level, 1,000 yards on a falling gradient, and 600 yards on a rising gradient. The home stands near the approach end of the station, and the starting at the departure end of the platform. The last is sometimes reinforced by an "advance starting" signal some distance farther on.

It should be noted that the distant is only a caution signal, whereas both home and starting are stop signals. This means that when the driver sees the distant "on," he does not stop his train, but slackens speed, and prepares to stop at the home signal. He must, however, on no account pass either home or starting if they are at danger. In short, the distant merely warns the driver of what he may expect at the home. To prevent damage if a driver should overrun the home, it has been laid down that no train shall be allowed to pass the starting signal of one box unless the line is clear to a point at least a quarter of a mile beyond the home of the next box. That point is called the standard clearing point.

Technically described, a block is a length of line between the last stop signal worked from one signal-box and the first stop signal worked from the next signal-box in advance.

Fig. 92.

Fig. 92.—Showing position of signals. Those at the top are "off."


A signalman cannot lower or restore his signals to their normal positions in any order he likes. He is compelled to lower them as follows:—Starting and home; then distant. And restore them—distant; then starting and home. If a signalman were quite independent, he might, after the passage of a train, restore the home or starting, but forget all about the distant, so that the next train, which he wants to stop, would dash past the distant without warning and have to pull up suddenly when the home came in sight. But by a mechanical arrangement he is prevented from restoring the home or starting until the distant is at danger; and, vice versâ, he cannot lower the last until the other two are off. This mechanism is called locking gear.


There are many different types of locking gear in use. It is impossible to describe them all, or even to give particulars of an elaborate locking-frame of any one type. But if we confine ourselves to the simplest combination of a stud-locking apparatus, such as is used in small boxes on the Great Western Railway, the reader will get an insight into the general principles of these safety devices, as the same principles underlie them all.

Fig. 93.

Fig. 93.—A signal lever and its connections. To move the lever, c is pressed towards b raising the catch-rod from its nick in the rack, g g g, guides; r r, anti-friction rollers; s, sockets for catch-rod to work in.

The levers in the particular type of locking gear which we are considering have each a tailpiece or "tappet arm" attached to it, which moves backwards and forwards with the lever (Fig. 93). Running at right angles to this tappet, and close to it, either under or above, are the lock bars, or stud bars. Refer now to Fig. 94, which shows the ends of the three tappet arms, d, h, and s, crossed by a bar, b, from which project these studs. The levers are all forward and the signals all "on." If the signalman tried to pull the lever attached to d down the page, as it were, he would fail to move it on account of the stud a, which engages with a notch in d. Before this stud can be got free of the notch the tappets h and s must be pulled over, so as to bring their notches in line with studs b and c (Fig. 95). The signalman can now move d, since the notch easily pushes the stud a to the left (Fig. 96). The signals must be restored to danger. As h and s are back-locked by d—that is, prevented by d from being put back into their normal positions—d must be moved first. The interlocking of the three signals described is merely repeated in the interlocking of a large number of signals.

Fig. 94.

Fig. 94.

Fig. 95.

On entering a signal-box a visitor will notice that the levers have different colours:—Green, signifying distant signals; red, signifying home and starting signals; blue, signifying facing points; black, signifying trailing points; white, signifying spare levers. These different colours help the signalman to pick out the right levers easily.

To the front of each lever is attached a small brass tablet bearing certain numbers; one in large figures on the top, then a line, and other numbers in small figures beneath. The large number is that of the lever itself; the others, called leads, refer to levers which must be pulled before that particular lever can be released.

Fig. 96.

Fig. 97. Fig. 97.—Model signal equipment in a signalling school. (By permission of the "G.W.R. Magazine").


Mention was made, in connection with the lever, of points. Before going further we will glance at the action of these devices for enabling a train to run from one set of rails to another. Figs. 98 and 99 show the points at a simple junction. It will be noticed that the rails of the line to the left of the points are continued as the outer rails of the main and branch lines. The inner rails come to a sharp V-point, and to the left of this are the two short rails which, by means of shifting portions, decide the direction of a train's travel. In Fig. 98 the main line is open; in Fig. 99, the branch. The shifting parts are kept properly spaced by cross bars (or tie-rods), a a.

Fig. 98.

Fig. 98.—Points open to main line.

Fig. 99.

Fig. 99.—Points open to branch line.

It might be thought that the wheels would bump badly when they reach the point b, where there is a gap. This is prevented, however, by the bent ends e e (Fig. 98), on which the tread of the wheel rests until it has reached some distance along the point of v. The safety rails s r keep the outer wheel up against its rail until the V has been passed.


