A Brief Review of Wedge Holographyby@multiversetheory
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A Brief Review of Wedge Holography

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Wedge holography serves as a key link between classical gravity and holographic dual theories, facilitating the computation of the Page curve for black holes. By analyzing entanglement entropy dynamics across boundary interfaces, it offers crucial insights into the behavior of black hole radiation and spacetime geometry.
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(1) Gopal Yadav, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology & Chennai Mathematical Institute.

Abstract & Introduction

Brief Review of Wedge Holography

Emerging Multiverse from Wedge Holography

Application to Information Paradox

Application to Grandfather Paradox


Acknowledgements and References

2 Brief Review of Wedge Holography

Figure 1: Description of wedge holography. Two d-dimensional Karch-Randall branes joined at the (d − 1) dimensional defect, Karch-Randall branes are embedded in (d + 1)-dimensional bulk.

Boundary description: CF Td−1 living on the wedge of common boundaries of two AdSd’s.

Intermediate description: Two Karch-Randall branes of geometry AdSd (Q1 and Q2) glued to each other at the interface point by a transparent boundary condition.

Bulk description: Einstein gravity in (d + 1)-dimensional bulk, AdSd+1.

Precisely, correspondence can be interpreted as: “Classical gravity in (d + 1)-dimensions has a holographic dual theory on the defect which is CFT in (d − 1)-dimensions”.

Wedge holography is useful in the computation of the Page curve of black holes. Let us understand this connection. In the intermediate description, we consider a black hole on Q2 whose Hawking radiation will be collected by weakly gravitating bath Q1 (i.e., T1 < T2). To calculate the entanglement entropy in the intermediate description, one is required to use the semiclassical formula:

where γ is the minimal surface in bulk. In wedge holography, there is one more extremal surface, Hartman-Maldacena surface [30], which starts at the defect, crosses the horizons, and meets its thermofield double. By plotting the entanglement entropies contributions of these surfaces, we can get the Page curve [2].

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.