(1) Shih-Tang Su, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (;
(2) Vijay G. Subramanian, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and (;
(3) Grant Schoenebeck, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (
2.1 Model of Binary-Outcome Experiments in Two-Phase Trials
3 Binary-outcome Experiments in Two-phase Trials and 3.1 Experiments with screenings
3.2 Assumptions and induced strategies
3.3 Constraints given by phase-II experiments
3.4 Persuasion ratio and the optimal signaling structure
3.5 Comparison with classical Bayesian persuasion strategies
4.2 Determined versus sender-designed experiments
4.3 Multi-phase model and classical Bayesian persuasion and References
Note that the pruned tree will potentially be unbalanced.
Lemma 7. Given an N-phase trial M with binary-outcome experiments, if there exists a pruned N-phase trial model P run(M) such that the following two conditions hold, then the sender’s expected utility is given by an equivalent single-phase Bayesian persuasion model.
For every non-trivial determined experiment, its sibling is either a trivial or a sender-designed experiment.
There exists a least one sender-designed experiment in each (from root to leaf) experiment sequence of P run(M).
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