Let us suppose that a train is approaching the junction shown in Figs. 98 and 99 from the left. It is not enough that the driver should know that the tracks are clear. He must also be assured that the track, main or branch, as the case may be, along which he has to go, is open; and on the other hand, if he were approaching from the right, he would want to be certain that no train on the other line was converging on his. Danger is avoided and assurance given by interlocking the points and signals. To the left of the junction the home and distant signals are doubled, there being two semaphore arms on each post. These are interlocked with the points in such a manner that the signals referring to either line can be pulled off only when the points are set to open the way to that line. Moreover, before any shifting[Pg 212] of points can be made, the signals behind must be put to danger. The convergence of trains is prevented by interlocking, which renders it impossible to have both sets of distant and home signals at "All right" simultaneously.


We may now pass to the working of the block system of signalling trains from station to station on one line of a double track. Each signal-box (except, of course, those at termini) has electric communication with the next box in both directions. The instruments used vary on different systems, but the principle is the same; so we will concentrate our attention on those most commonly employed on the Great Western Railway. They are:—(1.) Two tapper-bell instruments, connected with similar instruments in the adjacent boxes on both sides. Each of these rings one beat in the corresponding box every time its key is depressed. (2.) Two Spagnoletti disc instruments—one, having two keys, communicating with the box in the rear; and the other, in connection with the forward box, having no keys. Their respective functions are to give signals and receive them. In the centre of the face of each is a square[Pg 213] opening, behind which moves a disc carrying two "flags"—"Train on line" in white letters on red ground, and "Line clear" in black letters on a white ground. The keyed instrument has a red and a white key. When the red key is depressed, "Train on line" appears at the opening; also in that of a keyless disc at the adjacent signal-box. A depression of the white key similarly gives "Line clear." A piece of wire with the ends turned over and passed through two eyes slides over the keys, and can be made to hold either down. In addition to these, telephonic and telegraphic instruments are provided to enable the signalmen to converse.


Fig. 100.

Fig. 100.—The signaling instruments in three adjacent cabins. The featherless arrows show the connection of the instruments.

We may now watch the doings of signalmen in four successive boxes, A, B, C, and D, during the passage of an express train. Signalman A calls signalman B's attention by one beat on the tapper-bell. B answers by repeating it to show that he is attending. A asks, "Is line clear for passenger express?"—four beats on the bell. B, seeing that the line is clear to his clearing point, sends back four beats, and pins down the white key of his instrument. "Line clear" appears on the opening, and also at that of A's keyless disc. A lowers starting signal. Train moves off. A gives two beats on the tapper = "Train entering section." B pins indicator at "Train on line," which also appears on A's instrument. A places signals at danger. B asks C, "Is line clear?" C repeats the bell code, and pins indicator at "Line clear," shown on B's keyless disc also. B lowers all signals. Train passes. B signals to C, "Train entering section." B signals to A, "Train out of section," and releases indicator, which returns to normal position with half of each flag showing at the window. B signals to C, "Train on line," and sets all his signals to danger. C pins indicator to "Train on line." C asks, "Is line clear?" But there is a train at station D, and signalman D therefore gives no reply, which is equivalent to a negative.[Pg 215] The driver, on approaching C's distant, sees it at danger, and slows down, stopping at the home. C lowers home, and allows train to proceed to his starting signal. D, when the line is clear to his clearing point, signals "Line clear," and pins indicator at "Line clear." C lowers starting signals, and train proceeds. C signals to D, "Train entering section," and D pins indicator at "Train on line." C signals to B, "Train out of section," sets indicator at normal, and puts signals at danger. And so the process is repeated from station to station. Where, however, sections are short, the signalman is advised one section ahead of the approach of a train by an additional signal signifying, "Fast train approaching." The block indicator reminds the signalman of the whereabouts of the train. Unless his keyless indicator is at normal, he may not ask, "Is line clear?" And until he signals back "Line clear" to the box behind, a train is not allowed to enter his section. In this way a section of line with a full complement of signals is always interposed between any two trains.


We have dealt with the signalling arrangements pertaining to double lines of railway, showing that a system of signals is necessary to prevent a train running into the back of its predecessor. Where trains in both directions pass over a single line, not only has this element of danger to be dealt with, but also the possibility of a train being allowed to enter a section of line from each end at the same time. This is effected in several ways, the essence of each being that the engine-driver shall have in his possession visible evidence of the permission accorded him by the signalman to enter a section of single line.


The simplest form of working is to allocate to the length of line a "train staff"—a piece of wood about 14 inches long, bearing the names of the stations at either end. This is adopted where only one engine is used for working a section, such as a short branch line. In a case like this there is obviously no danger of two trains meeting, and the train staff is merely the authority to the driver to start a journey. No telegraphic communication is necessary with such a system, and signals are placed only at the ends of the line.


