Textbooks Are All You Need: Additional Examples for Section 3by@knapsack

Textbooks Are All You Need: Additional Examples for Section 3

by KnapsackSeptember 12th, 2024
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In this study, researchers from Microsoft introduce phi-1, a new large language model for code, with significantly smaller size than competing models.
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(1) Suriya Gunasekar, Microsoft Research;

(2) Yi Zhang, Microsoft Research;

(3) Jyoti Aneja, Microsoft Research;

(4) Caio C´esar Teodoro Mendes, Microsoft Research;

(5) Allie Del Giorno, Microsoft Research;

(6) Sivakanth Gopi, Microsoft Research;

(7) Mojan Javaheripi, Microsoft Research;

(8) Piero Kauffmann, Microsoft Research;

(9) Gustavo de Rosa, Microsoft Research;

(10) Olli Saarikivi, Microsoft Research;

(11) Adil Salim, Microsoft Research;

(12) Shital Shah, Microsoft Research;

(13) Harkirat Singh Behl, Microsoft Research;

(14) Xin Wang, Microsoft Research;

(15) S´ebastien Bubeck, Microsoft Research;

(16) Ronen Eldan, Microsoft Research;

(17) Adam Tauman Kalai, Microsoft Research;

(18) Yin Tat Lee, Microsoft Research;

(19) Yuanzhi Li, Microsoft Research.

A Additional examples for Section 3

In Section 3, we discussed with a few examples on how finetuned modes shows a substantial improvement over the base model in executing tasks that are not featured in the finetuning dataset. Here we provide additional examples and details to further illustrate improvements.

A.1 Finetuning improves the model’s understanding ability

The example below is challenging due to the prevalence of various logical operators such as “and” and “not” that link numerous statements. Prior to finetuning, the model is confused by the logic embedded in the statement. It struggles to differentiate between “elements” and “indices”, and is unsure about which array to use. Conversely, the finetuned model is adept at accurately identifying all relevant arrays and indices, while correctly implementing the logical operators.

A.2 Finetuning improves the model’s ability to use external libraries

Pytorch example. In this PyTorch example, we ask the model to write a modified gradient update:

The code by phi-1-small reveals a lack api usage and limitations in understanding, leading to multiple significant missteps. First, it uses np.linalg.svd(x), which is incompatible with PyTorch tensors. Second, it erroneously assigns the SVD result directly to the parameter, deviating from the prompt’s instruction to add it. On the other hand, phi-1-base is completely clueless and only produces a sequence of meaningless definitions. This indicates that improving the model’s logical reasoning ability (even only on simple functions) can greatly enhance the model’s general coding ability

Pyplot example. The final API example is a Pyplot application. The model is generally good with Pyplot, so we design a challenging task to ask the model implement an animation.

phi-1-small produces a very incorrect completion. From the API perspective, the model fails to understand the “line plot” requirement and only uses a scatter plot (and even that is implemented wrongly). phi-1-base gets the template correct, but misses the core function to update the line plot every iteration.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.