On long lengths of single line where more than one train has to be considered, the line is divided into blocks in the way already described for double lines, and a staff is assigned to each, the staffs for the various blocks differing from each other in shape and colour. The usual signals are provided at each station, and block telegraph instruments are employed, the only difference being that one disc, of the key pattern, is used for trains in both directions. On such a line it is, of course, possible that two or more trains may require to follow each other without any travelling intermediately in the opposite direction. This would be impossible if the staff passed uniformly to and fro in the block section; but it is arranged by the introduction of a train staff ticket used in conjunction with the staff.

No train is permitted to leave a staff station unless the staff for the section of line to be traversed is at the station; and the driver has the strictest possible instructions that he must see the staff. If a second train is required to follow, the staff is shown to the driver, and a train staff ticket handed him as his authority to proceed. If, however, the next train over the section will enter from the opposite end, the staff is handed to the driver.

To render this system as safe as possible, train staff tickets are of the same colour and shape as the staff for the section to which they apply, and are kept in a special box at the stations, the key being attached to the staff and the lock so arranged that the key cannot be withdrawn unless the box has been locked.


These systems of working are developments of the last mentioned, by which are secured greater safety and ease in working the line. On some sections of single line circumstances often necessitate the running of several trains in one direction without a return train. For such cases the train staff ticket was introduced; but even on the best regulated lines it is not always possible to secure that the staff shall be at the station where it is required at the right time, and cases have arisen where, no train being available at the station where the staff was, it had to be taken to the other station by a man on foot, causing much delay to traffic. The electric train staff and tablet systems overcome this difficulty. Both work on much the same principle, and we will therefore describe the former.

Fig. 101.

Fig. 101.—An electric train staff holder: s s, staffs in the slot of the instrument. Leaning against the side of the cabin is a staff showing the key k at the end for unlocking a siding points between two stations. The engine driver cannot remove the staff until the points have been locked again.

At each end of a block section a train staff instrument (Fig. 101) is provided. In the base of these instruments are a number of train staffs, any one of which would be accepted by an engine-driver as permission to travel over the single line. The instruments are electrically connected, the mechanism securing that a staff can be withdrawn only by the co-operation of the signalman at each end of the section; that, when all the staffs are in the instruments, a staff may be withdrawn at either end; that, when a staff has been withdrawn, another cannot be obtained until the one out has been restored to one or other of the instruments. The safety of such a system is obvious, as also the assistance to the working by having a staff available for a train no matter from which end it is to enter the section.

The mechanism of the instruments is quite simple. A double-poled electro-magnet is energized by the depression of a key by the signalman at the further end of the block into which the train is to run, and by the turning of a handle by the signalman who requires to withdraw a staff. The magnet, being energized, is able to lift a mechanical lock, and permits the withdrawal of a staff. In its passage through the instrument the staff revolves a number of iron discs, which in turn raise or lower a switch controlling the electrical connections. This causes the electric currents actuating the electro-magnet to oppose each other, the magnetism to cease, and the lock to fall back, preventing another staff being withdrawn. It will naturally be asked, "How is the electrical system restored?" We have said that there were a number of staffs in each instrument—in other words, a given number of staffs, usually twenty, is assigned to the section. Assume that there are ten in each instrument, and that the switch in each is in its lower position. Now withdraw a staff, and one instrument has an odd, the other an even, number of staffs, and similarly one switch is raised while the other remains lowered, therefore the electrical circuit is "out of phase"—that is, the currents in the magnets of each staff instrument are opposed to one another, and cannot release the lock. The staff travels through the section and is placed in the instrument at the other end, bringing the number of staffs to eleven—an odd number, and, what is more important, raising the switch. Both switches are now raised, consequently the electric currents will support each other, so that a staff may be withdrawn. Briefly, then, when there is an odd number of staffs in one instrument and an even number in the other, as when a staff is in use, the signalmen are unable to obtain a staff, and consequently cannot give authority for a train to enter the section; but when there is either an odd or an even number of staffs in each instrument a staff may be withdrawn at either end on the co-operation of the signalmen.

We may add that, where two instruments are in the same signal-box, one for working to the box in advance, the other to the rear, it is arranged that the staffs pertaining to one section shall not fit the instrument for the other, and must be of different colours. This prevents the driver accidentally accepting a staff belonging to one section as authority to travel over the other.


The remarks made on the interlocking of points and signals on double lines apply also to the working of single lines, with the addition that not only are the distant, home, and starting signals interlocked with each other, but with the signals and points governing the approach of a train from the opposite direction—in other words, the signals for the approach of a train to a station from one direction cannot be lowered unless those for the approach to the station of a train from the opposite direction are at danger, and the points correctly set.


In the working of single lines, as of double, the signalman at the station from which a train is to proceed has to obtain the consent of the signalman ahead, the series of questions to be signalled being very similar to those detailed for double lines. There is, however, one notable exception. On long lengths of single line it is necessary to make arrangements for trains to pass each other. This is done by providing loop lines at intervals, a second pair of rails being laid for the accommodation of one train while another in the opposite direction passes it. To secure that more than one train shall not be on a section of single line between two crossing-places it is laid down that, when a signalman at a non-crossing station is asked to allow a train to approach his station, he must not give permission until he has notified the signalman ahead of him, thus securing that he is not asking permission for trains to approach from both directions at the same time. Both for single and double line working a number of rules designed to deal with cases of emergency are laid down, the guiding principle being safety; but we have now dealt with all the conditions of everyday working, and must pass to the consideration of

Fig. 102.

Fig. 102.—An electric lever-frame in a signalling cabin at Didcot.


In a power system of signalling the signalman is provided with some auxiliary means—electricity, compressed air, etc.—of moving the signals or points under his control. It is still necessary to have a locking-frame in the signal-box, with levers interlocked with each other, and connections between the box and the various points and signals. But the frame is much smaller than an ordinary manual frame, and but little force is needed to move the little levers which make or break an electric circuit, or open an air-valve, according to the power-agent used.


Fig. 102 represents the locking-frame of a cabin at Didcot, England, where an all-electric system has been installed. Wires lead from the cabin to motors situated at the points and signals, which they operate through worm gearing. When a lever is moved it closes a circuit and sets the current flowing through a motor, the direction of the flow (and consequently of the motor's revolution) depending on whether the lever has been moved forward or backward. Indicators arranged under the levers tell the signalman when the desired movements at the points and signals have been completed. If any motion is not carried through, owing to failure of the current or obstruction of the working parts, an electric lock prevents him continuing operations. Thus, suppose he has to open the main line to an express, he is obliged by the mechanical locking-frame to set all the points correctly before the signals can be lowered. He might move all the necessary levers in due order, yet one set of points might remain open, and, were the signals lowered, an accident would result. But this cannot happen, as the electric locks worked by the points in question block the signal levers, and until the failure has been set right, the signals must remain at "danger."

The point motors are connected direct to the points; but between a signal motor and its arm there is an "electric slot," consisting of a powerful electro-magnet which forms a link in the rod work. To lower a signal it is necessary that the motor shall revolve and a control current pass round the magnet to give it the requisite attractive force. If no control current flows, as would happen were any pair of points not in their proper position, the motor can have no effect on the signal arm to lower it, owing to the magnet letting go its grip. Furthermore, if the signal had been already lowered when the control current failed, it would rise to "danger" automatically, as all signals are weighted to assume the danger position by gravity. The signal control currents can be broken by the signalman moving a switch, so that in case of emergency all signals may be thrown simultaneously to danger.


In England and the United States compressed air is also used to do the hard labour of the signalman for him. Instead of closing a circuit, the signalman, by moving a lever half-way over, admits air to a pipe running along the track to an air reservoir placed beside the points or signal to which the lever relates. The air opens a valve and puts the reservoir in connection with a piston operating the points or signal-arm, as the case may be. This movement having been performed, another valve in the reservoir is opened, and air passes back through a second pipe to the signal-box, where it opens a third valve controlling a piston which completes the movement of the lever, so showing the signalman that the operation is complete. With compressed air, as with electricity, a mechanical locking-frame is of course used.


To reduce expense, and increase the running speed on lines where the sections are short, the train is sometimes made to act as its own signalman. The rails of each section are all bonded together so as to be in metallic contact, and each section is insulated from the two neighbouring sections. At the further end of a section is installed an electric battery, connected to the rails, which lead the current back to a magnet operating a signal stationed some distance back on the preceding section. As long as current flows the signal is held at "All right." When a train enters the section the wheels and axles short-circuit the current, so that it does not reach the signal magnet, and the signal rises to "danger," and stays there until the last pair of wheels has passed out of the section. Should the current fail or a vehicle break loose and remain on the section, the same thing would happen.

The human element can thus be practically eliminated from signalling. To make things absolutely safe, a train should have positive control over a train following, to prevent the driver overrunning the signals. On electric railways this has been effected by means of contacts working in combination with the signals, which either cut the current off from the section preceding that on which a train may be, or raise a trigger to strike an arm on the train following and apply its brakes.

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This book is part of the public domain. Archibald Williams (2009). How it Works. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved

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